◎廬山が観光カード発行 中国国内旅行の推進に新機軸


◎廬山が観光カード発行 中国国内旅行の推進に新機軸

AsiaNet 51267

共同JBN 1357(2012.11.6)

【北京2012年11月5日PRN=共同JBN】廬山の景勝地をガイドなしで訪れるための多機能カード「廬山如意カード(Lushan Ruyi Card)」の中国全域発行を始動する式典が2012年10月30日、北京のJWマリオット・ホテルで開かれた。中国でこれまで類を見ない廬山如意カードは、入場料の終生免除、プリペイド利用権などいくつもの特典を備えている。廬山は如意カード発行により、中国全土の観光市場にメンバー制を導入する先駆けになることを目指している。団体旅行の制約に縛られないレジャー、バケーション旅行を推進する動きである。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/05/20121105174323715220.html

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/05/2012110517433099446.html

廬山と海航ツアー(HNA Tour)の戦略的協力によって生まれた廬山如意カードは、渤海易生商務服務有限公司(Bohai Yisheng Business Service Co., Ltd.、Yisheng)が廬山観光開発会社(Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.)とともに発行、Jiangxi Zhongbang Leisure Services Co., Ltd. (Zhongbang)が運営する。廬山如意カードは国内旅行客向けの汎用観光カード発行というYisheng計画の公式開始を告げている。廬山を従来型観光地からレジャー、バケーション訪問客受け入れの特別な場に移行する大きな進展でもある。 












Hu Xinyi

Beijing Innovative Linkage International Communications Consulting Co., Ltd.

+86 135 2004 9908


ソース:Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

Lushan Ruyi Card Enables Non-Guided Tours


BEIJING, Nov. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Launching Ceremony for Issuance of First of its Kind Functional Card for

Non-Guided Travel Held in Beijing

The launching ceremony for issuance of the Lushan Ruyi Card nationwide, a

functional card for non-guided visits to Lushan scenic area, was held at JW

Marriott Hotel Beijing on October 30, 2012. The Lushan Ruyi Card, the first of

its kind in China, features several benefits including lifelong waiver of the

entrance fee and pre-paid concessions. Lushan Mountain aims to take the lead in

introducing membership marketing to tourist attractions across China with the

roll out of the Lushan Ruyi Card, in a move to promote leisure and vacation

travel and to encourage people to take vacations without being confined to the

restrictions of an organized tour group.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/05/20121105174323715220.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/11/05/2012110517433099446.html )

The Lushan Ruyi Card, the result of the strategic cooperation between Lushan

Mountain and HNA Tour, is jointly issued by Bohai Yisheng Business Service Co.,

Ltd. (Yisheng) and Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd and operated by Jiangxi Zhongbang

Leisure Services Co., Ltd. (Zhongbang). The Lushan Ruyi Card also signals the

official start of Yisheng's plan to roll out a general purpose tourism card for

domestic travelers and significant progress in Lushan Mountain's transition

from a traditional sightseeing locale to one specializing in receiving visitors

whose main purpose is leisure or who are on vacation.

In line with the government issued "Outline for Domestic Leisure Travel," the

Lushan Ruyi Card is also intended to improve the quality of the travel

experience for domestic tourists, by making leisure travel an integral part of

life for a Chinese person as well as a tool for encouraging healthy consumption

behaviors, as the country strives to build a harmonious and prosperous

consumer-driven domestic economy. The card provides an ideal combination of

travel and financial services and will act as a significant catalyst for the

transition of the local tourism industry from an entrance fee-based sightseeing

model to a leisure travel-based consumption one. The card also will boost the

attractiveness of Lushan Mountain as a travel destination, while generally

increasing tourism income, leveling out the number of tourist arrivals between

peak and off-peak seasons and improving the quality of leisure time for people

living in the regions surrounding the Lushan scenic area.

In the future, the "Lushan Ruyi Card" will provide cardholders with more

premium services and an enhanced experience by continuously adding to the list

of merchants who accept the card and expanding cooperation with other

destinations nearby and across China.  

Lushan Mountain is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. It adjoins the

Yangtze River to the north and Poyang Lake to the east, which, together, create

a beautiful geographical environment. Lushan Mountain is also the birthplace of

Chinese landscape painting, of scenic poetry, and of the Chinese form of

Buddhism. As the place where the tenets of Taoism were laid down as well as a

center for Neo-Confucianism, it is an ideal destination for exchanges between

Chinese and western cultures as it brings together five major religions -

Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. Lushan Mountain was

regarded as the Summer Capital of the Chinese National Government of Nanking,

and the historic venue for the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. It is a

renowned ideal destination for recuperation and revitalization...

Soon after China's implementation of the reform and opening up policies, Lushan

Mountain quickly became a destination of choice once the boom in travel got

underway. Now the destination is set to make another unique contribution by

shifting the focus of the experience of travel for Chinese vacationers from

that of sightseeing to that of leisure, with the issuance of the Lushan Ruyi


According to Zhongbang, four types of cards will be issued initially: 200,000

Silver Cards, 10,000 Gold Cards, 2,000 Diamond Cards and 1,000 Supreme Cards,

respectively priced at 498 yuan, 10,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan and 280,000 yuan

apiece. Holders can enjoy a variety of privileges when using the card as the

admission ticket to the Lushan Mountain Scenic Area or when used to pay for

other leisure-related services. The Lushan Ruyi Card, by focusing on the

convenience and benefits it will provide its holders, enables a perfect

traveling experience by having access to quality one-stop services.

Silver cardholders get a lifelong free pass to all of Lushan Mountain's scenic

areas and can avail themselves of the pre-paid feature to recharge and use the

card at will. Cardholders enjoy preferential services provided by contracted

high quality merchants, while Zhongbang monitors and guarantees the quality of

those merchants' services.

Gold cardholders are entitled to all the same benefits available to silver

cardholders. In addition, gold cardholders can offer free silver cards to three

people per year during the initial five years of membership or, as a one shot

deal, to ten people upon acquiring the card for themselves. Moreover, gold

cardholders can receive value-added services such as free hotel accommodation

upgrades during the same five-year benefit period.

Diamond cardholders can provide free silver cards to 25 people each year during

the five-year benefit period, or to 80 people at once upon signing up.

Cardholders, whether they be individuals or organizations, can avail themselves

of Zhongbang's housekeeping services during the entire length of two stays per

year at Lushan Mountain, as long as the length of any one stay does not exceed

four days. Zhongbang will customize the housekeeping services to be supplied

based on individual needs.

Supreme cardholders can provide silver cards for free to 50 people each year

for five years, or to 180 people at the time of signing up. They can also

receive value-added services such as free villa accommodation upgrade, as well

as the housekeeping services.

To date, 36 high quality merchants have signed up to be a Lushan Ruyi Card

Merchant, including scenic spot operators, hotels, restaurants, spas, retail

shops and transportation service providers in the Lushan Mountain area,

providing a full-service travel experience for all cardholders covering dining,

accommodation, transportation, touring, shopping and entertainment. Card

operator Zhongbang monitors and guarantees the quality of merchants' services.

The Lushan Ruyi Card is a valuable leisure and travel companion, as well as a

precious gift for friends and relatives. For more information, please visit the

Lushan website or call 400-1078888.


Hu Xinyi

Beijing Innovative Linkage International Communications Consulting Co., Ltd.

+86 135 2004 9908


SOURCE  Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.




