
バリアン メディカル システムズ


AsiaNet 51411

共同JBN 1397(2012.11.21)

【東京2012年11月21日PRN=共同JBN】がん治療医療機器の有力メーカーであるバリアン メディカル システムズ(Varian Medical Systems, Inc.、NYSE: VAR)は自社の先進的な画像誘導放射線治療、定位放射線照射技術を今週後半に東京で開催される第25回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)学術大会で展示する。また大会中にバリアンは定位放射線手術と体幹部定位放射線治療(ピンポイント照射)-高エネルギーのエックス線を使って脳内や体内の腫瘍を治療する敏速で非侵襲の処置-の最近の進歩についての昼食セミナーを開催する。



バリアンの山田眞・日本販売マネジャーは次のように語る。「最新リリースのARIA 11は臨床医が自分のスクリーンをカスタマイズでき、適切なレベルの詳細さで必要なことに簡単にアクセスできるように設計されている。またARIAはいまではEclipseシステムとより緊密に統合されており、ユーザーは1カ所からどちらのアプリケーションにもアクセスできる。クリニックは日々の業務の流れに沿った運用ができるようにシステムを設定することができ、品質保証の評価として安全性チェックを組み込んだワークフローを設定することができる」






      -- Slotman BJ, Senan S. Radiotherapy in small---cell lung cancer:

lessons learned and future directions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 79,

998--- 1003, 2011.

      -- Lagerwaard FJ, Verstegen NE, Haasbeek CJ, Slotman BJ, Paul MA,

Smit EF, Senan S. Outcomes of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in

patients with potentially operable stage I non-small cell lung

cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 May 1;83(1):348-53.

      -- Senthi S, Lagerwaard FJ, Haasbeek CJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S.

Patterns of disease recurrence after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for

early stage non---small---cell lung cancer: a retrospective analysis.

Lancet Oncol. 2012 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]

▽バリアン メディカル システムズ(Varian Medical Systems, Inc.)について

バリアン メディカル システムズ(本社 米カリフォルニア州パロアルト)は、がんの放射線治療法、放射線外科治療法、小線源治療法を行うための治療システムの分野で世界的なリーディングカンパニーである。また、がんセンターや病院等で行われるがん診療を包括的に管理するソフトウエアも提供している。バリアンは高品位な医療、科学、産業アプリケーションのエックス線画像用管球、デジタル検出装置を提供するプロバイダーであり、貨物透視検査、工業検査用のエックス線画像製品も供給している。バリアンの全世界の従業員は約6100人で、北米、欧州、中国の製造施設と、約70の販売、サポートオフィスに在籍している。




Meryl Ginsberg

Tel: +1.650.424.6444



Yayoi Shimizu

Tel: +81-3-4486-5010


ソース:Varian Medical Systems, Inc.


Varian Medical Systems to Showcase Advanced Technologies for Treating Cancer with Image-Guided Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery at JASTRO Meeting in Tokyo, Japan

TOKYO, Nov. 21, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

       Varian will also sponsor a luncheon seminar about techniques for

         targeting tumors that move during treatment due to breathing

     Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE: VAR), the leading manufacturer of

medical devices for treating cancer, will exhibit the company's advanced

technologies for image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery at the 25th Annual

Meeting of the Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JASTRO)

here later this week.  During the meeting, Varian will also sponsor a luncheon

seminar on the latest developments in stereotactic radiosurgery and

stereotactic body radiotherapy - quick and non-invasive procedures that use

high-energy X-rays to treat tumors in the brain or body.

     Varian's booth at the meeting will showcase the company's latest products,

including the TrueBeam(TM) medical linear accelerator for image-guided

radiotherapy and radiosurgery, offering the high dose delivery rates,

precision, and speed needed for precise radiosurgery and stereotactic body

radiotherapy procedures.   

     Varian personnel will also be on hand to demonstrate the latest releases

of the ARIA(R) oncology information and Eclipse(TM) treatment planning software

systems.  ARIA is a comprehensive information management solution that

streamlines clinical processes, improves workflow, eliminates paper charts, and

automates many aspects of managing complex cancer treatments.

     "ARIA 11 - the latest release - has been designed so that clinicians can

personalize their home screen to easily access what they need, at the

appropriate level of detail," said Makoto Yamada, sales manager for Varian in

Japan.  "ARIA is now also more tightly integrated with the Eclipse system,

enabling users to access both applications from a single workspace.  Clinics

can configure the system to guide personnel through their daily tasks, and can

set up workflows to incorporate safety checks as another quality assurance


     Varian Symposium on Stereotactic Radiosurgery

     Varian will also sponsor a luncheon symposium on November 24, on the topic

of stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT).  These

quick and non-invasive procedures use carefully shaped high-energy X-ray beams

to treat tumors in the brain or body.  Benjamin Slotman, MD, PhD, professor and

chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at VU University Medical

Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, will detail his clinical experience

treating patients with these approaches, using Varian's TrueBeam(TM) system and

its High Intensity Mode for delivering very high doses with precision and speed.

     Dr. Slotman is an international expert in the field of stereotactic

irradiation, the treatment of small cell lung cancer, and the early clinical

implementation of new technologies.  He has co-authored more than 200 peer

reviewed publications, many on the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer

using stereotactic approaches.[1]  Dr. Slotman is currently serving as

principal investigator of a multicenter randomized trial on the role of

thoracic irradiation in lung cancer patients.  He is also the associate editor

of the Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRT.

     The symposium will be chaired by Hiroki Shirato, M.D., Ph.D., professor

and chairman of the Department of Radiation Medicine at the Hokkaido University

Graduate School of Medicine.  Dr. Shirato is an internationally-known expert in

the management of tumor motion, a very important aspect of treating cancer with

stereotactic body radiotherapy, since tumors in the body often move during

treatment due to respiration or other normal physiological processes.

     [1] Some representative publications:

     -- Slotman BJ, Senan S. Radiotherapy in small---cell lung cancer: lessons

        learned and future directions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 79,     

        998--- 1003, 2011.

     -- Lagerwaard FJ, Verstegen NE, Haasbeek CJ, Slotman BJ, Paul MA, Smit

        EF, Senan S. Outcomes of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in

        patients with potentially operable stage I non-small cell lung cancer.

        Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 May 1;83(1):348-53.

     -- Senthi S, Lagerwaard FJ, Haasbeek CJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Patterns of

        disease recurrence after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for early

        stage non---small---cell lung cancer: a retrospective analysis. Lancet

        Oncol. 2012 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]

     About Varian Medical Systems

     Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California, is the world's

leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and

other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and brachytherapy.

The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer

clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is a

premier supplier of tubes, digital detectors, and image processing workstations

for X-ray imaging in medical, scientific, and industrial applications and also

supplies high-energy X-ray devices for cargo screening and non-destructive

testing applications.  Varian Medical Systems employs approximately 6,100

people who are located at manufacturing sites in North America, Europe, and

China and approximately 70 sales and support offices around the world. For more

information, visit http://www.varian.com or follow us on Twitter.


    UNITED STATES                

    Meryl Ginsberg               

    Tel: +1.650.424.6444         



    Yayoi Shimizu

    Tel: +81-3-4486-5010


    SOURCE: Varian Medical Systems, Inc.  




