◎アムステルダム国立美術館が来春再開 レンブラントからリートフェルトまで

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

◎アムステルダム国立美術館が来春再開 レンブラントからリートフェルトまで

AsiaNet 51368

共同JBN 1378 (2012.11.16)

【アムステルダム2012年11月15日PRN =共同JBN】レンブラントからリートフェルトまで、巨匠たちの名作を集めた世界最大級の美術コレクションの一つが、80のギャラリーに並び、新しい光が当てられる。オランダの芸術と歴史を物語る8000点を超える美術品が展示されるのを待っている。




スペインの建築会社、Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos 社が19世紀の建築物を21世紀の明るく広々とした美術館に改修した。印象的な入館口、最新の設備、修復されたギャラリー、それに新しいアジア館。建築家たちは美術館のオリジナル・コンセプトを描いたピエール・キュペルスのレイアウトを再生し、天井が高く、広々とした19世紀末のギャラリー本来の壮大さを取り戻した。加えて、屋外展示のスペースも確保、庭園も修復された。





ソース:Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

New Rijksmuseum Opens to the Public in April 2013 Following a Ten Year Transformation




    - Masterpieces from Rembrandt to Rietveld will be seen in a new light as one

      of the world's greatest art collections is revealed in a striking sequence

      of 80 galleries

    - Over 8,000 works of art will go on show telling the story of Dutch art and


    After ten years of rebuilding, renovation and restoration, the new

Rijksmuseum will open on 13 April 2013. Never before has a national museum

undergone such a complete modernisation.

    The transformation of the Rijksmuseum provides an opportunity for a major

re-presentation of the museum's world-famous collection, much of which has not

been accessible to the public for a decade. For the first time, visitors can

follow a chronological sequence of 80 galleries displaying 8,000 works of art

and objects that tell the story of 800 years of Dutch history seen in an

international context, from the Middle Ages to the present day. Only

Rembrandt's celebrating masterpiece, The Night Watch, will be returning to its

original setting.

    More than 30 galleries are dedicated to the glory of the Golden Age when

the young mercantile republic led the world in trade, science, military

exploits and the arts. At the heart of this will be the magnificently restored

Gallery of Honour, presenting world-famous works of art by Frans Hals, Jan

Steen, Johannes Vermeer and Rembrandt van Rijn.

    Spanish architecture firm Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos has turned the

19th-century building into a bright and spacious museum for the 21st century,

with an impressive new entrance, state-of-the-art facilities, restored

galleries, and a new Asian Pavilion. The architects have recreated the clear

layout conceived by the museum's original architect, Pierre Cuypers, and have

restored the high, spacious, late 19th century galleries to their former glory.

An outdoor exhibition space and renovated garden have also been added.

    The French interior architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte has selected an interior

colour scheme inspired by Pierre Cuypers palette for the building, and has

designed and chosen furnishings for the gallery including the display cases,

plinths, lighting and furniture.

    The museum is currently installing the 8,000 works of art and historical

objects into the new building. The last work to be moved will be Rembrandt's

The Night Watch.

    The Rijksmuseum is the only major national museum in the world that will be

open to the public 365 days a year.


    Source: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




