◎社名変更、新認証マーク導入 SCS Global Services

SCS Global Services

◎社名変更、新認証マーク導入 SCS Global Services

AsiaNet 51372

共同JBN 1379 (2012.11.16)

【エミリービル(米カリフォルニア州)2012年11月15日PRN=共同JBN】実績を積み重ねた独立認証機関であるScientific Certification Systems, Inc.は15日、SCS Global Servicesという新社名で事業を継続すると発表した。新しいコーポレートアイデンティティー(CI)は、環境や持続可能性、品質の面で実績認定を求める新分野における第三者的な認証、監査、検定、基準作りで世界的な有力機関である同社の立場を反映している。同社の広範なサービスは、新しいウェブサイトhttp://www.scsglobalservices.comで紹介されている。簡単に閲覧できるこのサイトは、同社の国際的な展開に焦点を当て、SCS Kingfisher認証マークについても触れている。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120827/MM63583LOGO

創業28年のSCS Global Servicesは、林業や農水産業、エネルギー、気候、環境配慮建築、製造製品、プリンターを含むグリーンエコノミー(環境保全型経済)の主要分野でサービスを提供している。本社はカリフォルニア州エミリービルで、6大陸に14の戦略オフィス・地域事務所があり、広範な監査人網を持っている。顧客層には有名製品や小売りブランドのほか、中小企業、革新的な新興企業、政府機関、非政府組織が含まれる。

SCS Global Services創業者兼社長のスタンリー・ローズ博士は「われわれは発足当初から持続可能性とエコラベルの透明性の垣根を広げてきた。われわれの目標は終始一貫して、環境保護への寄付の誇大宣伝と事実を切り離し、本当に結果を出している企業や組織が正当な評価を得られるようにし、より持続可能な経済に向けての転換に協力することだ」と述べた。


SCS Global Servicesは新しい社名と企業ロゴに加え、世界的な新認証マークSCS Kingfisherを導入した。カワセミ(Kingfisher)は世界中に生息して愛され、鋭敏な視力と色鮮やかな翼、巧みな狩りで有名。環境の健全さを測定する物差しとして広く認められているが、絶滅が危惧される種もいる。

同社のエグゼクティブ・バイスプレジデントのロバート・フルベス博士は「SCS認証情報に裏付けられたSCS Kingfisher資格は、認証を受けた顧客が環境保全と責任ある資源管理、人と社会の保護にまい進している旗印である」と強調した。

SCS Global Servicesは米国と世界で認められた多くの認証制度を運営している。有名な認証制度の機関としてはForest Stewardship Council(FSC)、Marine Stewardship Council(MSC)、Aquaculture Stewardship Council(ASC)、US National Organic Program(NOP)、Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels(RSB)、Safe Qualify Food(SQF)、GlobalG.A.P.、Verified Carbon Standard(VCS)、American Carbon Registry(ACR)、the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance(CCBA)、the California Air Resources Board(CARB)などがある。

同社は公認公益法人で、B Corp(登録商標)に認証され、Inc.誌が発表する急成長企業5000社に3年連続で選ばれている。



Linda Brown



ソース:SCS Global Services

SCS Debuts New Corporate Name, Certification Brand and Website


EMERYVILLE, Calif., Nov. 15, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Veteran third-party certifier Scientific Certification Systems, Inc. announced

today that it is now operating under the trade name, SCS Global Services.  The

new corporate identity reflects the company's position as a global leader in

third-party certification, auditing, testing and standards development in the

burgeoning field of environmental, sustainability and quality performance

claims.  Its expanded services are showcased on the company's new website,

http://www.scsglobalservices.com, which also provides streamlined navigation,

highlights the company's international capabilities, and features the SCS

Kingfisher certification brand.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120827/MM63583LOGO)

Now in its 28th year, SCS Global Services provides services in key sectors of

the green economy, including forestry, agriculture, fisheries, energy, climate,

green building, manufactured goods, and printers. Headquartered in Emeryville,

California, SCS Global Services operates on six continents, with 14 strategic

offices and regional representatives and an extensive network of auditors.  Its

clientele includes well-known product and retail brands, as well as small and

medium business enterprises, innovative start-ups, government agencies and

non-governmental organizations.

"We've been pushing the boundaries of sustainability certification and

transparency in ecolabeling from the start," said Dr. Stanley Rhodes, SCS

Global Services President and Founder.  "Our goal now, as always, is to

separate facts from greenwashing hype so that companies and organizations who

are truly making a difference can gain the recognition they deserve, and help

guide the transition toward a more sustainable economy."

Linda Brown, co-founder and Senior Vice President, added:  "Armed with

well-documented information, companies, policy makers and consumers are better

equipped to make the right choices."

Along with its new trade name and corporate logo, SCS Global Services has

introduced a new global certification mark, the SCS Kingfisher.  Kingfisher

birds, ubiquitous and beloved around the world, are known for their keen

vision, colorful plumage, and skillful hunting.  Widely recognized as

indicators of environmental health, some species are now threatened with


"The SCS Kingfisher, backed by the SCS Certified message, is a clear expression

of our certified clients' proven commitment to environmental stewardship,

responsible resource management, and protection of people and communities,"

said Dr. Robert J. Hrubes, Executive Vice President.   

SCS Global Services operates under a long list of nationally and

internationally recognized accreditations, including notable programs

administered by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Marine Stewardship

Council (MSC), Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), US National Organic

Program (NOP), Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels (RSB), Safe Qualify Food

(SQF), GlobalG.A.P., Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), American Carbon Registry

(ACR), the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), the California

Air Resources Board (CARB) and more.

The company is a chartered benefit corporation and Certified B Corp(TM).  It

has been named one of Inc. Magazine's 5000 Fastest Growing Companies for three

straight years.   

"The growth we have experienced speaks to the degree to which sustainability

has taken center stage in industry after industry," said Rhodes.  "As companies

have discovered, this is a positive direction, both for the environment and the

bottom line."


Linda Brown



SOURCE:  SCS Global Services  




