◎同時最多の植樹の世界記録を樹立  Live to Loveがラダックで

Live to Love

◎同時最多の植樹の世界記録を樹立  Live to Loveがラダックで

AsiaNet 51212

共同JBN 1393 (2012.10.31)

【ニューデリー2012年10月31日PRN=共同JBN】国際的な人道的イニシアチブのLive to Loveは、インド北部のラダックで「Most Trees Planted Simultaneously(同時最多の植樹)」の世界記録を樹立する歴史を作った。1時間以内に、9万9103本のラダック・ヤナギの苗木がラダックの世界的に有名なヘミス僧院近くに、9814人のボランティアによって植樹された。ギネス世界記録(Guinness World Records、英国)のキンバリー・デニス氏は今回の試みを審査し、成功を確認したと宣言した。

Live to Loveはラダックで、2011年1月に6万6000本の樹木が1時間以内に植え付けられたフィリピンでの記録を破った。今回の新記録は、2010年10月に9033人のボランティアが5万33本の苗木を植えつけて樹立した前回のほぼ2倍を達成した。





ガイドラインに従って19歳以下を除く、あらゆる年齢の人々が参加し、インダス川渓谷の植樹しなければ乾燥し荒れ地のままのこの地域を植樹しようと自らの役割を果たすために大きな意欲をもって待機する光景は前例のないものだった。Live to Love、Young Drupka Association(YDA)、Ladakh Buddhists' Associationから数百人のボランティアがこのイベントを見守った。ギネス世界記録からも記録認定ために実数の記録とその認証を行うため、数人の人数確認担当者と監督者が参加した。


Live to Loveのインド地域責任者のアルジュン・パンディ氏は、同組織が予定する次のイニシアチブについて「今回のイニシアチブの成功を受けて、われわれは引き続き、彼らの環境と教育のような重要な分野に注力していく。われわれは12月に、環境への意識向上を目指して、スリランカで30日間にわたり500キロのパダヤトラ(大行進)を組織する」と語った。

▽Live to Loveについて

Live to Loveは、現代の課題に恒久的解決をもたらし、それを支援するためにギャルワン・ドリュック教主が創設した非営利組織の国際的なネットワークである。この組織は環境、教育、医療サービス、文化保全に注力している。

Live to Loveはブータン、フランス、ドイツ、香港、インド、マレーシア、メキシコ、ネパール、ペルー、ポーランド、シンガポール、スペイン、スイス、台湾、ベトナム、英国、米国などにネットワークがある。

Live to Loveに関する詳細はウェブサイトhttp://www.livetolove.orgを参照。


Shreeya Roy



ソース:Live to Love

Live to Love Breaks Global Record in Ladakh (India)


NEW DELHI, Oct. 31, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Live to Love, an international humanitarian initiative, led Ladakh in

creating history by breaking a world record for "Most Trees Planted

Simultaneously". In less than one hour, 99,103 Ladakhi willow saplings were

planted by 9,814 volunteers near the world-famous Hemis monastery in Ladakh.

Kimberly Dennis from Guinness World Records (UK) adjudicated the attempt and

made the announcement confirming the success of the attempt.

    Live to Love led Ladakh in breaking the record set by the Philippines where

66,000 trees were planted within an hour in January 2011. The new record almost

doubled its earlier successful attempt set in October 2010, with 9,033

volunteers planting 50,033 saplings.

    Photo Link: http://drukpa.mediafire.com/?2rozq46agk6vs

    His Holiness the Gyalwang Drupka personally joined the record breaking

attempt to encourage participants from all over Ladakh and many others who had

travelled from Bhutan, Brazil, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, the United States,

Australia, Canada and Malaysia. Speaking on the achievement, His Holiness said,

"Ladakh has made India proud. They have proved that nothing is impossible by

achieving this feat in the extremely harsh climatic and ground situation. They

have set an example for the entire world, and we hope that increasingly more

countries and organisations will come forward to break our record. We welcome

the entire world to join us in creating a sustainable environment."

    Having travelled from London to adjudicate the attempt, Kimberly Dennis

commented, "The whole event was simply inspiring. Thousands of people braved

the inclement weather and worked in complete tandem to attain this goal. It was

so exciting that I was almost compelled to cross side and become an active

participant from a passive watcher."

    The plantation drive was performed over an area of about 60 acres.

Volunteers sat with shovels at the spot marked for them, ready to dig a pit and

plant a sapling as soon as the countdown ended. Ladakhi willow saplings were

planted by stem grafting with roots to grow in this time of the year.

    It was an unprecedented sight with people of all ages - excluding those

under the age of 19, as per the guidelines - waiting with great enthusiasm to

do their bit towards greening of this part of the Indus Valley, which is

otherwise quite dry and barren. Overseeing the event were hundreds of

volunteers of the Live to Love, Young Drupka Association (YDA), and Ladakh

Buddhists' Association. The GWR organisation had also enlisted several

enumerators and supervisors to ensure that the actual count was recorded and

authenticated in time to qualify for the record.

    Speaking to the huge gathering after the announcement on the successful

attempt of record breaking was made, His Holiness the Gyalwang Drupka said it

had been made possible with the participation of all people of Ladakh. He

reiterated his commitment to work for the improvement of environment and

education for the people. Also present at the occasion were the Home Minister

of the Royal Government of Bhutan Minjur Dorji, the Chief Executive

Commissioner of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Council Rigzin Spalbar and several

officials and guests from many countries. The entire hillside wore a festive

look as the event was followed by a presentation of folk dances and songs by

traditional Ladakhi artists.

    Live to Love India's Head Arjun Pandey talking about the organisation's

next initiative said, "Encouraged by the success of this initiative, we will

continue to focus on key aspects like environment and education amongst others.

In December, we are organising a Pad Yatra in Sri Lanka spanning 30 days and

500 km to raise awareness about the environment."

    About Live to Love

    Live to Love is an international network of non-profit organizations,

founded by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa to create and to support lasting

solutions to modern problems. The organization focuses of environment,

education, medical services and cultural preservation.

    Live to Love's network includes the following regions: Bhutan, France,

Germany, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Poland, Singapore,

Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam, UK, and USA.

    For more on Live to Love, visit http://www.livetolove.org

    For further Information please contact:

    Shreeya Roy



    SOURCE: Live to Love




