◎「Smiling China」特別塗装の10機目のB777-300ER機を受け取る  エアチャイナ


◎「Smiling China」特別塗装の10機目のB777-300ER機を受け取る  エアチャイナ

AsiaNet 51211

共同JBN 1392 (2012.10.31)

【北京2012年10月30日PRN=共同JBN】中国国際航空(エアチャイナ)は30日に米国シアトルで行われた式典で新しいB777-300ER旅客機を受け取った。このB777-300ER機は「Smiling China」の名にふさわしい特別塗装が施されている。この旅客機はエアチャイナに引き渡される19機のB777-300ER機で10機目にあたる。これらの旅客機は北米、欧州でのエアチャイナの基盤と国際市場で競争力をさらに強化することになる。

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2008/12/26/200812261146.jpg

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/30/20121030174317309441.html


エアチャイナのアシスタント・プレジデントであるツァン・ヤン氏は「中国のエアライン業界は何年にもわたって、中国と他の国との協力、交歓促進に重要な役割を果たしてきた。エアチャイナの『Smiling China』旅客機が笑顔の中国を世界に届けることで、橋渡しと結びつきになれるよう、また、より多くの乗客が当社のB777-300ER機を体験できるチャンスがあるよう望んでいる」と語った。


ソース:Air China

Air China Takes "Smiling China" -- its 10th B777-300ER into its Fleet


BEIJING, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

At a ceremony held today in Seattle, US, Air China received a newly delivered

B777-300ER which has a special livery reflecting is name - "Smiling China". It

is also the 10th of the 19 B777-300ERs to be delivered to Air China. These

aircraft will further cement Air China's foothold in North America and Europe

and enhance the carrier's competitive edge in the international market.

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2008/12/26/200812261146.jpg )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/30/20121030174317309441.html )

This aircraft with special livery is a joint creation by Air China and Boeing

to do justice to this year which marks the 40th anniversary of Boeing's entry

into China. Featuring 40 Chinese smiling, confident faces on the fuselage, the

livery is meant to get across the message that China is a confident, sincere,

friendly and optimistic country, and the airline industry of China has been

playing an important role in forging closer ties between China and the rest of

the world. The 40 faces are those of 20 recognized staff members of Air China

and 20 netizens. Each of them has interesting stories to tell about China's

airline industry -- they are pilots who have flown all over the world, ground

handling staff who make sure that everything goes without a hitch, technicians

who take good care of the aircraft and passengers who have seen the world.

Zhang Yang, Assistant President of Air China, said, "Over the years, the rapid

development of China's airline industry has been playing an important role in

promoting the cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries. We

hope that Air China's 'Smiling China' aircraft can be a bridge and a tie,

bringing a smiling China to the world. We also hope that more passengers will

have opportunities to experience our B777-300ER."

Of the long-haul, twin-engine airliners, B777-300ER delivers good fuel burn and

noise performance, which is in line with Air China's commitment to the concept

of "green flight". The aircraft type is expected to better meet the needs of

business travelers and raise the bar for comfort in business travel. Currently,

Air China is using its B777-300ERs on international routes from Beijing to

Frankfurt, Los Angeles and Paris as well as on the domestic trunk routes from

Beijing to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu.

SOURCE  Air China




