
Vertical Expo Services Co., Ltd


AsiaNet 51082

共同JBN 1334(12.10.19)


【香港2012年10月19日PRN=共同JBN】香港の展示会開催企業、Vertical Expo Services Co., Ltdはことし12月5日から7日まで、香港会議展覧中心を会場に、香港国際ベーカリーエキスポ(Hong Kong International Bakery Expo、IBE )を開催する。最初の2日間は業界関係者向け、最終日は一般に公開する。現時点での参加登録は極めて順調で、これは効率的で代表的なビジネスプラットフォームを探し求めてきた業界のニーズと期待を反映している。大手バイヤーのマクドナルド、Cathay Pacific Catering、Garden チームも既に参加を確約している。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/18/2012101814575271085.html

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/12/20120412123408652921-l.jpg

ベーカリーエキスポを主催するVertical Expo Services Co., Ltdの最高経営責任者(CEO)、ケニー・ロー(Kenny Lo)氏は次のように述べている。


ベーカリーエキスポは今後毎年、上流から下流までの市場参加者を網羅して業界に特化したイベントになる。製造機器、材料、道具、包装、冷蔵、そして最終製品である。現在進行する業界と市場情報の相互関係を持続し促進するため、IBEは「ケータリング」ではなく「ベーカリー」の立場をとる。アジア太平洋地域を中心に、6000社を超える製パン業者と販売業者が結集する見込みである。供給側からはFB Solution、The Baker’s Kingdomが展示会場で生産ラインを公開する。

この観点から、IBEは著名なベーカリー諸団体の後援を受けることを喜びとするものである。Hong Kong Bakery & Confectionery Association、Hong Kong Culture of Bakery & Confectionery Development Association、Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades、China Baked Food Industry Association、それにAll-China Bakery Associationの諸団体である。





Wilson Tong/Denise Ho



ソース: Vertical Expo Services Co., Ltd

The Long Awaited Bakery Expo Will Kick Off in Hong Kong This December


HONG KONG, Oct. 19, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Staging at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Vertical Expo will

pull off the event namely The Hong Kong International Bakery Expo (IBE) from

5-7 December this year while the first two days are open for trade visitors and

the third day for public admission. Registration has been very encouraging, as

reflected from the industry that it has always been a doubt for them to look

for an effective and representing trade platform for their bakery needs and

leads. Bulk buyers in the region like The McDonald's, Cathay Pacific Catering,

The Garden teams are already committed to come.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/18/2012101814575271085.html )

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/04/12/20120412123408652921-l.jpg )

"Asian countries, specifically mainland China, Hong Kong and Malaysia are

considered as the boomers on the forthcoming global sales growth as the dietary

habit and the culture is way more westernized in recent decade. All the leaders

in the market are eying on the 1.3 billion-populated market to grasp the

trend," said Kenny Lo, Chief Executive of Vertical Expo Services Co., Ltd,

organizer of the foremost Bakery trade show in the City.

The event will be a long-term project tailored to the industry annually to

agglomerate market suppliers from upstream to downstream including productions

facilities, ingredients, tools, packaging, cold storage and end products. To

sustain and facilitate the ongoing industry interaction and market

intelligence, IBE's position is to becoming the only platform of "Bakery"

instead of "Catering". Over 6,000 of the bakers and traders, particularly from

the Asia-Pacific region are expected to gather at this springboard. Suppliers

like FB Solution, The Baker's Kingdom are going to display their product lines

at the fairground.

With this vision, IBE is pleased to receive endorsement by reputable bakery

associations including the Hong Kong Bakery & Confectionery Association, the

Hong Kong Culture of Bakery & Confectionery Development Association, The Hong

Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades, China Baked Food Industry

Association, and All-China Bakery Association.

Other than the trade part, the organizer will host over 12 sessions of on-site

demonstrations and workshops, targeting to provide an area for the industry to

demonstrate latest skills and culture. Sugar art demonstration by master chefs

from England and US are one that audience could not miss!

For further information, please visit www.HKBakeryExpo.com.


Wilson Tong/Denise Ho



SOURCE:  Vertical Expo Services Co., Ltd




