


AsiaNet 51155



Blue Jeansネットワークとの戦略的提携関係を活用してアジア太平洋地域で展開


2012年10月30日シンガポール /PRニュースワイヤ・アジア/--  ウエスト・コーポレーションの子会社で世界最大規模の会議サービスプロバイダーであるInterCall(以下「インターコール社」という)は本日、強力な電話・ウェブ会議サービスを含むインターコール社の主力サービスの補完として、複数拠点のユーザーとの電話会議を可能とするBlue Jeansのサービスを開始すると発表しました。


インターコール社アジア太平洋部門のユニファイド・コミュニケーション部長Jon Bratsis氏は「Blue Jeansのサービスはテレビ会議の障害となる問題を取り除きます。様々なデバイスやアプリケーションからの会議への参加を可能にすることで、テレビ会議の可能性はこれまで以上に広がります」と話しています。

Blue Jeansのプラットフォームは費用効率の良い拡張性あるソリューションで、企業の内外を問わずコラボレーションを容易にします。安全性の高いサービスによりテレビ会議の範囲が専用の会議室を越えて広がり、動画通信ツールや一般電話回線など、場所やデバイスを気にすることなく同僚や顧客と接続することができるようになります。クラウドベースのサービスであるBlue Jeansを利用することで、お客様は従来の現場でのブリッジングソリューション(一般的に「多地点接続装置」あるいは「MCU」と呼ばれる)に関連する割高なコストや複雑性を回避することができます。

Blue Jeansネットワークの事業開発部長を務めるImran Moin氏は「インターコール社と提携することで当社は、簡単で使いやすいテレビ会議ソリューションを必要としているお客様をより多く獲得することができます。Blue Jeansのプラットフォームはクラウドベースであるため、新しいハードウェアを配付したりソフトウェアをダウンロードしたりする必要がありません。たった数回のクリックでビデオ会議のスケジューリングから、開催、参加まで簡単に実行することができるようになります」とコメントしています。


Blue Jeansの電話会議サービスについて、詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。http://www.intercallapac.com/bluejeans.






ウエストはネブラスカ州オマハを本拠地として1986年に設立されました。フォーチュン1000に掲載される企業を中心として電話通信、銀行、金融、小売、ハイテク、ヘルスケアなど様々な産業に顧客基盤を持ち、米国、カナダ、欧州、中東、アジア太平洋、中南米に事業展開しています。ウエスト・コーポレーションについての詳細は1-800-841-9000 まで電話で問い合わせるか、ホームページ www.west.comをご覧ください。


InterCall Provides Powerful Video Conferencing Capabilities to Business Customers


SINGAPORE, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Leverages strategic partnership with Blue Jeans Network in Asia Pacific

Cloud-based Service Makes Video Conferencing as Accessible, Easy-to-Use as


InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation and the world's largest

conferencing and collaboration services provider announced today the

availability of the Blue Jeans service in Asia Pacific, supplementing

InterCall's leading portfolio of audio and web conferencing portfolio with Blue

Jeans' robust multi-party video conferencing.

By leveraging the partnership with Blue Jeans Network, the leader in

interoperable video conferencing services, InterCall, allows users to engage in

easy-to-use, interoperable video collaboration using a variety of leading

devices and applications from Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Polycom, Skype, and

even common web browsers. The platform is cloud-based, and customers familiar

with InterCall's audio conferencing solutions will find it just as accessible

and easy to use.

"The Blue Jeans offering eliminates the challenges that make video conferencing

difficult," said Jon Bratsis, Director of Unified Communications for InterCall

in Asia Pacific. "By allowing users to join a meeting from various devices and

applications, video conferencing is now a more viable meeting choice than ever


The Blue Jeans platform provides a cost-effective, scalable solution that

enables workers to collaborate within the enterprise and beyond. The secure

service extends the reach of video conferencing beyond specialized rooms so

colleagues and clients can connect without worrying about location or device,

including any video-enabled tool or a standard phone line. As a cloud-based

offering, Blue Jeans allows customers to avoid the high costs and complexities

associated with traditional on-premise bridging solutions (commonly known as

multipoint control units, or MCUs).

"Partnering with InterCall allows us to serve more customers who are in need of

easy-to-use and accessible video conferencing solutions," said Imran Moin,

Director of Business Development at Blue Jeans Network. "Since the Blue Jeans

platform is cloud-based, there is no new hardware to deploy or software to

download. A few clicks is all it takes to schedule, host, join and run

video-enabled meetings."

This new offering marks yet another significant business milestone for

InterCall, which works with the top companies in the conferencing and

collaboration field, including Adobe, Cisco, Microsoft and Polycom. The broad

range of offerings, coupled with the high standards of service delivery helped

InterCall maintain industry leadership in the region, evidenced by receipt of

the Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Conferencing Provider of the Year award for

the fifth consecutive year in 2012.

For more information about the Blue Jeans video conferencing service, visit


About InterCall

InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation, is the largest service provider in

the world specializing in conference communications. Founded in 1991, InterCall

helps businesses move away from a siloed approach to communications, and

towards making people and ideas more accessible. InterCall combines telephony,

messaging, conferencing and collaboration tools into a single fabric, while

focusing on making the user experience simple. With a global footprint and

broad service capabilities, InterCall's flexible models for hosted, managed and

on-premises services help companies get the most out of their business


InterCall's strong U.S. presence, including four call centers and 26 sales

offices, is bolstered by operations in Canada, Mexico, Latin America, the

Caribbean, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Australia, New

Zealand, Mainland China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. For more

information, please visit www.intercallapac.com.

About West Corporation

West Corporation is a leading provider of technology-driven, voice and data

solutions. West offers its clients a broad range of communications and network

infrastructure solutions that help them manage or support critical

communications. West's customer contact solutions and conferencing services are

designed to improve its clients' cost structure and provide reliable,

high-quality services. West also provides mission-critical services, such as

public safety and emergency communications.

Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, West serves Fortune 1000

companies and other clients in a variety of industries, including

telecommunications, banking, retail, financial, technology and healthcare. West

has sales and operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East,

Asia Pacific and Latin America. For more information on West Corporation,

please call 1-800-841-9000 or visit www.west.com.

SOURCE:  InterCall




