◎再生可能エネルギー賞を創設  米国のルイビル大学

University of Louisville

◎再生可能エネルギー賞を創設  米国のルイビル大学

AsiaNet 51360

共同JBN 1376 (2012.11.16)

【ルイビル(米ケンタッキー州)2012年11月15日PRN=共同JBN】ルイビル大学は、エネルギー分野で世界的な影響を与え、あるいは与えるとみられる傑出したアイデアや業績をたたえ、賞金5万ドルを与える「Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy(リー・アン・コン再生可能エネルギー賞)」を創設すると発表した。


ルイビル大学のコン再生可能エネルギー調査センター(Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research)が管理する同賞は、同センターを支援し、同賞に寄付したアトランタ在住のハンク・コン、レベッカ・コン夫妻の亡くなった娘にちなんで名付けられた。





第1回のLeigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energyの応募期間は、今から2013年3月1日まで。賞の基準や選考方法はwww.conncenter.org/leigh-ann-conn-prizeを参照。それ以降の応募は2014年の選考に回される。

ハンク・コン氏はルイビル大学のスピード・スクール・オブ・エンジニアリングで学士号と修士号、カレッジ・オブ・ビジネスで修士号を取得し、「2009年最優秀同窓生」に選ばれた。コン氏は世界的な経営コンサルタント会社A.T.Kearney Incの元副社長である。


ソース:University of Louisville


Andrew Marsh,



Judy Hughes, +1-502-852-6171,


UofL establishes $50,000 prize for renewable energy


LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 15, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Award named for Leigh Ann Conn; 2013 nominations due by March 1

The University of Louisville will present a new $50,000 award - the Leigh Ann

Conn Prize for Renewable Energy - to recognize outstanding energy ideas or

achievements that have shown or likely will have global impact.

The award is intended to spotlight wide-ranging research related to the

science, technology, engineering and commercialization of renewable energy and

energy efficiency throughout the world.

The prize, managed by UofL's Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research, is

named for the late daughter of Hank and Rebecca Conn of Atlanta, research

center supporters and prize benefactors.

The recipient will be announced in fall 2013 and will give a public talk in

Louisville about the winning work and participate in community and campus

events as well as a medal ceremony.

"This unique prize will show the world that UofL and the Conn family are

serious about growing, fostering and rewarding innovation in energy research,"

UofL President James Ramsey said.

Nominations will be judged on factors such as economic effect, level of

challenge, originality, creativity, scientific merit, commercialization and

global impact on energy use and demand reduction. Organizers encourage

nominations from scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, technologists,

professional groups, publishers and university leaders.

Award submissions will go through several levels of review, including an

external panel with representatives from industry, academia and national


Nominations for the first Leigh Ann Conn Prize recipient will be accepted now

until March 1, 2013; criteria and directions are at

www.conncenter.org/leigh-ann-conn-prize. Applications received later will be

considered for the 2014 competition.

The 2009 UofL Alumnus of the Year, Hank Conn earned bachelor's and master's

degrees from Speed School of Engineering and a master of business

administration from the College of Business. He is former vice president of

global management consulting firm A.T. Kearney Inc.

For more information, contact Andrew Marsh, Conn Center assistant director, at


SOURCE: University of Louisville

CONTACT: Andrew Marsh, +1-502-852-8597, or Judy Hughes, +1-502-852-6171,





