◎新興市場の中小起業家の資金調達を支援  IFCとマレーシア中銀が研修


◎新興市場の中小起業家の資金調達を支援  IFCとマレーシア中銀が研修

AsiaNet 51307

共同JBN 1376 (2012.11.8)




IFCのグローバル信用調査プログラム(Global Credit Reporting Program)の首席スペシャリスト、オスカー・マデッドゥ氏は「信用調査とリスク管理に特化した研修は、新興市場の至る所で資金ギャップを埋めることができるほど遠大な効果がある。マレーシア中銀をパートナーとしての、ほかに例がない研修はこれで連続4年目であり、われわれはこの協力を今後とも続けたいと考えている」と語った。



プログラムの資金援助者はオーストリア、オーストラリア、カナダ、イタリア、日本、ルクセンブルク、オランダ、ノルウェー、ニュージーランド、スイス、英国、Omidyar Network Fund Inc.、Visa Internationalなど多岐にわたっている。


Sona Panajyan,




IFC, Malaysian Central Bank Help Strengthen Credit-Risk Management to Boost Access to Finance


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 8, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Malaysia's central bank are

working together to help strengthen credit-reporting techniques and risk

management in ways that are expected to expand access to finance for small

entrepreneurs in emerging markets.

    IFC and Bank Negara Malaysia this week began a five-day training program

that brings together more than 100 regulators, credit-reporting professionals,

and microfinance practitioners from 43 countries of the world. The Fourth

Credit Reporting and Risk Management Training in Kuala Lumpur is designed to

help attendees improve their skills in assessing and managing credit risks.

    Sound credit-reporting systems offer the potential for enormous development

benefits. They can radically transform credit markets, reducing loan-processing

times and allowing lenders to increase the range of financial products and

services they offer to borrowers. These savings also translate into lower

interest rates, thus improving access to finance for individuals and for micro,

small, and medium enterprises, including broader economic gains, such as

employment generation.

    "The benefits of a specialized credit reporting and risk management

training can be far-reaching in helping fill the financing gap across emerging

markets," said Oscar Madeddu, Principal Specialist with IFC's Global Credit

Reporting Program. "This is the fourth consecutive year that we are partnering

with Bank Negara Malaysia on this unique training and intend to continue this

collaboration in future."

    Recognizing the gap in information-sharing, IFC established the Global

Credit Reporting Program in 2001 to enable sharing of best practices around the

world and to foster the development of credit-reporting systems in emerging


    An international leader in strengthening credit reporting, the program has

supported the set-up or significant improvement of credit-reporting systems in

more than 20 countries. It has also facilitated the drafting of new enabling

regulations in 32 countries. Thirty-one million credit inquiries have been

generated through the program - worth an estimated $6.2 billion in new financing

for about 6 million retail and small-business clients worldwide.

    Multiple donors fund the program, including Austria, Australia, Canada,

Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland,

United Kingdom, the Omidyar Network Fund Inc., and Visa International.


    Sona Panajyan,







