


AsiaNet 51102

共同JBN 1346(12.10.24)


【ロンドン2012年10月24日PRN=共同JBN】英国政府観光庁の「VisitBritain」はこのほど、1億2500万ポンドをかけた「GREAT Britain, You're Invited(イギリスからの招待状)」キャンペーンの後援団体としてHostelworld.com(http://www.hostelworld.com)を指名した。この共同キャンペーンは自立心旺盛な若者旅行客を取り込む狙いで、英国を必見の旅行先として促進し、Hostelworld.com(http://www.hostelworld.com)が提供する幅広い宿泊施設のネットワークを利用して英国を見ようと呼びかけるもの。この発表は2012年に行われた Travel Survey(注1)でHostelworld.comが「Most Trusted Hostel Booking Website(最も信頼されているホステル予約サイト)」として選ばれた直後に行われている。

政府観光庁が2015年までにさらに460万人多くの海外訪問客を誘致しようとしている英国にとって、不況に強い低額の若者旅行マーケットはますます重要な分野になっている。世界経済の成長が止まっている現在、多くの旅行者は宿泊施設を値段で選んでいる。2012年にTravel Surveyが調べたところによれば、旅行者の90%近くが1部屋1泊に100ドル以上はかけないと答えており、その多くは好きな場所で休日を過ごすためなら、宿泊費を削ることもやぶさかではないとしている。(注1)




注1:Hostelworld.comとロンリープラネット(Lonely Planet)の世界調査で141カ国5000人以上を調査した。



Kirstyn MacRandal




Great Britain, You're Invited


LONDON, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   - VisitBritain teams up with Hostelworld.com (http://www.hostelworld.com) to

launch GB tourism campaign

     VisitBritain has appointed Hostelworld.com to support its GBP125m "GREAT

Britain, You're Invited" programme. Targeted at independent and youth

travellers, the joint campaign will promote Britain as a must-see destination

and encourage travellers to explore the UK using a wide network of

accommodation available on Hostelworld.com (http://www.hostelworld.com). This

comes shortly after Hostelworld.com was voted "Most Trusted Hostel Booking

Website" in a 2012 Travel Survey.[1]

     The resilient budget and youth travel market is an increasingly important

segment for Britain as the national tourism agency looks to attract an extra

4.6 million overseas visitors by 2015. With global economic growth still

subdued, many travellers are choosing accommodation abroad based on cost.

According to 2012 Travel Survey nearly 90% of travellers questioned will not

pay over $US100 per night for a room and with a majority willing to reduce

accommodation costs to have their holiday of choice.[1]

     The marketing campaign supporting the partnership will be rolled out early

2013, initially focusing on the highly important German market. Germany

accounts for 10% of visits to the UK, with nearly three million German

travellers spending GBP1.25billion in 2011. Holiday visits from 16-34 year olds

from Germany have also been rising over the last few years (up 17% compared to

2004), while there has also been 29% growth in the number of younger Germans

staying in hostel/university accommodation.[2]

     Feargal Mooney, CEO for Hostelworld.com (http://www.hostelworld.com):

"We're proud to be VisitBritain's partner of choice in this exciting

initiative. As the most trusted hostel booking site[1], we look forward to

promoting the value that hostels represent and the opportunity this gives

people to travel to the UK more frequently, stay longer and see more, than they

would otherwise be able to afford to do."

     Director of Marketing at VisitBritain, Laurence Bresh: "Hostelworld.com

offers a great range of rooms for travellers coming to the UK, with a great

regional spread providing the chance for visitors to experience our history,

culture and lush countryside. Alongside fantastic bargains and great social

atmosphere, visitors will find modern and innovative accommodation on offer

that includes private rooms, ensuites and Wi-Fi."


     1. Global study from Hostelworld.com and Lonely Planet questioned over

        5000 people in 141 countries.

     2. Analysis taken from annual data set of Office for National Statistics

        International Passenger Survey, which measures characteristics and

        numbers of inbound visitors to the UK each year.

     CONTACT: Kirstyn MacRandal



      SOURCE: Hostelworld.com




