◎大統領選挙を前に、アメリカン・ドリームが危機に  Legatum Prosperity Index

Legatum Institute

◎大統領選挙を前に、アメリカン・ドリームが危機に  Legatum Prosperity Index

AsiaNet 51148

共同JBN 1374 (2012.10.31)








*Legatum Prosperity Index(レガタム繁栄指数、登録商標)は世界地図を刷新し、国々が共有する特性に従って新しい大陸へ各国をグループ化。

米大統領選挙運動が白熱化する中、「アメリカン・ドリーム」が危機にさらされていることがLegatum Institute(レガタム研究所)のProsperity Index(繁栄指数、登録商標)の最新調査で明らかになった。米国は世界の繁栄国ランキングで12位へと未曾有(みぞう)の転落、指数を構成する8副指数のうち5副指数で順位を落とした。(注1)



Legatum Prosperity Index(登録商標)は世界142カ国の豊かさと暮らしやすさをユニークな方法で厳格に評価している。8つの調査項目があり、それぞれ経済、教育、起業家精神・機会、ガバナンス、健康、個人の自由度、安全・治安、社会資本となっている。

Legatum Instituteのジェフリー・ゲドミン所長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「Legatum Prosperity Index(登録商標)は、物質的な豊かさについての従来の尺度に加えて、安全意識から個人の自由度の受け止め方までの市民の暮らしやすさの感覚を取りまとめ、何が国家を本当の成功に導くかという包括的な構図を描いている。国内総生産(GDP)だけでは繁栄を完全に把握できない」と述べた。

今年のLegatum Prosperity Index(登録商標)は初めて世界地図を描き直し、各国が共有する特性に基づいて6つの新大陸に国々を分類した。その地図はhttp://press.prosperity.com/Prosperity_Index_Infographic.pngを参照。





Shazia Ejaz

+44(0)20-7148-5422 / shazia.ejaz@li.com

Emily Fingland / Alexandra Kent

+44(0)1273-716820 / teamlegatuminstitute@manbitesdog.com


*Legatum Prosperity Indexの全文(国ごとのファクトシートを含む)




▽Legatum Prosperity Index(登録商標)について

Legatum Prosperity Index(登録商標)は、豊かさと暮らしやすさに基づいて各国の繁栄を独自の方法で評価。調査開始から6年目の今年は142カ国を査定した。これは世界の人口の96%以上、世界のGDPの99%に該当する。指数は厳格な調査と分析により、8つの副指数の達成度に基づいて各国をランク付けしている。


ソース:Legatum Institute

Latest Legatum Prosperity Index(TM): American Dream at Risk in Key Election Year


LONDON, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Full release available at: http://www.prosperity.com


    - US drops out of global prosperity 'top ten' for the first time,

      and falls

      eight places in 'Entrepreneurship & Opportunity' sub-index.

    - Fewer US citizens agree that working hard results in success.

    - Asian 'Tiger Cub' countries climbing Index rankings quickly.

    - European Economy score drops as Euro crisis continues.

    - Scandinavian countries lead worldwide prosperity rankings.

    - Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) redraws world map, grouping new

      continents together according to shared attributes between


    As the race for the White House reaches fever pitch, the latest findings

from the Legatum Institute's Prosperity Index(TM) reveal that the American

Dream is in jeopardy. In an unprecedented fall, America drops to twelfth

position in the worldwide prosperity rankings - with weakening performance

across five of the Index's eight sub-categories.[1]

    Meanwhile, Scandinavian countries prosper most, with Norway, Denmark and

Sweden topping the overall Index (first, second and third). A new generation of

Asian 'Tiger Cubs' has also emerged, with Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and

Indonesia all scaling the rankings.

    In Europe, overall prosperity has increased, with Ireland, the Netherlands,

Ireland and Germany climbing the rankings (now eighth, tenth and 14th

respectively). However, more than two thirds (24 out of 33) of European

countries have seen their Economy score decline since 2009.

    The Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) is a unique and robust assessment of

global wealth and wellbeing, which benchmarks 142 countries around the world in

eight categories: Economy; Education; Entrepreneurship & Opportunity;

Governance; Health; Personal Freedom; Safety & Security; and Social Capital.

    Jeffrey Gedmin, President and CEO of the Legatum Institute, said: "The

Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) allows us to paint a comprehensive picture of what

makes a country truly successful, encompassing traditional measures of material

wealth, as well as capturing citizens' sense of wellbeing - from how safe they

feel, to their perceived personal freedom. GDP alone can never offer a complete

view of prosperity."

    This year, the Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) has for the first time redrawn

the world map, pulling nations into six new continents based on shared

attributes. To view the map, visit:


    To see the overall rankings, sub-index scores and to compare countries and

years, visit: http://www.prosperity.com

    Notes to Editors

    Further information available by request:


    - Full Legatum Prosperity Index (including country factsheets)

    - Sub-index breakdown

    - Full report

    - Regional analysis

    About the Legatum Prosperity Index(TM)

    The Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) is a unique global assessment of national

prosperity based on wealth and wellbeing. In its 6th year, the Index assesses

142 countries, representing more than 96% of the world's population and 99% of

the world's GDP. Using rigorous research and analysis, the Index ranks

countries based on their performance in eight sub-indices.

    [1]Full definitions of the eight sub-indices available at


    Media enquiries


    For more information or to arrange an interview with Jeffrey Gedmin,


    Shazia Ejaz



    Emily Fingland / Alexandra Kent



    SOURCE: Legatum Institute




