


AsiaNet 50930

共同JBN 1289 (2012.10.19)




この新しい手法は、GfK Vereinとブランド・エクスペリエンス分野の最高権威であるスーザン・フォルニエ教授(ボストン大学)によって共同開発された。これは11カテゴリー、250以上のブランドを対象とした世界的規模の研究開発に基づいている。

GfKのイノベーション/ブランド&カスタマー・エクスペリエンスチーム グローバル・ディレクターであるジョン・ウィッテンブレーカー氏は次のように述べている。









John Wittenbraker



Amanda Wheeler


M: +44-7919-624-688


GfK 'Human Relationship' Model Reveals Connections That Drive Brand Success


NUREMBERG, Germany, Oct. 18 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -

     GfK is helping marketers drive brand momentum and market success by using

a 'human relationship' model that reveals consumers' emotional and social

connections with brands.  

     GfK has developed a new quantitative approach to brand and customer

management research based on the idea that human relationships serve as both

metaphors and templates to describe consumers' relationships with brands.  

     This new approach was developed in collaboration with the GfK Association

and Prof. Susan Fournier (Boston University), one of the foremost experts in

brand experience management.  It is based on an extensive global R&D initiative

across 11 categories and over 250 brands.  

     John Wittenbraker, Global Director of Innovation, Brand & Customer

Experience at GfK, explains, "Relationships are inherently emotional and social

- which are also the two most important engines of consumer behavior. And

relationship metaphors are intuitive for consumers and brand managers alike.

So, when we learn that some consumers view the brand as a 'Beloved Hero' versus

a 'Close Admired Partner', everyone understands the nuances - such as the

consumer expectations and permissions, and drivers of success and failure. This

approach moves us beyond the traditional brand funnel - and, because it

accounts for the lifespan of relationships that consumers have with brands, it

also delivers strategies for managing customer lifetime value, which are key to

long-term brand success."

     GfK has developed statistical models that identify which brand equities

(such as features, imagery, relationship dimensions) drive relationship growth

and decline. This is providing their clients with clear guidance on how to

improve brand management and customer experience. And their performance models

have already shown a clear connection between these brand relationships and

business outcomes.

     This model of consumer-brand relationships presents a much-needed common

language across advertising, brand and loyalty research - and is part of GfK's

focus on the close connections between brand and customer experiences.  

     About GfK

GfK is one of the world's largest research companies, with more than 11,500

experts working to discover new insights about the way people live, think and

shop, in over 100 markets, every day. To find out more, visit

http://www.gfk.com or follow GfK on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gfk_group


     John Wittenbraker



     Amanda Wheeler


     M: +44-7919-624-688

     SOURCE: GfK




