◎農業生産で欧州連合は落後者に  仏シンクタンクMomagriの見解


◎農業生産で欧州連合は落後者に  仏シンクタンクMomagriの見解

AsiaNet 51388

共同JBN 1389 (2012.11.20)

【パリ2012年11月19日PRN=共同JBN】仏シンクタンク、Momagriによる世界4農業大国(ブラジル、中国、米国、欧州連合)の世界農業生産補助(SGPA)指標の諸数値が示しているところでは、2005年から2010年の間、一人当たりの世界農業生産補助(SPGA)(注1)が中国で130%、ブラジルで60%、米国で40% とかなり増加しているのに対して、欧州連合では2005年の水準(注2)に辛うじてとどまっている*。




絶対値として、2010年の世界農業生産補助(SGPA)指標ランキングのトップは米国(1630億ドル)で、中国(1540億ドル)がこれに次ぎ、欧州連合(1010億ドル)、ブラジル(380億ドル)と続く。農業生産価値に対する農業補助金の比率の表示でも、米国がトップで48%、欧州とブラジルが24%、中国が20% である。







(注1)   国別通貨で算出。

(注2)   基準ユーロ(2005年物価変動調整済み)で見ると、欧州連合での世界農業生産補助(SGPA)は3%減。



表1:  一人当たり世界農業生産補助(SGPA)の比較 =2005-2010年の欧州連合、米国、ブラジル、中国。国別通貨による表示。

表2:  世界農業生産補助(SPGA)の比較=2005-2010年の欧州連合、米国、ブラジル、中国。単位は10億ドル。

表3:  農業生産に対する世界農業生産補助(SPGA)の比率(%)=2005-2010年の欧州連合、米国、ブラジル、中国。


Agricultural Policies: The European Union Drops Out



     As revealed by results from the SGPA (Global Support to Agricultural

Production) indicator for the world's four major agricultural powerhouses

(Brazil, China, United States and European Union)*

    Between 2005 and 2010, the per capita global support to agricultural

production (SGPA)[1] has significantly increased in China, Brazil and the

United States--by 130, 60 and 40 percent respectively--while it barely

maintained its 2005[2] level in the European Union.

    To view the Multimedia News Release with the charts, please click:


    In spite of statements on maintaining the current CAP budget, these results

thus are showing that Europe has, since 2005, been taking a direction that is

in conflict with that taken by other world's major powers, which invest

massively to safeguard the food security of their people.

    In absolute terms, the 2010 SGPA indicator ranks the United States first

with $163 billion, followed by China with $154 billion, the European Union with

$101 billion and Brazil with $38 billion. Expressed as a percentage of the

agricultural production value, the United States again ranked first, with

agricultural support representing 48 percent, against 24 percent for the

European Union and for Brazil, and 20 percent for China.

    But numbers aside, a policy analysis indicates similarities between Brazil

and the United States, which implement policies to support competitiveness and

domestic demand stimulus:

     - In Brazil, direct market interventions, reserve policies and incentives

       to develop biofuels (42 percent of the Brazilian SGPA);

     - In the United States, direct payments, countercyclical payments

       supplemented by insurance mechanisms and a sizeable system of domestic

       food aid.

    As far as China is concerned, the government is conducting a policy of

interventionism and safeguarding agricultural production that includes

guaranteed minimal prices ($258/ton for wheat and $291/ton for rice in 2010),

direct income support, social protection programs as well as tax relief...

    Conversely, only the European Union turns its support system decoupled from

production, in addition to greening criteria, into the cornerstone of its

agricultural policy.

    The verdict is final: Both the lower support and its unsuitability are

causing the European Union to drop out, a situation all the more troubling that

it would be worsened by the planned CAP reform.


    1. In national currencies.

    2. At constant euros, global support to agricultural production declined by

3 percent in the EU.

    Chart 1: Per capita SGPA comparison: UE, USA, Brazil, China, 2005-2010, in

national currencies.

    Chart 2: SGPA comparison: UE, USA, Brazil, China, 2005-2010, in $billions.

    Chart 3: SGPA comparison of national agricultural production, UE, USA,

Brazil, China, 2005-2010, in %.

    All charts can be found at http://www.multivu.com/mnr/58650-momagri

    SOURCE: Momagri




