
The International Tobacco Growers' Association

AsiaNet 51172

共同JBN 1382 (2012.10.30)


【ロンドン2012年10月29日PRN=共同JBN】世界のタバコ耕作農家は29日、最初のWorld Tobacco Growers' Day(世界タバコ耕作者の日、#WTGD、http://www.twitter.com/tobaccogrowers)を記念して世界各地で行われる何十というイベントに参加し、2週間後に迫ったタバコ規制枠組み条約(FCTC)の締結国会議で世界保健機関(WHO)の提案が通れば、彼らの暮らしに悲惨な影響がもたらされると強く訴える。

International Tobacco Growers Association(ITGA、国際たばこ耕作者組合)の最高経営責任者(CEO)アントニオ・アブルニョーザ氏は「われわれはわれわれの農場が社会に対して貢献していることを祝い、指導者に対してわれわれの側につき、われわれの声を聞き、われわれの生き方を守るためにわれわれに共に働く機会を与えるよう要請する」と述べた。アブルニョーザ氏はこのイベントを世界的に開催し、耕作者のメッセージとして来月、韓国ソウルで開催されるFCTCの第5回締約国会議(COP5)で呼び掛ける予定。











さらに詳しい情報またはアントニオ・アブルニョーザ(Antonio Abrunhosa)氏とのインタビューの段取りは以下の問い合わせ先まで。

John Read

M: +44-7774476391


ソース:The International Tobacco Growers' Association

ITGA Leads First-Ever World Tobacco Growers' Day to Unite Farmers, Protect 30 Million Jobs




          Abrunhosa Calls on Government Leaders to Join Farmers

                   and 'Step Back from the WHO Abyss'

    To mark the first-ever World Tobacco Growers' Day (#WTGD

[http://www.twitter.com/tobaccogrowers ]) today, tobacco farmers across the

globe are taking part in dozens of events to highlight the disastrous impact

World Health Organisation proposals will have on their livelihoods if passed by

parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in just two

weeks' time.

    "We're celebrating the benefits our farms bring to our communities and

asking our leaders to stand with us, to hear our voices, and to give us the

opportunity to work together to protect our way of life," said Antonio

Abrunhosa, chief executive officer of the International Tobacco Growers

Association (ITGA). Abrunhosa is leading the events worldwide and plans to

carry the growers' message to the FCTC's Fifth Conference of the Parties (COP5)

in Seoul, Korea next month.

    WTGD begins an annual effort to bring together the world's 30 million

tobacco growers. Events in dozens of countries across four continents today

demonstrate the social and economic contribution farmers make to their

communities, to remember the heritage of this sector and to educate the public

about the issues impacting their livelihoods.

    The 2012 WTGD events focus on the threat currently facing the world's

tobacco farmers from the FCTC. At COP5 it will vote on recommendations to:


    - Artificially limit or reduce the land to cultivate and deny farmers the

      right to grow tobacco

    - Regulate the seasons of the year in which tobacco farming is allowed

    - Ban tobacco famers from working with their clients to improve crops

      yields, health and safety conditions and the crops environmental impacts

      to improve practices, health and safety conditions, prevent labor

      abuses, and minimize environmental impact

    - Dismantle the bodies relating tobacco farmers with their governments

    - Introduce mandatory "rehabilitation programs" that would force growers

      into other crops, regardless of the economic viability of that crop

    "We are also asking governments to join us today and step back from the WHO

abyss and protect, not penalise, poor tobacco farmers," Abrunhosa said. He

pointed out that these recommendations run contrary to the original intent of

the FCTC's treaty, which was to provide "technical and financial assistance to

aid the economic transition of tobacco growers and workers" if and when a

decline in tobacco consumption results in lower demand for the crop.

    "These draconian proposals are putting tobacco farmers under unprecedented

attack from bureaucrats who are looking to artificially reduce the supply of

tobacco without providing growers any viable alternatives to support their

families," said Abrunhosa. "Contrary to FCTC's claims, not a single smoker will

stop smoking because of these proposals. All they will do is spread misery

among farmers and their families in some of the least developed countries in

the world. We are asking the FCTC to respect its own principles and accept

growers' knowledge and opinion on issues that impact their livelihoods."

    Visit the ITGA media hub for more information on WTGD and the FCTC

proposals: http://protectfarmers.tobaccoleaf.org/media-hub.aspx

    More information about ITGA is available at:


   [http://www.tobaccoleaf.org/#?IDP=0&P=2 ]

    For further information or to arrange an interview with

    Antonio Abrunhosa, please contact:

    John Read

    M: +44-7774476391


    SOURCE:  The International Tobacco Growers' Association




