


AsiaNet 51308

共同JBN 1378 (2012.11.9)






(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121109/573659

BMW AGの取締役でBMWセールス&マーケティング担当上級副社長のイアン・ロバートソン氏は次のように語った。「BMWグループは、記録的な第3四半期に続いてこの10月に、過去最高の販売を記録した。われわれは先月、多くの市場、とりわけアジアと米大陸(アメリカス)で堅調な伸びを達成しており、さらに来月もこの勢いの継続を目指す。われわれは、欧州市場のいくつかで逆風があるものの、2012年に新販売記録を達成する道を順調に歩んでいる」

アジアにおけるBMWグループの10月の販売台数は、36.5%上昇して4万1028台(前年同月3万67台)となった。同社は2012年の10カ月間にアジアで大幅な伸びを記録し、販売台数は28.1%上昇して39万8870台(前年同期31万1290台)となった。中国本土では10月に2万7828台が納車された。これは前年同月(1万8346台)を51.7%上回っている。この大幅な伸びは、現地生産のBMW X1とBMW 3シリーズロング・ホイールベースの増産、および昨年末はBMW 3シリーズが在庫切れとなったためである。中国本土では年初から現在までに26万4884台のBMWとMINI自動車が販売され(前年19万5868台)、35.2%の上昇になっている。



世界におけるBMWブランドの10月販売台数は15.4%伸びて13万2823台だった(前年同月11万5141台)。BMW 1シリーズへの需要は引き続き堅調で,販売は36.3%増の1万9986台(前年1万4668台)だった。BMW 3シリーズの販売も堅調で、3万7123台と前年同月の3万1768台から16.9%上昇した。BMW 5シリーズの販売は0.1%上昇して2万6404台となった(前年2万6371台)。BMW X1は引き続き勢いを持続して販売台数は38.4%増の1万4090台となった(前年1万178台)。BMW X3シリーズの販売は堅調に推移し、1万2668台が納車された(同1万951台/15.7%増)。

上級車セグメントのBMW自動車もまた好調だった。BMW 6シリーズの販売台数は2113台と前年の1153台から83.3%上昇した。BMW X5の販売台数は16.4%増の9630台(前年8273台)、BMW X6の販売台数は24.4%増の3794台(同3050台)。1月-10月の間にBMWブランド自動車は124万2817台が納車され、前年同期(113万7096台)を9.3%上回った。


BMW Motorradは10月に7596台を納車した(前年同月7050台/7.7%上昇)。1月から10月までのモーターサイクルとマキシスクーターの供給は総数9万3540台(前年同期9万3942台/0.4%減)だった。Husqvarnaモーターサイクルは1月から10月までにHusqvaranaディーラー・ネットワークに対して8329台(同6775台/22.9%増)が引き渡された。10月の引き渡しは973台だった(前年同月675台/44.2%増)。



                2012年10月    前年同月比     1月-10月度       前年同期比

BMW グループ自動車     157,618       +13.2%        1,493,153         +8.8%

BMW                         132,823       +15.4%        1,242,817         +9.3%

MINI                         24,483        +2.7%         247,698         +6.7%

BMW Motorrad                  7,596         7.7%           93,540         -0.4%

Husqvarnaモーターサイクル      973        +44.2%           8,329        +22.9%


BMWグループは、BMW、MINI、Husqvarna MotorcyclesおよびRolls-Royceのブランドを擁する、自動車およびモーターサイクルの世界的なトップ・メーカーのひとつであり 、世界14ヵ国に29の製造工場を有し、140ヵ国以上に販売網を構築しているグローバルな企業である。


BMW グループは常に長期的な視野と責任ある行動を企業の指針とすることで成功をおさめており、その結果、すべてのバリュー・チェーンにおける環境的および社会的持続性、責任のある製品作り、さらには資源保護に対する明確なコミットメントを企業戦略の不可分な要素として確立している。このような努力が実を結び、 BMW グループはダウ・ジョーンズ・サステイナビリティ・インデックスの自動車部門において、8年連続でトップに選定されている。


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Corporate Communications

Mathias.M.Schmidt@bmw.de, Business Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-24118

Alexander.Bilgeri@bmw.de, Business Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-24544

Media website: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com

Email: presse@bmwgroup.com

ソース:BMW Group

BMW Group Increases Sales by 13.2% in October


MUNICH, Nov. 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODOJBN/ --

    - Best October ever with 157,618 BMW Group vehicles delivered

    - BMW brand sales volume up 15.4%

    - Robertson: We aim to continue the momentum

    The BMW Group's sales growth was once again in the double-digit range in

October. A total of 157,618 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles were delivered

to customers, an increase of 13.2% compared to the same month in the previous

year (139,284) and a new record high for the month. For the year to the end of

October, sales volumes climbed to 1,493,153 units, an increase of 8.8% compared

to the same period in 2011 (1,371,903) and a new all time high for the company.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121109/573659 )

    Ian Robertson, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for

Sales and Marketing BMW: "Following a record third quarter, the BMW Group

posted its highest ever sales for the month of October. We achieved solid gains

in many of our markets last month, especially in Asia and the Americas and we

aim to continue the momentum in the next months. We are well on course to

achieve a new sales record in 2012, despite the headwind present in some

European markets."

    In Asia, BMW Group sales surged by 36.5% in October to 41,028 vehicles

(prev. yr. 30,067). The company made strong gains in Asia in the first ten

months of the year, with sales climbing by 28.1% to 398,870 vehicles (prev. yr.

311,290). Mainland China accounted for 27,828 deliveries in October, an

increase of 51.7% over the same month in the previous year (18,346). The

substantial gains can be attributed to the current ramp-up of the

locally-produced BMW X1 and BMW 3 Series Long Wheelbase, as well as the

year-on-year effect due to the run-out of the BMW 3 Series at the end of last

year. Year-to-date, 264,884 BMW and MINI vehicles have been sold in Mainland

China (prev. yr. 195,868), which reflects an increase of 35.2%.

    In the Americas, the BMW Group also experienced strong growth in October

with 39,154 vehicles delivered, an increase of 20.0% on the previous year

(32,626). Since the beginning of the year, 330,042 vehicles were delivered to

customers in the Americas (prev. yr. 306,190/ +7.8%). In the U.S., BMW Group

sales climbed 18.5% in October to 32,339 vehicles (prev. yr. 27,288).

Year-to-date, the BMW Group is up 8.4% on sales of 267,267 vehicles in the

first ten months of 2012 compared to 246,602 in the same period in 2011.

    In Europe, the BMW Group delivered 71,368 vehicles last month (prev. yr.

71,587/-0.3%). For the period from January to October, BMW Group sales remained

at around last year's level, with a total of 711,197 vehicles delivered (prev.

yr. 706,600/ +0.7%).

    BMW brand worldwide sales increased by 15.4% in October to 132,823 vehicles

(prev. yr. 115,141). Demand for the BMW 1 Series remained strong, with sales

climbing 36.3% to 19,986 units (prev. yr. 14,668). Solid gains were also

achieved by the BMW 3 Series, with 37,123 vehicles delivered last month (prev.

yr. 31,768/ +16.9%). Sales of the BMW 5 Series increased by 0.1% to 26,404

vehicles (prev. yr. 26,371). The BMW X1 continued its momentum with sales

jumping by 38.4% to 14,090 vehicles (prev. yr. 10,178). Sales for the BMW X3

continued to be strong with 12,668 units delivered (prev. yr. 10,951/ +15.7%).

     BMW vehicles in the upper segment also performed well: 2,113 units of the

BMW 6 Series were sold, an increase of 83.3% on the previous year (1,153);

sales of the BMW X5 increased by 16.4% to 9,630 units (prev. yr. 8,273) and

sales of the BMW X6 climbed by 24.4% to 3,794 units (prev. yr. 3,050). From

January to October, 1,242,817 BMW brand vehicles were delivered, which was 9.3%

higher than for the same period in the previous year (1,137,096).

     MINI delivered 24,483 vehicles worldwide in October (prev. yr. 23,842),

which was a slight increase of 2.7%. MINI saw sales increase by 8.7% to 5,888

units in its largest market, the U.S. (prev. yr. 5,415) and by 32.3% to 1,648

(prev. yr. 1,246) units in its fourth largest market, Mainland China. Sales for

MINI have increased by 6.7% to 247,698 vehicles in the first ten months of 2012

(prev. yr. 232,065).

    BMW Motorrad delivered 7,596 units in October (prev. yr.: 7,050 / +7.7%).

Supplies of motorcycles and maxi scooters from January up to and including

October totaled 93,540 units (prev. yr.: 93,942 / -0.4%). Husqvarna Motorcycles

supplied a total of 8,329 vehicles (prev. yr.: 6,775 / +22.9%) to the Husqvarna

dealer network from January up to and including October. Supplies in the month

of October totaled 973 vehicles (prev. yr.: 675 / +44.1%).

    BMW Group sales in/up to October 2012 at a glance


                                 In Oct    Comp. to     Up to/incl.   Comp. to

                                 2012      previous     Oct 2012      previous

                                           year                       year

    BMW Group Automobiles      157,618       +13.2%     1,493,153        +8.8%

    BMW                        132,823       +15.4%     1,242,817        +9.3%

    MINI                        24,483        +2.7%       247,698        +6.7%

    BMW Motorrad                 7.596         7.7%        93.540        -0.4%

    Husqvarna Motorcycles          973       +44.1%         8.329       +22.9%

    The BMW Group

    The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles

and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and

Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production

and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more

than 140 countries.

    In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000

motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was

euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December

2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

    The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking

and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and

social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product

responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral

part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked

industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight



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    Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview

    Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com/

    If you have any queries, please contact:

    Corporate Communications

    Mathias Schmidt

    Business and Finance Communications


    Telephone: +49-89-382-24118, Fax: +49-89-382-24418;

    Alexander Bilgeri

    Head of Business

    Finance and Sustainability Communications


    Telephone: +49-89-382-24544, Fax: +49-89-382-24418

    Media website: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com/

    Email: presse@bmwgroup.com

    SOURCE: BMW Group




