


AsiaNet 51352

共同JBN 1372 (2012.11.14)




Agnitioは771, Bld. 2, Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, 100 Qin Zhou Road, Shanghai 200235(上海200235、秦州路100、711上海技術革新センタービル2)に事務所を置き、同地の代表はAgnitio Greater Chinaでインプリメンテーション・サポートの長を努めるジュー・イー氏。Agnitioは同地ではすでにバイエル、ロッシュ両社を顧客として獲得しており、今後もプレゼンスの強化および当初にアジア市場に狙いを定めたActandoとの提携によって総合的なサービスを提供することで顧客数を増やしていく考えだ。






今回の新規サービスに関連してAgnitioは11月21日、上海で無料のセミナーを開催し、MRの効率を向上させる方法、医師やその他のヘルスケア関係者とのやり取りを最上のものにする方法などを説明することになっている。同セミナーは上海200040、静安区愚園路1のスイソテル(Swissotel)で朝9時半から11時まで開催される。興味がある人は同社AsiaPacのインプリメンテーション・サポートの長であるジュー・イー(Zhu Yi)氏(zhu@agnitio.com)宛てに、遅くても11月19日以内に登録手続きをされたい。





Julien Cozens, Madano Partnership:

Tel + 44(0)7867-998222 or + 44(0)207-593-4000

Email: julien.cozens@madano.com


Agnitio Sets Up Asia HQ in Shanghai and is the First to Bring the Combined Closed Loops of Marketing and E-Learning to the Pharmaceutical Industry




    - The double closed loop of marketing and e-Learning is brought to pharma

      for the first time through a partnership between Agnitio and Actando

    - Leading closed loop marketing technology company for the healthcare

      industry expands its global presence with Shanghai HQ

    Agnitio, a leader in healthcare sector closed-loop marketing technology,

continues to expand its global presence with the opening of regional

headquarters in Shanghai and a partnership with mobile learning solutions

company Actando.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120924/562917-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120924/562917-b )

    Located at 711, Bld. 2, Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, 100 Qin Zhou

Road, Shanghai 200235, Agnitio is led in country by Zhu Yi, Head of

Implementation and Support, Agnitio Greater China. With Bayer and Roche already

clients in the region, Agnitio expects to increase its number of customers with

the heightened presence and its integrated offering with Actando, which is

initially aimed at the Asian market.

    The partnership with Actando will harmonise e-Learning and closed loop

marketing through Agnitio's platform for the iPad. During a discussion with the

rep, a doctor will be able to actively choose the information they really want

to receive and are specifically interested in. With their limited time, doctors

no longer need to sit through a long, general presentation. Instead they have a

personalised conversation with the rep, delivering greater value in a far

shorter period.

    While the rep is talking to the doctor, their training needs and

performance will now be simultaneously captured, thanks to the partnership with

Actando, and transmitted to their managers. The solution will then suggest a

tailored learning programme that will be downloaded to the reps' iPads for

offline use, allowing their managers to monitor their improvement during

subsequent calls.

    "An office in Shanghai and our partnership with Actando is a serious

commitment to the region's pharmaceutical market," says Morten Hjelmsoe,

Founder and CEO of Agnitio. "Our leading CLM platform, when married with

Actando's best-in-class mobile learning solutions, brings together a double

closed loop for the first time in the healthcare industry."

    "You get the best of both worlds with this partnership," says Alexandre

Dauge, Founder & Managing Partner of Actando. "The Agnitio platform enables a

rich and meaningful dialogue between reps and doctors which produces data that

can be captured and integrated to see how effective they've been and whether

the strategy was followed. Adding Actando's mobile learning solutions takes it

a step further by recommending and providing the learning programmes based on

their performance. Ultimately, this will make customer visits for both the

representatives and doctors more relevant and engaging."

    Agnitio's move into China comes shortly after the strengthening of its

regional headquarters in the U.S. Although being used first in China, the

combined offering from Agnitio and Actando will be rolled out globally.

    A free seminar around the new offering, explaining how to enhance reps'

effectiveness and generate the best possible interaction with doctors and other

healthcare professionals, is being hosted by Agnitio in Shanghai on November

21. Running from 09.30 to 11.00 at Swissotel, 1 Yu Yuan Road, Jing An District,

Shanghai 200040, China, interested parties should register no later than

November 19 with Zhu Yi, Agnitio's Head of Implementation and Support in

AsiaPac: zhu@agnitio.com

    About Agnitio

    Agnitio helps pharmaceutical and medical device companies generate effective

relationships with medical professionals. The provider of the leading pull

marketing software platform for the pharmaceutical and medical device

industries, Agnitio's system is already implemented in more than 45 countries

and 25 languages - and used by major pharmaceutical and medical device

companies including: GSK, MSD, Novartis, Roche and Bayer.




    For further information please contact:

    Julien Cozens, Madano Partnership:

    Tel + 44(0)7867-998222 or + 44(0)207-593-4000

    Email: julien.cozens@madano.com

    SOURCE: Agnitio




