◎2011/12年度決算は売り上げが急増 国際農業協同組合グループのLimagrain


◎2011/12年度決算は売り上げが急増 国際農業協同組合グループのLimagrain

AsiaNet 51274

共同JBN 1361(2012.11.7)


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121106/573261




Limagrainは国際的農業協同組合グループで、フィールド種子、野菜種子、シリアル製品に特化している。フランスの農業従事者によって設立、運営されており、ホールディング会社のVilmorin & Cieは世界第4位の種子企業である。グループのLimagrain Cereales Ingredientsは機能的小麦粉(functional flour)生産で欧州トップ、Jacquet-BrossardはBread-Viennoiserie-Pastriesの産業生産でフランス国内第3位になっている。グループの年間売上げは17億ユーロを超え、従業員数は7800人弱で、世界39カ国に展開。うち1550人が研究者である。オーベルニュ地方で3500人の会員農業従事者がいる。グローバルで持続可能な農業および農産物食品ビジョンの枠組みの中で、農産物市場の革新と規則を基本にビジネス活動を行っている。





Limagrain Continues to Grow


CHAPPES, France, Nov. 7, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Limagrain has just completed its 2011/2012 fiscal year and can announce a

sharp rise in its sales. Within a difficult economic climate, the international

agricultural co-operative Group demonstrates once again the relevance of its

strategy of consolidating its agricultural base in the Auvergne region while

successfully expanding in major agricultural areas around the world.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121106/573261 )

    Consolidated sales totalled EUR1,784 M, compared with EUR1,555 M in 2011,

therefore an increase of nearly 15%.

    Net profit totalled EUR88 M, compared with EUR92 M during the previous

fiscal year, but the latter included a windfall profit of EUR30 M as a result

of the sale of equity securities in China. Investment in research rose

significantly to EUR165 M compared with EUR157 M, therefore 13%of

"professional" sales. As of 30 June last, the Group has subsidiaries in 39

countries with almost 7,800 permanent employees.

    Daniel Cheron, CEO for Limagrain, comments: "In the current difficult

economic context, Limagrain has stayed on course and the increase of around 15%

in our sales demonstrates this. Incorporating Brossard into the Bakery

Products' Division has been a great success. The Group is continuing with its

international development through sites in new areas, in particular in Brazil

with projects involving seeds as well as cereal products and in India with the

acquisition of Bisco for field seeds and Century, a specialist in vegetable


    Limagrain is an international agricultural co-operative group, specialized

in field seeds, vegetable seeds and cereal products. Founded and managed by

French farmers, Limagrain is the 4th largest seed company in the world through

its holding Vilmorin & Cie, European leader for functional flours through

Limagrain Cereales Ingredients and 3rd largest French industrial producer of

Bread-Viennoiserie-Pastries through Jacquet-Brossard. The Group makes annual

sales of more than 1.7 billion Euros and has a headcount of nearly 7,800,

spread out over 39 countries, including 1,550 researchers. In Auvergne the

Co-operative has 3,500 farmer members. It conducts its business within the

framework of a global, sustainable vision of agriculture and agri-food based on

innovation and regulation of agricultural markets

    For further information: http://www.limagrain.com or


SOURCE: Limagrain




