


AsiaNet 51221



2012年11月2日シンガポール /PRニュースワイヤ・アジア/-- レッドブル・ウイングスーツ・チームが、彼らの最も得意とする方法で空からマレーシアへ降り立ちます! レッドブル・ブルー&シルバー(欧州で発売中)はこの「レッドブル・ウィングスーツ」のミッションで、「レッドブル、翼をさずける」のメッセージを届けるためにマレーシアまで足を伸ばすこととなりました。







さらに都市の中の時速120kmでの飛行となるため、2人のアスリートにとっては状況がより複雑なものとなりました。「今回の企画にはちょっとビビっていました。でも素晴らしいフライトになることは分かっていました! この企画は私がずっと前から温めていたものなのです」とマイルズは話しています。マイルズがマレーシアを訪れるのは今回で3度目で、クアラ・ルンプール・タワーからのベースジャンプは60回を数えました。2人のアスリートは今回の体験について「とても超現実的で夢のよう」と話しています。


ミッションについての編集者向け動画は以下のURLから閲覧可能です。 https://www.redbullcontentpool.com/content/international/products/perm/1351604492152-565650137



Flying Humans Visit KL City Iconic Towers


SINGAPORE, Oct. 31, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Red Bull Wingsuit team visits Malaysia the best way they know how - flying! Red

Bull Blue & Silver (Product of Europe) went the extra mile to reiterate the

message "Red Bull Gives You Wings" with this Red Bull Wingsuit mission.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/31/2012103111395982049.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/31/20121031115129208078.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/10/31/20121031120208384581.html )

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Taking inspiration from fellow Red Bull athlete Felix

Baumgartner, 3 elite pilots from Red Bull Air Force came to Kuala Lumpur

earlier this week to fulfil their dreams of conquering the city's iconic

skyscrapers. This is the first time that wingsuit pilots have conquered both of

Malaysia's highest and most iconic buildings.

Team leader Jon DeVore and world BASE jump record holder Miles Daisher with

Othar Lawrence completed 2 WingSuit BASE jump during peak hour amidst the

bustling city flying by KL Tower and then through the world tallest twin

structure, Petronas Twin Towers. The mission is the team's effort to promote

and educate the sport of "human flight". In this dangerous sport, those extreme

sports professionals build the top elite. Blockbuster director Michael Bay

engaged parts of the Red Bull Air Force troop for the shoots of "Transformers

3", the first of such in downtown Chicago.

While the weather threaten to halt the mission at times, meticulous planning

and preparation allows the team to execute the jump within a short time frame

before the monsoon rain and wind took over. The project of flying through the

iconic Petronas Twin Towers of Malaysia was a first for both and is unique and

very different due to the proximity of both towers and the high buildings

surrounding the towers.

Furthermore, flying 120 miles/hr in an urban environment created more

complication for both athletes. "I was kinda freaking out about this one. I

knew it was going to be totally awesome! I've been thinking about this for a

long time," said Miles who had been to Malaysia for 3 times and base-jump off

KL Tower for 60 times. Both athletic described the experience as "very surreal

and dream like".

Dietrich Mateschitz founded Red Bull in Austria in 1987. Their Formula One Team

won the 2011 Constructors' title and Drivers' World Championship title. Red

Bull has sold more than 30 billion cans, including more than 4.2 billion last

year alone.

Videos of the mission available for editorial use:


(registration necessary)

SOURCE  Red Bull Energy Drink




