◎2012年CGAP写真コンテストの優勝者を発表  CGAP


◎2012年CGAP写真コンテストの優勝者を発表  CGAP

AsiaNet 51137

共同JBN 1366(2012.10.24)

◎2012年CGAP写真コンテストの優勝者を発表  CGAP

【ワシントン2012年10月24日PRN=共同JBN】2012年CGAP写真コンテストの優勝者はトルコのヤブズ・サリイルディズ(Yavuz Sariyildiz)氏に決まった。同氏の写真は、世界80カ国のプロフェッショナルおよびアマチュア写真家が応募した2500点という記録的な数の作品から選ばれた。同氏の写真「Smoke of Charcoal(木炭の煙)」は、地元市場で売るために木炭を大きさによって分別する人々を描いている。



 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121023/MM97983

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110412/MM81963LOGO


審査員はこのほか、世界から集まった28点の写真を最終選考に選んだ。作品は、金融包摂の実態を伝える技術的な手腕、心理面に与える影響、能力が際立っていた。特に注目すべきは、第3位に選ばれた中国のワン・シャオホン(Wang Xiaohong)氏の「Happiness(幸福)」で、審査団は作品が放つ感情的エネルギーを称賛した。





CGAP写真コンテストの詳細については、Jeanette Thomas(jthomas1@worldbank.org)まで電子メールで問い合わせを。


CGAP(The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)はマイクロファイナンスを推進する世界的に有力な組織である。CGAPは、世界の貧しい人々のために金融へのアクセスを効果的に拡大する目的で、客観的情報、専門的見解、革新的なソリューションを金融業界、政府、投資家に提供する。詳細はhttp://www.cgap.orgを参照。


Jeanette Thomas

Office +1-202-473-8869,

Cell +1-202-744-4829,



CGAP Announces Winner of 2012 Photography Contest


WASHINGTON, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The winner of the 2012 CGAP Photo Contest is Yavuz Sariyildiz of Turkey.

His photo won out over a record number of 2,500 entries from professional and

non-professional photographers from over 80 countries around the world. The

photo, "Smoke of Charcoal," depicts men separating charcoal to scale in order

to sell at a local market.

    To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click:


    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121023/MM97983 )

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110412/MM81963LOGO )

    "I started photography in 2004. Immediately, it became a passion," said

Sariyildiz, who was previously assistant general manager responsible for small

and medium enterprises at a leading Turkish bank. "After 25 years of my banking

career I quit in 2009. Now I am a full time freelance photographer."

    The judges also selected 28 other photos from around the world as

finalists, which were highlighted for their technical skill, emotional impact

or ability to convey the story of financial inclusion. Of particular note was

the third prize winner, "Happiness," from Wang Xiaohong of China, which the

judging panel commended for its emotional energy.

    For a gallery and full list of winners, please visit


    Photographers from over 80 countries made this the most competitive year so

far in the Contest, now in its seventh year. Entries were judged on

originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, and artistic

merit. The panel of judges consisted of Anne Farrar, Photo Editor at The

Washington Post, Chris Combs, Photo Editor at National Geographic, Suzanne

Lemakis, Director of Fine Art at Citigroup, and Susan Sterner, Director of New

Media Photojournalism at the Corcoran School of Art and Design.

    The annual CGAP Photo Contest aims to highlight stand-out photography from

amateurs and professionals showcasing the different ways in which poor

households use microfinance and how financial inclusion can improve the lives

of the poor. This year's grand prize is a $2,000 gift certificate for

photography equipment and accessories.

    Email Jeanette Thomas [jthomas1@worldbank.org ] at jthomas1@worldbank.org

for further inquiries about the annual CGAP Photo Contest.

    About CGAP

    CGAP (The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) is the world's leading

resource for the advancement of microfinance. CGAP provides the financial

industry, governments and investors with objective information, expert opinion,

and innovative solutions to effectively expand access to finance for poor

people around the world. More information: http://www.cgap.org


    Jeanette Thomas

    Office +1-202-473-8869,

    Cell +1-202-744-4829,






