◎サウジアラビアのTamerグループと独占契約  Mederiが発表

Mederi Therapeutics Inc

◎サウジアラビアのTamerグループと独占契約  Mederiが発表

AsiaNet 51077

共同JBN 1332(12.10.19)

◎サウジアラビアのTamerグループと独占契約  Mederiが発表

【グリニッジ(米コネティカット州)2012年10月19日PRN=共同JBN】Mederi Therapeutics Inc は19日、Farouq, Maamoun, Tamer & Co.との間でサウジアラビアにおける同社の最小侵襲性療法の独占契約を結んだと発表した。Mederiは、逆流性食道炎(GERD)を治療するためのStrettaシステムと便失禁、便通障害(BCD)用のSeccaシステムを製造している。



サウジアラビアのリヤドに住むムハンマド・Q教授は「私はStretta (http://www.stretta-therapy.com)の示したデータに大変驚き、自分がStrettaでやった処置を自分自身にやってみることに決めた。私は流動性食道炎の症状が何年も続いていた。Stretta治療を受けてすぐに、GERD症状から驚くほど解放された。自分でも治療の結果に大喜びしており、とりわけわれわれが処置した患者の治療結果を喜んでいる」と語った。





Mederi Therapeuticsは消化器系の病気を治療するために高周波エネルギーを利用する革新的な医療機器を製造、販売している。逆流性食道炎(GERD)用Strettaと便失禁、便通障害(BCD)用のSeccaの両システムは、消化器官のどちらかの終端にある括約筋に高周波エネルギーを与える通院患者向け治療法である。これら治療法は、これまでの薬物療法と侵襲性手術もしくは移植とのギャップを埋めるもので、効果的で複雑さのより少ない代替療法を提供している。StrettaとSeccaは、症状に関して永続的な安心感を与え、安全性と長期間の効果を示した多くの臨床研究によって強力に裏打ちされている。Mederiは米コネティカット州グリニッジに本社がある。


Sheila Doyle



ソース:Mederi Therapeutics Inc

Mederiの療法はすべて外来患者向けで最低侵襲性であり、急速な回復を促進する。Mederi Therapeuticsの所在地は米コネティカット州グリニッジ。 

AsiaNet 51077

Mederi Therapeutics Signs Exclusive Agreement With Farouq, Maamoun, Tamer & Co. to Distribute the New Stretta(R) and Secca(R) Systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

GREENWICH, Connecticut, Oct. 19, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Mederi Therapeutics Inc. today announced the signing of an exclusive agreement

with Farouq, Maamoun, Tamer & Co., for distribution of its minimally invasive

therapies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mederi manufactures the Stretta

System for treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and the Secca

System for Bowel Incontinence or Bowel Control Disorder (BCD).

"As a result of a very successful physician training workshop, in which all

patients treated with Stretta and Secca showed complete elimination of their

symptoms or marked improvement, Tamer is delighted to represent Mederi in the

KSA. The reaction of the physicians and patients to these treatments has been

tremendously enthusiastic," said Mr. Talaat El-Alfi, Managing Director -

Medical Division, of the Tamer Group.

The Stretta Physician Decides to Become the Stretta Patient

"I was so impressed with the data on Stretta (http://www.stretta-therapy.com

)and the treatments I performed that I decided to have Stretta performed on

me," said Professor Mohammad Q. from Riyadh, KSA. "I have suffered with

symptoms of GERD for many years. Shortly after my Stretta procedure, I had

remarkable relief of GERD symptoms." Professor Q. continued, "I couldn't be

more pleased with my own outcome, and especially with the outcomes of the

patients we treated."

Milestone Shows Rapid and Widespread International Adoption of Stretta and Secca

"The addition of KSA brings the number of countries where the new Stretta and

Secca are available to more than 35," stated Will Rutan, CEO of Mederi. "We are

very pleased with the rapid and widespread adoption of the second generation

Stretta and Secca systems," said Mr. Rutan.

Additional information is available at http://www.mederitherapeutics.com and



Mederi Therapeutics manufactures and markets innovative medical devices that

deliver radiofrequency energy to treat digestive diseases. Stretta for GERD,

and Secca for Bowel Incontinence, are outpatient treatments that deliver

radiofrequency energy to the sphincter muscles at either end of the digestive

system. These therapies bridge the gap between conservative or drug therapy and

invasive surgery or implants - offering effective and less complicated

alternatives. Stretta and Secca provide durable relief to symptoms and are

strongly backed by numerous clinical studies showing safety and long-term

effectiveness. Mederi is located in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Contact: Sheila Doyle



SOURCE: Mederi Therapeutics Inc




