◎毛色の変わったスーパーヒーローが小説に初登場 An Extra-Ordinary Beginning!

A. D. Winch

◎毛色の変わったスーパーヒーローが小説に初登場 An Extra-Ordinary Beginning!

AsiaNet 51384

共同JBN 1386 (2012.11.20)

【プラハ2012年11月20日PRN=共同JBN】新しい種類のスーパーヒーローが登場するA.D. Winchのデビュー小説「An Extra-Ordinary Beginning!」が発売された。ステレオタイプのスーパーヒーロー、-つまりズボンの上にアンダーパンツをはいている白人の成人男性-に飽きた世界中の子どもたちや大人たちは、自分たちのために書かれた物語を見つける。






An Extra-Ordinary Beginning!は、特筆すべき本だ。複雑な経過の展開や陰謀とスピード感あふれるアクションで読者を興奮させ、次作The Adventures of Eric and Ursulaをすぐに読みたい気分にさせるだろう。

▽A.D. Winchについて:


子ども向けの戯曲を書き世界中で公演された。映画2本の脚本も執筆。「Seagulls」とドキュメンタリー「Your Baby Disappeared」


ソース:A. D. Winch

An Extra-Ordinary Beginning! The First Significant Female Superhero Arrives



    "An Extra-Ordinary Beginning", the debut novel by A.D. Winch about a new

kind of superhero, is out now. Children and adults around the world who are

tired of the stereotypical superhero - white adult male with his underpants

outside his trousers - will find this story is for them.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Ursula and Eric are characters readers can relate to and whose superpowers

are within their reach. Ursula is originally from Africa and promises to be the

first significant superhero for girls regardless of colour, nationality or

race. In a genre in which girls are seen as sidekicks or sub-plots, along comes

a female character who is central to an entire series of books. This is not to

say that the internationally educated Eric is irrelevant. There are more than

three million students being educated worldwide who now have a hero who shares

their experience and can truly be described as a global citizen.

    Superpowers are possible! 90 years ago the women's 100 metre record was

13.6 seconds and the men's 10.4. It was considered impossible to break 11 or 10

seconds - only a superwoman or superman could do it - now it is considered the

norm for world-class sprinters. They have achieved what earlier athletes would

have classed as super. Eric and Ursula's super abilities lie in what is humanly

possible through dedicated pratice rather than what is impossible; inspiring

readers to achieve more themselves without thinking "nobody can do that".

    On Amazon people are already saying "this is a gripping book," "a really

worthy debut" and "a fantastic read."

    "An Extra-Ordinary Beginning" is an extraordinary book that excites the

reader with twists and turns, intrigue and fast-paced action, leaving the

reader desperate to read more of "The Adventures of Eric and Ursula".


    Originally from England, A.D. Winch has lived in Transylvania, war-torn Sri

Lanka and above the Hadron Collider in Switzerland. He currently lives in

Prague overlooking a tower covered in giant babies.

    A.D. Winch has written plays for children that have been successfully

performed around the world and two films - "Seagulls" and the mysterious

documentary "Your Baby Disappeared".

    When he is not writing he enjoys teaching children and spending time with

his family.

    SOURCE: A. D. Winch




