◎日本の財務業務に関するサンガードの調査によって キャッシュ/リスク管理の改善機会が明らかに


◎日本の財務業務に関するサンガードの調査によって キャッシュ/リスク管理の改善機会が明らかに

AsiaNet 51108





2012年10月24日東京 /PRニュースワイヤ/ -- 日本における企業財務管理業務に関するサンガードの調査の結果、日本の事業法人は、トレジャリー・テクノロジーを利用してキャッシュ管理とリスク管理に対するアプローチを改善強化することで飛躍的な競争優位を獲得する機会が得られることが明らかになりました。









この調査は、日本に本社を置く企業の70人の企業財務管理者を対象として実施されました。現在、1,100社を超える全世界の企業と、アジア/パシフィック地域の150社の企業が、AvantGard Treasuryソリューションを活用しています。


AvantGardソリューション・スイートは、信用リスク・モデリング、債権回収管理、財務リスク分析、キャッシュ管理、決済システム統合、決済執行などの機能から成り立っており、事業法人に直接、または取引銀行を通じて提供されます。AvantGardソリューションにより、複数の社内システムからのデータの一本化、ワークフローの迅速化、そして幅広い取引パートナー(例: 銀行、SWIFT、信用データ・プロバイダー、FXプラットフォーム、マネーマーケット、市況データ)との接続を実現することができます。このテクノロジーは、管理委託型のクラウド・サービス、財務業務管理、SWIFT運用、管理委託型の銀行接続、銀行のオン・ボーディング、そして、ベンダー登録などを含む、包括的なサービスによって支えられており、各分野のエキスパートから成るチームによって提供されます。

詳細は: www.sungard.com/avantgard をご覧ください。


サンガード(SunGard)は世界有数のソフトウェア/テクノロジー・サービス会社です。サンガードは、17,000人を超える従業員を擁し、顧客数は70か国以上で約25,000社に達しています。サンガードは、金融サービス、教育機関、および公共部門にソフトウェアとプロセッシング・ソリューションを提供しているほか、ディザスタ・リカバリ・サービス(障害復旧サービス)、IT運用管理サービス、情報可用性(IA)コンサルティング・サービス、事業継続管理ソフトウェアを提供しています。年間売上高が約45億ドルに達するサンガードは、非上場企業としては最大の業務用ソフトウェア/ITサービス会社であり、Fortune 500の480位にランクされています。

詳細は: www.sungard.com をご覧ください。

商標情報: SunGard、SunGardのロゴ、およびAvantGardは、米国およびその他の国におけるSunGard Data Systems Inc.またはその子会社の商標または登録商標です。その他すべての社名および商品名などは、それぞれの所有者の商標または登録商標です。


SunGard Study of Japanese Treasury Practices Reveals Opportunities to Improve Cash and Risk Management


TOKYO, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

A SunGard study on corporate treasury management practices in Japan has found

an opportunity to help corporations leapfrog over their competitors by

enhancing their approach to cash management and risk management with treasury


Japan is the world's third largest economy by GDP with a historically strong

domestic financial services industry.  However, Japanese companies have

recently faced the combined challenges of depressed demand and inflationary

pricing pressure created by the global economic downturn.  High levels of

government debt and credit downgrades have increased the cost of borrowing,

focusing attention on corporate liquidity and the importance of efficient cash


The key findings of the study are discussed in a series of five articles (


) recently released by SunGard:

  -- Japanese firms are primarily concerned with managing FX  

     risk exposure, followed by credit and interest rate risk.

     As a company's global exposure increases, FX volatility can

     have a greater impact on profits, product pricing, and

     performance.  A treasury management system (TMS) can help

     improve visibility and control in these areas.  Only 13%

     of Japanese companies already have plans to implement new


  -- 58% of Japanese companies reported that they do not use

     payment netting, which involves consolidating cash flows.

     Introducing cross-currency netting can help global firms

     carrying out multi-currency FX transactions to reduce FX


  -- Over half of respondents use domestic cash pooling and 11%

     use bank pooling for foreign currency, with  29% of respondents

     expressing concern about cash pooling arrangements. This

     suggests that treasurers could benefit from reviewing

     current arrangements with banking partners.  

  -- Credit risk is primarily managed with credit ratings data

     from an external information provider (49%) or managed

     internally on a case-by-case basis (26%).  Close to half of

     Japanese finance managers indicate that utilizing collection

     agencies is a significant priority suggesting that improved

     credit ratings could help improve transparency and auditability

     of credit decisions.

  -- 63% of treasurers in Japan use in-house spread sheets or

     databases as their primary treasury tools, which are

     time-consuming and error-prone.  There is a significant

     opportunity for these organizations to leverage more

     sophisticated technology to gain visibility into their

     cash position and process financial transactions such as

     FX, securities, derivatives and commodities.

Yohjiroh Yanagi, vice president of corporate liquidity, SunGard's AvantGard

Japan, said, "The results of this survey demonstrate that forward-thinking

Japanese corporations are looking to gain a competitive advantage by enhancing

their use of treasury technology to manage FX and credit risk. They are also

migrating away from spread sheets to reduce the time required to gain

visibility into their cash position."

The study included 70 corporate treasurers at firms headquartered in Japan.  

More than 1,100 companies around the world, and 150 companies in the

Asia/Pacific region, rely on AvantGard Treasury solutions.

About SunGard's AvantGard

The AvantGard solution suite includes credit risk modeling, collections

management, treasury risk analysis, cash management, payments system

integration, and payments execution delivered directly to corporations or via

banking partners. AvantGard solutions help consolidate data from multiple

in-house systems, drive workflow and provide connectivity to a broad range of

trading partners including banks, SWIFT, credit data providers, FX platforms,

money markets, and market data. The technology is supported by a full range of

services, including managed cloud services, treasury operations management,

SWIFT administration, managed bank connectivity, bank on-boarding, and vendor

enrollment, and is delivered by a team of domain experts. For more information,

visit www.sungard.com/avantgard.

About SunGard

SunGard is one of the world's leading software and technology services

companies. SunGard has more than 17,000 employees and serves approximately

25,000 customers in more than 70 countries. SunGard provides software and

processing solutions for financial services, education and the public sector.

SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services,

information availability consulting services and business continuity management

software. With annual revenue of about $4.5 billion, SunGard is the largest

privately held software and services company and is ranked 480 on the Fortune

500. For more information, please visit www.sungard.com.

Trademark Information: SunGard, the SunGard logo and AvantGard are trademarks

or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in

the U.S. and other countries.  All other trade names are trademarks or

registered trademarks of their respective holders.

SOURCE:  SunGard




