◎EFによる世界最大規模の英語力調査: 日本人の英語レベルは低いという調査結果

EF Education First

◎EFによる世界最大規模の英語力調査: 日本人の英語レベルは低いという調査結果

AsiaNet 51093



EFによる世界最大規模の英語力調査: 日本人の英語レベルは低いという調査結果

東京, 2012年10月24日 /PRNewswire



EFが実施した世界最大規模の英語力指標調査(EF EPI)によると、日本の成人の英語力は先進国の平均水準以下という結果になった。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/16/20121016165837882020.html )

EF英語力指標調査(EF EPI)では、日本を地域別で見ると、東京はシンガポールと同等の高スコアであったが、四国、九州地方は英語力が低く、フランスと同レベルという結果になった。

EF英語力指標調査(EF EPI)は世界最大の民間教育機関であるイー・エフ・エデュケーション・ファーストにより、世界170万人の成人に対して実施された。

日本のEF EPIスコアは55.14点で、調査が実施された54カ国の中で22位に位置している。 シンガポールより10位下回るが、韓国とほぼ同レベルで、中国や台湾を上回るランクである。しかし、経済協力開発機構(OECD)の加盟国の平均スコアが58.58点という結果から見ると、日本はそれを下回るレベルということになる 。





EF英語力指標調査(EF EPI)のグローバルレポート及び日本のデータは(www.efjapan.co.jp/epi/)を参照。

EF Education Firstについて

EF Education Firstは、「言語・文化・地理的条件の違いによって起こる壁を崩す」ことをミッションとして、1965年に設立された世界最大級の国際教育機関です。EFでは、これまでに1500万人もの方々の語学習得と留学をサポートしてきました。EFは、語学研修、研修旅行、学位取得、文化交流などの事業に特化した教育機関で、世界最大級のオンライン英会話スクールEnglishtown(www.englishtown.co.jp/)を含む、400以上の学校やオフィスを世界中で運営しています。(www.efjapan.co.jp/)EFは2014年に開催されるソチ冬季オリンピックの公式な語学研修提供機関として英語トレーニングの準備を進めています。EFでは、成人の英語能力を国別に表すという、これまでに見られなかったEPI英語力指標(www.efjapan.co.jp/epi/)を出版しています。


イー・エフ・エデュケーション・ファースト・ジャパン株式会社 小池 浩

電話:   +81-3-5774-6206

Email: hiroshi.koike@ef.com

出所:EF Education First


ソース  イー・エフ・ エデュケーション・ファースト

EF World's Biggest Language Survey: Japan Results Disappointing


TOKYO, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Japan well below rich-country average in English

- But Tokyo as good at English as Singapore

Japanese adults score well below the rich-country average when it comes to

English proficiency, according to the world's largest survey of English

language ability.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/16/20121016165837882020.html )

But Tokyo is as good at English as Singapore, while people in Shikoku, which

comes bottom, are at a similar level to France, according to the Japanese

results for the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI).

The EF EPI is a survey of 1.7 million adults by EF Education First, the world's

biggest privately owned education company.

Japan's overall EPI score of 55.14 puts it in 22nd place out of 54 countries

and territories in the index - ten places below Singapore, but neck and neck

with South Korea and above mainland China and Taiwan. Japan is significantly

below the average of 58.58 for the developed nations in the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development.

"Japan's English scores are disappointing - particularly when compared to the

astoundingly high quality of achievement in math and reading, which is

consistently demonstrated in international tests," says Kate Bell, author of

the report. "The Japanese government has placed great emphasis on English study

in recent years, and millions of ordinary people have enthusiastically taken up

the cause through private lessons," she adds. "But an over-emphasis on rote

learning, relatively low levels of exposure to foreigners in everyday life, and

teacher-student relationships which impede conversation practice all contribute

to the problem."

However, a detailed breakdown by location, sex and age reveals striking

findings. Tokyo, where local people have more contact with English-speaking

tourists and business people, scores higher than Kyoto and Osaka. Outside these

cities, Kanto people are better at English than Kansai people. Hokkaido does

better than Kyushu, which is at a similar level to Shikoku. Women are slightly

better at English than men - reflecting the popularity among females in

learning English as a hobby.

Young people are the best at English, with the middle-aged in the middle and

older people the worst. This suggests some progress by the Japanese high school

system in teaching English - though from a low starting-point. The Japanese

government has tried to increase pupils' practical English ability in everyday

situations - by hiring teaching assistants from English-speaking countries, for


However, the scores by age may also indicate that once they have left the

education system, people are failing to improve their English skills through

further study. This age profile is in sharp contrast to China, where English

proficiency steadily rises to a peak in ability among people in their early

thirties - indicating an enthusiasm among young adults for improving their


The EFI EPI global report and country sheet for Japan can be found at


Notes to editors

About the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI)

The EF EPI is a study of English proficiency among 1.7 million adults in 54

countries.  The first EF EPI was published in 2011. The EF EPI evaluates test

takers in grammar, vocabulary, reading, and listening comprehension.  The full

report, including country fact sheets, can be found at www.ef.com/epi.

About EF Education First

EF Education First (EF) was established in 1965 with the mission to break down

the barriers of language, culture and geography. With 400 schools and offices

in 55 countries, EF specializes in language learning, educational travel,

academic degrees, and cultural exchange programs.



EF Education First


SOURCE:  EF Education First




