◎中所得国のバイオ医薬革新のカギは一貫した長期政策  IFPMAリポート


◎中所得国のバイオ医薬革新のカギは一貫した長期政策  IFPMAリポート

AsiaNet 51173

共同JBN 1380 (2012.10.31)

【ジュネーブ2012年10月31日】中所得国のバイオ医薬品革新に関する中立的な研究がジュネーブでの第26回国際製薬団体連合会(International Federation of pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations、IFPMA)会議で発表された。このリポートはバイオ医薬品の革新を推進するカギとなる国家としての政治的、経済的要因を分析している。

「Policies That Encourage Innovation in Middle-Income Countries(中所得国の革新奨励政策)」と題するこの研究は中立系の世界的コンサルティング会社であるチャールズ・リバー・アソシエーツ(CRA)が行ったもので、ブラジル、中国、コロンビア、インド、マレーシア、ロシア、南アフリカ、韓国で成長しているバイオ医薬品革新分野を調査した。







ソース:International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations(IFPMA)

New Study Highlights Enabling Factors for Biopharmaceutical Innovation in Middle-Income Countries


GENEVA, Oct. 31, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

          - Commissioned by IFPMA, the study identifies tailored,

           consistent long-term government policies as key factors

                  to foster biopharmaceutical innovation

    An independent study on biopharmaceutical innovation in middle-income

countries was released today at the 26th IFPMA Assembly in Geneva. The report

analyzed key national political and economic factors that foster

biopharmaceutical innovation.

    The study, Policies That Encourage Innovation in Middle-Income Countries,

was conducted by Charles River Associates (CRA), an independent global

consulting firm, and examined growing biopharmaceutical innovation sectors in

Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa and South Korea.

    "In recent years, the number of countries where biopharmaceutical

innovation takes place has increased, and this trend is expected to continue,"

said Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA Director General. "Middle-income countries are

becoming increasingly important for innovative activities ranging from

early-stage research to clinical development. We commissioned this report

because it is crucial for governments and industry to have a clearer

understanding of what stimulates and drives innovation in these countries."

    The report highlighted the primary success factor as consistent long-term

policy and legal frameworks. These should be coupled with effective

coordination of national industrial and health policies, encouragement of

collaborations between stakeholders, and adequate intellectual property

protection. The report further suggests that some countries specialize in those

stages of the innovation process in which they have a competitive advantage.

    According to Tim Wilsdon, CRA Vice President, "Learning from the recent

experience of a diverse set of middle-income countries, our report documents

how targeted, co-ordinated and consistent government policies, tailored to a

country's capabilities, are key components for success. Other enabling factors

include strong research institutions and medical schools and an environment

that encourages partnership between the different stakeholders."

    Further information about CRA's findings can be found at CRA Full Report

[http://www.ifpma.org/resources/publications.html] and CRA Key Findings


    About the IFPMA:

    IFPMA represents the research-based pharmaceutical companies and

associations across the globe. The research-based pharmaceutical industry's 1.3

million employees research, develop and provide medicines and vaccines that

improve the life of patients worldwide. Based in Geneva, IFPMA has official

relations with the United Nations and contributes industry expertise to help

the global health community find solutions that improve global health.

    SOURCE: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and





