◎BEMとEuromed Managementが合併、KEDGEビジネススクール創設

KEDGE Business School

◎BEMとEuromed Managementが合併、KEDGEビジネススクール創設

AsiaNet 51057

共同JBN 1325(12.11.5)

【ボルドー、マルセイユ(フランス)2012年11月5日】BEMとEuromed Managementは2012年1月、欧州のビジネス教育の優れたセンターを設立するために合併を図る発表した。目標は5年以内に欧州の有力15スクールの1つになることである。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121105/567576





BEMとEuromed Managementの法的な合併は2013年7月1日に発効する。

KEDGEビジネススクールはEuromed Managementのフランソワ・ピエルソン会長が役員会長として経営にあたり、副会長はボルドー商工会議所が指名する。












ソース:KEDGE Business School

BEM and Euromed Management Merge to Create KEDGE Business School


BORDEAUX and MARSEILLE, France, Nov. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    In January 2012, BEM and Euromed Management announced a rapprochement to

create a European centre of excellence for business education. Our objective:

to become within 5 years one of the best 15 leading European Schools.

    ( Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121105/567576 )

    This merger will allow the new school to achieve the international

standards required to remain a 'Triple Crown' accredited school and to offer a

global outreach to all its stakeholders. The mission of KEDGE Business School

is to meet international challenges in research whilst developing new and

innovative teaching programmes.

    The school will thus become the leading French research group in managerial

sciences, a development strategy in emerging markets will be implemented, in

particular towards Asia, and new ways of teaching and business skill

development will be designed.

    These ambitions have led us to find a new name and visual identity, a

global brand to support this new school and its international ambitions; KEDGE

Business School is our new identity.

    This is a brand with its roots in France but one that is open to new

horizons, an easy- to pronounce, positive name in different cultures and

languages. In English the word "kedge" means a small anchor attached to a line

for moving a ship. KEDGE thus means going in a new direction, towards new

destinations, a turning point in exploration. This name symbolises the link

between our member schools, but it is also the symbol of the link between

people and evokes the need of being anchored within our eco-systems and reminds

us of our environmental responsibilities.

    The legal merger between BEM and Euromed Management will come into force on

1st July, 2013.

    KEDGE Business School will be governed by a Board presided by Francois

PIERSON, the Euromed Management Chairman and a Vice-Chairman to be appointed by

the Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Highlights in the KEDGE schedule

    September 2013: First KEDGEBusinessSchool student intake

    End of 2013: Opening of a new European campus

    End of 2014: Opening of a new campus outside Europe

    From 2013, KEDGE Business School will offer a joint entrance examination

for their Financial Times-ranked "Master in Management".

    There will also be a much stronger global outreach with the sharing of the

Bordeaux and Marseille foreign campuses. New services to enhance employability

and business relations abroad will be developed as well as projects allowing

greater opportunities for students to study abroad.

    Teaching methods will be a key success factor for incoming students with

possibilities to foster new specialised skills, a unique offer in executive

education and more MBA programmes.  All students will be able to access shared

on-line resources and KEDGE Business School will be implementing a corporate

programme in tune with company needs.

    Follow KEDGE Business School current events:




    SOURCE: KEDGE Business School




