
EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA


AsiaNet 51099

共同JBN 1347(12.10.23)


【フライエンバッハ(スイス)2012年10月23日】スイスのEffRx Pharmaceuticals SA (http://www.effrx.com) は、BINOSTO(商標、http://www.binosto.com)(一般名アレンドロン酸ナトリウム)発泡性錠剤の経口緩衝液(70mg)が米国で処方入手できるようになったと発表した。米食品医薬品局(FDA)は今年初め、閉経後の女性の骨粗しょう症治療、骨粗しょう症の男性の骨量増加向けにBINOSTO(商標、http://www.binosto.com)を認可した。


EffRx(http://www.effrx.com)のクリスター・ローゼン会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「わが社の初の製品であるBINOSTOが販売パートナーのMission Pharmacalによって米国で発売されたのは大変光栄だ。われわれは新しい事業段階に足を踏み入れており、BINOSTOが米国の健康管理共同体から受けた前向きの反応についてMissionからニュースを得て大変勇気づけられている。このエキサイティングな新しい治療オプションによって、骨粗しょう症患者を股関節や背骨の骨折から守れて飲みやすい、実証済みの治療薬を自分が処方していることを知って医師は心安らかに眠ることができる」と語っている。


また、EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA は北米以外の地域でのBINOSTO/Steovess (登録商標)(EX101)についての権利を再取得したと発表した。この開発、商業化権は当初はスイスのNycomed(2011年に武田薬品が買収)にライセンスされた。EffRxは欧州、ロシア、中東、アフリカ、中南米、アジア・太平洋のパートナーを通じてBINOSTO/Steovessを商業化する。ビジネス開発の問い合わせはLorenzo Bosisio, lbosisio@effrx.comへ。






EffRx Pharmaceuticals SAはスイス・フライエンバッハに本社を置く製薬会社である。同社は異なる発泡実行の新しい技術を利用して既存の大量医薬品を改善することを専門にしている。EffRxの主な重点事業は代謝性骨疾患、腫瘍の支持療法、小児医薬品、ライフサイクル管理の大手企業へのサポートである。同社についての詳しい情報はhttp://www.effrx.comを参照。

▽Mission Pharmacal(http://www.missionpharmacal.com)について

Mission Pharmacal は株式非公開の医薬品会社で、本社は米テキサス州サンアントニオ。65年以上にわたって同社は人生のすべての段階の女性、小児患者、泌尿器および皮膚科疾患に立ち向かう人々とのユニークな健康管理上の必要を満たすことにコミットしている。同社は満たされていない健康管理上の必要の特定、こうした必要を満たす革新的な処方薬、店頭渡し製品の開発では証明済みの実績がある。


  Lorenzo Bosisio

  VP Business Development and Marketing

  Wolleraustrasse 41B

  8807 Freienbach



ソース:EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA

BINOSTO(TM) - First and Only Buffered Effervescent Solution for the Treatment of Osteoporosis Launched in the USA


FREIENBACH, Switzerland, Oct. 23, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--

            EffRx to Regain Rights Outside of North America

    EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA [http://www.effrx.com ] is proud to announce that

BINOSTO(TM) [http://www.binosto.com ](alendronate sodium) Effervescent Tablet

for buffered oral solution (70 mg) is now available by prescription in the

United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration earlier this year approved

BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

and to increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis.

    BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]delivers the "gold standard" in

osteoporosis treatment and fracture risk reduction - alendronate sodium - in an

easy-to-swallow, buffered solution. BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]

represents a true breakthrough in the treatment of osteoporosis - especially

for those patients who prefer not to swallow tablets, or have difficulties

swallowing pills.

    "We are extremely proud having our first product, BINOSTO

[http://www.binosto.com ], launched in the United States by our distribution

partner Mission Pharmacal," said Christer Rosen, Chairman and CEO of EffRx

[http://www.effrx.com ]. "We are stepping into a new business phase and it is

very encouraging to get the news from Mission about the positive reaction

BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ] has received from the healthcare community in

the United States. With this exciting new treatment option, physicians can rest

easily, knowing they are prescribing an easy-to-take and proven therapy for

their osteoporosis patients that protects against fracture risk at the hip and


    For anyone with osteoporosis, the best protection against suffering from a

life-threatening fracture is taking medications as prescribed. However, studies

show that many patients have trouble swallowing pills, are not adherent to

therapy, and stop taking their medication. Taken just once a week, with a

reduced volume of water to drink and no risk of a tablet getting lodged in the

esophagus, BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ] has the potential to improve

long-term patient compliance and tolerability, thereby decreasing the risks of

disabling fractures.

    EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA [http://www.effrx.com ] also announces that it

will regain the rights to BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ] / Steovess(R)

(EX101) in territories outside of North America. The development and

commercialization rights were originally licensed to Nycomed (acquired by

Takeda in 2011). EffRx will commercialize BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ] /

Steovess(R) through partners in Europe, Russia, The Middle East, Africa, Latin

America and Asia-Pacific. For Business Development inquiries please contact:

Lorenzo Bosisio, lbosisio@effrx.com.

    About BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ] / STEOVESS(R)

    BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]is a once weekly, strawberry flavored

effervescent tablet containing alendronate 70mg that rapidly dissolves in half

a glass (4 oz. or 125 ml) of plain room temperature water to make a buffered

solution. BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]is available in the USA in cartons

containing four individual tablets.

    BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ](formerly EX101) was developed by EffRx

[http://www.effrx.com ] based on an agreement with Merck & Co, Inc. granting

EffRx the worldwide rights to all effervescent and related patents of FOSAMAX[]

(alendronate). Patents have been granted to EffRx [http://www.effrx.com ]

providing exclusivity for BINOSTO [http://www.binosto.com ]through February

2023. Additional patents are pending.

    In the European Union it is known under the name STEOVESS(R) and was

positively accepted under the decentralized procedure (DCP) for National

Approvals in December 2011. In the EU STEOVESS(R) is indicated for the

treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis.

    About EffRx [http://www.effrx.com ] EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA

[http://www.effrx.com ] is a drug delivery company based in Freienbach,

Switzerland. EffRx [http://www.effrx.com ] specializes in improving existing

high volume pharmaceutical products by utilizing its novel techniques in

different effervescent executions. The primary focus of EffRx

[http://www.effrx.com ] is in metabolic bone disease, oncology supportive care,

pediatric medications, and support to larger companies in Life Cycle

Management. For more information about the company, visit http://www.effrx.com

    About Mission Pharmacal [http://www.missionpharmacal.com ]

    Mission Pharmacal [http://www.missionpharmacal.com ] is a privately held

pharmaceutical company based in San Antonio, Texas. For more than 65 years, the

company has been committed to meeting the unique healthcare needs of women

throughout all stages of life, pediatric patients, and those persons dealing

with urologic and dermatologic conditions. The company has a proven track

record of identifying unmet healthcare needs and developing both innovative

prescription and over-the-counter products to meet these needs.


    Lorenzo Bosisio

    VP Business Development and Marketing

    Wolleraustrasse 41B

    8807 Freienbach



    SOURCE: EffRx Pharmaceuticals SA




