◎BP Shippingと3カ年契約締結  Jeppesenが発表


◎BP Shippingと3カ年契約締結  Jeppesenが発表

AsiaNet 51363

共同JBN 1374 (2012.11.14)

【エングルウッド(米コロラド州)2012年11月14日JBN=共同JBN】Jeppesenはこのほど、石油・天然ガス(LNG)タンカー運航で世界トップクラスのBPShippingへ最新の最適化ソリューションを納入する契約を取り付けた。契約によってJeppesenは、世界の海を航行するBPの石油・天然ガスタンカー52隻に、Vesseland Voyage Optimization Solution(VVOS)を設置する。またJeppesenのFleetManagerの陸上操作部分も、BPShippingの運航管理に組み込む。FleetManagerはBPの自社・チャーター船の追跡に利用される。

VVOSはBP船舶の効率を高め、貨物の減損や気象被害といったリスクを最小限に抑え、さらには燃料費を抑えるため、航路とエンジン設定を最適化するのを支援する。JeppesenのFleetManagerの陸上操作部分により、BPの陸上マネジャーは現場海域の詳しい情報を受けながら、船舶の航行状況を監視できる。さらにJeppesenのVesselRouting Servicesは、航行効率を最適化するための1日24時間・週7日の航路計画・助言サービスに対応し、熟練船長が船舶データを分析するのを支援する。

JeppesenのProfessional Services担当ディレクターのジョエル・メルツナー氏は「過去数年間BP Shippingは船舶の効率性向上と二酸化炭素排出削減に積極的に取り組んできた。BPShippingが今日の最新鋭技術を精査し、Jeppesenを船舶最適化のパートナーに選んでくれたことを誇りに思う」と述べた。


BP ShippingのGlobal Voyage Operations担当マネジャー、ダン・リード氏は「徹底した入札手続きと陸上・海上実験を経て、Jeppesenの質の高い気象データと予報モデル、船舶と陸上の両方のスタッフ向けの進んだユーザーインターフェースによって、JeppesenのソリューションがBPShippingにふさわしいと判断した。わが社の船舶と運航管理のためのこの一連のソリューションに関係して、今後もJeppesenと協力できることをうれしく思う」と語った。

Jeppesenの船舶会社向けソリューションの詳しい情報はwww.jeppesen.com/marineを参照。BP Shippingの詳しい情報はwww.bp.com/shippingを参照。


Jeppesenはボーイング(Boeing Company)の子会社。船舶オペレーションサービスをはじめ、ISO19879に準拠した世界のベクトル海図データ方式に基づくデジタル航行ソリューション、気象情報、および伝送技術を提供する業界のリーダーである。Jeppesenはレジャーと業務両方の海運市場向けに幅広い航行、オペレーション関係製品、サービスを提供している。安全に配慮する個人のほか、沿岸級からSOLAS条約クラスまでの船舶を運航する事業者が、安全性と効率を向上させるJeppesenの革新的な航行ソリューションを使っている。



Christine Pomorski,



Jeppesen Announces Three-Year Partnership With BP Shipping  


ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Nov. 14, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Jeppesen Optimization Solutions Will be Used Aboard LNG, Product and

   Crude Oil Vessels to Increase Efficiency, Reduce Risks and Save Fuel Costs

Jeppesen has finalized a contract to provide its advanced optimization

solutions to BP Shipping, one of the world's largest operators of oil and

liquid natural gas (LNG) tankers. The contract will result in the installation

of Jeppesen's Vessel and Voyage Optimization Solution (VVOS) on 52 BP vessels

carrying crude oil and LNG shipments globally. The contract also provides for

integration of Jeppesen's FleetManager shoreside component into BP Shipping

operations. FleetManager will be used to track BP's owned and chartered vessels.

VVOS will help BP vessels optimize ship routes and engine settings to increase

efficiency, minimize risks such as cargo loss and weather damage, and reduce

fuel costs. Jeppesen's FleetManager component allows BP's shoreside managers to

monitor vessel performance at sea, while receiving detailed reports on any

vessel's current operating environment. In addition, Jeppesen's Vessel Routing

Services provide the support of seasoned Ship Masters to analyze ship data and

respond with 24/7 route planning and advisory services to optimize operational


"Over the years, BP Shipping has demonstrated a strong commitment to improved

vessel efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions," said Jeppesen director of

Professional Services Joel Meltzner. "We're honored that - following an

in-depth evaluation of today's most advanced technologies - BP Shipping

selected Jeppesen as its optimization partner for these vessels."

These Jeppesen solutions provide several key operational advantages to BP

Shipping and its vessels at sea. These include the ability for Ship Masters to

optimize routes according to Speed, ETA, Fuel Consumption and Ship Motions

(based on detailed computer models of BP vessels and predicted impacts

according to weather). In addition, C-MAP electronic charts are built into both

the shore and vessel based software interface, allowing vessels to perform

depth and obstruction checks before accepting a route.

"After a thorough tender process and onshore/offshore trials, we determined

Jeppesen's quality weather data and forecasting models, combined with its

advanced user interface for both vessels and shore staff, made the company's

solutions a good fit for BP Shipping," said Dan Read, Global Voyage Operations

Manager, BP Shipping. "We are excited to continue working with Jeppesen on this

suite of solutions for our vessels and shipping operations."

For additional information on Jeppesen solutions for shipping companies, go to

www.jeppesen.com/marine. To learn more about BP Shipping, visit


About Jeppesen

Jeppesen, a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, is a market-leading provider of

vessel operations services and digital navigation solutions, based on worldwide

vector chart data type approved to ISO19879, meteorological information and

transmission technologies. Jeppesen offers a wide range of navigation and

operations products and services to both recreational and commercial marine

markets. Safety-conscious boaters and operators of vessels ranging from coastal

to SOLAS class, rely on Jeppesen for innovative navigation solutions that

improve safety and efficiency.

SOURCE: Jeppesen

CONTACT: Christine Pomorski, +1-303-328-6166, christine.pormorski@jeppesen.com




