◎AOCワインを新パッケージで世界同時発売 Barton & Guestier


◎AOCワインを新パッケージで世界同時発売 Barton & Guestier

AsiaNet 51239

共同JBN 1346(2012.11.20)

【ボルドー(フランス)2012年11月20日PRN=共同JBN】バルトン&ゲスティエ(Barton & Guestier):それは偉大なフランス・アペラシオンワインへのパスポート。








各ワイン産地の伝統的なアペラシオンはボルドーとブルゴーニュタイプの軽量ボトルで配送され、上級アペラシオンはそれぞれの産地に異なったボトルで配送される。すべてのワインはおなじみのB&G Barton & Guestierの金色王冠がついていて、簡単に他のワインと見分けがつくようになっている。

新しいパッケージはBarton & Guestierの金色ラベルが変わる。



ソース:Barton & Guestier

Worldwide Launch: New Educative Packaging for Barton & Guestier AOC Wines


BORDEAUX, France, Nov 20, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Barton & Guestier: The passport to the great French Appellations

    Barton & Guestier has completed the worldwide launch of the new packaging

of its extensive range of AOC wines, covering 19 appellations* coming from six

of the main French winegrowing regions.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    The new educative labels represent a true invitation to travel to France

and to discover and learn about the great French vineyards and their


    Labels mention the name of the appellation, the region, the varietals and

also taste descriptors for the classic appellations. The prestigious

appellations carry a regional or village symbol.

    The distinctive label shape, the strong Barton & Guestier branding (both on

the label and the capsule) and the red B&G Passeport stamp make this range very

impactful on the shelf.

    The backlabels provide information and QR codes linking to the product

sheet, the B&G website and the company fanpage on Facebook.

    The classic appellations of each region are delivered in right-weight

Bordeaux and Burgundy shape bottles and the prestigious appellations are

delivered in specific or regional bottles. All the wines carry the familiar B&G

Barton & Guestier gold caps, for easy recognition on the shelf.

    The new packaging replaces the Barton & Guestier Gold Labels.

    The quality of the wines, vinified and monitored by the B&G winemaking

team, remains unchanged. Laurent Prada: "Making a range of wine from all over

France is an exciting and tough challenge. It forces you to think carefully

about the typicity of each product in order to guarantee to our consumer that

they are experiencing wine true to their terroir. This is only possible thanks

to the very tight partnership we have in each French region. Even more than the

technical know-how, the human relationship with the wine grower is key."

    The launch of the range is accompanied by promotional actions for trade and

consumers with B&G Cooler bags, free dropstops on informative neckhangers,

individual giftpacks and a real B&G passport!

    SOURCE: Barton & Guestier




