◎中国と欧州が政治、経済、科学分野で意見交換 ハンブルク・サミット

Hamburg Marketing GmbH

◎中国と欧州が政治、経済、科学分野で意見交換 ハンブルク・サミット

AsiaNet 51421

共同JBN 1401(2012.11.20)



王剛第11期中国人民政治協商会議副主席兼科学技術相が11月28日に開会を宣言。続いて欧州議会のゲオルギオス・パパスタムコス副議長が演説する。11月30日の基調演説は、欧州中銀のピーター・プリート首席エコノミストが行う。経済界からの参加者は、EADSのトーマス・エンダース最高経営責任者(CEO)、ドイツ銀行のユルゲン・フィッチェン共同会長、中国海運(China Shipping)の許立栄最高経営責任者(CEO)ら。元米国務長官のヘンリー・キッシンジャーと元西ドイツ首相のヘルムート・シュミットの両氏が世界政治における欧州と中国、米国の将来について討論する。最終基調報告はカレル・デフフト欧州委員(通商担当)が行う。







Hamburg Marketing GmbH

Matthias Beer

Phone:  +49-40-411110634

Mobile: +49-152-54864536

Fax:  +49-40-411110615

E-mail: matthias.beer@marketing.hamburg.de


ソース:Hamburg Marketing GmbH

Hamburg Summit: China Meets Europe


HAMBURG, Germany, Nov. 20, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Leading representatives from politics, business and science discuss China's

and Europe's future in Hamburg

    From 28 to 30 November 2012, international delegations gather at The

Hamburg Summit: China Meets Europe, Germany's major Sino-European economic

conference and the first large-scale international China conference after the

US elections and China's leadership changes. Topics include Sino-European trade

relations, their role in the global economy, raw material supply, currency

liberalisation, Smart Cities, and China's and Europe's strategies in a

multi-polar world.

    Wan Gang, vice-chair of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative

Conference and Minister of Science and Technology will open the conference on

28 November, followed by a speech by Prof Georgios Papastamkos, vice-president

of the European Parliament. Keynote speakers on 30 November include Peter

Praet, chief economist of the ECB. Business representatives include Dr Thomas

Enders, CEO of EADS, Juergen Fitschen, co-chairman of Deutsche Bank and Capt.

Xu Lirong, CEO of China Shipping. Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State

and former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt will discuss the future of Europe,

China and the US in world politics. Final keynote speaker will be Karel De

Gucht, EU Commissioner for Trade.

    The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce is host to the Hamburg Summit since 2004.

With Europe's second-largest container port, Hamburg is the major economic

bridgehead between the EU and China. More than 400 Chinese companies are

located in this international waterside business hub. The Hamburg Summit is the

platform for fair exchange and allows participants to expand their networks,

thereby enhancing Sino-European relations. The event is co-hosted by the China

Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE) and the China Association of Trade in

Services (CATIS).

    Accreditation for journalists: http://press.hamburg-summit.com

    Pictures and further information: http://www.hamburg-summit.com



    Hamburg Marketing GmbH

    Matthias Beer

    Phone:  +49-40-411110634

    Mobile: +49-152-54864536

    Fax:  +49-40-411110615

    E-mail: matthias.beer@marketing.hamburg.de


    SOURCE:  Hamburg Marketing GmbH




