◎ドイツ人は依然として日本人に好感  ベルテルスマンの世論調査


◎ドイツ人は依然として日本人に好感  ベルテルスマンの世論調査

AsiaNet: 51182

共同JBN 1386 (2012.11.2)

【ギュータースロー(ドイツ)2012年11月2日PRN=共同JBN】ドイツ人は日本に対し圧倒的に好感を抱いており、競争相手とは見ていない。ますます強まっている国際的な、あるいはアジアからの競争に対してドイツはアジア諸国や日本との協力を強化すべきで、国益優先を主張すべきではない。これはドイツで最も影響力のある政策シンクタンク、ベルテルスマン財団(Bertelsmann Foundation)が最近行った世論調査の結果である。







Cora Francisca Jungbluth

Project Manager Germany and Asia

Telephone: +49 5241 81-81482

E-mail: cora.jungbluth@bertelsmann-stiftung.de

ソース:Bertelsmann Foundation

Germans Still Have a Positive Image of Japan


GUTERSLOH, Germany, Nov. 2/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    More a partner than a competitor in politics and econonics - on a par with


    The German population has an overwhelmingly positive image of Japan and

perceives it less as a competitor. In terms of how to react to the increasing

competition both internationally and from Asian, Germany should, overall, work

more intensively with the Asian countries and with Japan, and insist less on

asserting its national interests. These are the conclusions from the latest

representative public opinion poll from the Bertelsmann Foundation, the most

influential political think-tank in Germany.

    It shows that the majority of Germans regard the development of Asia and in

Japan as positive for Germany. Every second respondent believes that the

economic rise of Asia represents something more akin to an opportunity for

Germany. On the other hand, 39 percent regard it as more of a threat. However,

even greater is the belief that Germany will "cope with" the associated

political and economic challenges. Four out of five Germans are optimistic in

this respect. Only 15 percent fear that Germany will "not cope with" the

challenges from Asia.

    60 percent of Germans regard Japan in particular as a political partner in

Asia. 44 percent regard the country as being important or even very important

in terms of its significance as a partner in the battle against climate change.

On the other hand, only 30 percent believe that Japan could be a financially

powerful investor in the struggle against the euro crisis. As a competitor in

the development of new and innovative products, the Japanese, once famed and

feared in Germany due to its capacity for innovation, are almost on a par with

the Chinese. 73 percent of the German population regard Japan as a competitor

in the development of new and innovative products and 48 percent regard it as a

competitor in the procurement of raw materials and energy.

    In terms of how to respond politically to the developments in Asia, the

majority of Germans recommend cooperation rather than confrontation. 41 percent

regard Germany's current polical course as correct and want to maintain it, and

37 percent of those questioned advocate closer collaboration. Only 18 percent

are saying that Germany must stand up for its interests in Asia to a greater

degree and in this respect should follow the example of the USA.

    More information on the internet at:





    Cora Francisca Jungbluth

    Project Manager Germany and Asia

    Telephone: +49 5241 81-81482

    E-mail: cora.jungbluth@bertelsmann-stiftung.de

    Source: Bertelsmann Foundation




