
IWC Schaffhausen


AsiaNet 51408

共同JBN 1396(2012.11.26)

【北京2012年11月23日PRN=共同JBN】IWCシャフハウゼン(IWC Schaffhausen)は22日、中国の北京でフラッグシップブティックの開店を祝賀した。ブランドの友人や厳選された招待客たちが顔をそろえたパークビュー・グリーンモールの華々しい記念式典は、IWCの新製品ポルトギーゼ シデラーレ スカフージアが北京で初めて披露されたこともあり、記憶に残る宵になった。







アジア第2の旗艦店、北京のIWCフラッグシップブティックは比類ない環境に加え、高級腕時計愛好家のためにIWC史上のスター、ポルトギーゼ シデラーレ スカフージア専用の部屋もある。しかし、呼び物のワールドプレミアはそれだけではない。天文上の時間管理術に関する機械工学技術の頂点は現在、一定力のツゥールビヨン式エスケープメント(脱進機)から歯車列、たそがれ、日の出、日没と顧客の視野で刻々と変わる星々と星座を見せる太陽・恒星時計の表示に至る500以上の要素でできている。IWCは今回の特別の機会を記念、紫禁城の地平線を背景とする天球儀付きのポルトギーゼ シデラーレ スカフージアを創作した。新フラッグシップブティックはこの最高傑作の“住まい”になる。この時計は、常に持続可能性と伝統を尊重しながら、時代に先駆けるテクノロジー搭載の革新的ウオッチをつくるというIWCの創業理念を反映するものである。IWCの多角的なタイムピースが深く根ざしている伝統と革新の融合は、いまや世界有数の古くからの首都に立派な新居を見いだした。



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▽IWCシャフハウゼン(IWC Schaffhausen)について


Internet: http://www.iwc.com

ソース:IWC Schaffhausen

IWC Schaffhausen Unveils New Flagship Boutique, Adding a Star to the Beijing Sky


BEIJING, Nov. 23, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Yesterday, IWC Schaffhausen celebrated the opening of its Flagship

Boutique in Beijing, China. Friends of the Brand and selected guests were among

those in attendance at the spectacular unveiling ceremony in the Parkview Green

Mall, followed by the premiere of an IWC Portuguese Siderale Scafusia dedicated

to Beijing, an evening to remember.

    "Our new Flagship Boutique, now the second in Asia, takes IWC's watchmaking

heritage to a new level," explained IWC CEO Georges Kern. "We are proud to

celebrate this occasion with our distinguished guests and to honor the

importance of the Chinese market with an exclusive timepiece". Parkview Green,

a new mall in the heart of Beijing's central business district, is setting new

standards in both form and function with the use of innovative environmental

technologies, enabling, among other achievements, the establishment of a

microclimate beyond the influence of Beijing's extreme seasonal climates. IWC

invited 200 guests to join them at Parkview Green for the boutique's grand

opening event. For the inauguration, guests gathered on the bridge in front of

the fully covered Flagship Boutique to learn more about IWC's milestones of

innovation, an exhibition featuring ten watches from the years 1874 to 2000.


    After the reception on the bridge, Friends of the Brand including actress

Tang Wei, Olympic gold medal winner Chen Yibing, actor Su You Peng, actress Zhu

Zhu, movie director Wang Xiaoshuai, and artist Wang Luyan joined forces with

Georges Kern, Benoit de Clerck, Managing Director of IWC Asia Pacific, and

Dennis Lee, Managing Director of IWC China, to unveil the architectural

highlight. "The first IWC Flagship Boutique in mainland China is not only

important for the region, but also adds a new landmark to the company's

history," explained Georges Kern. The dimensions became even more evident after

the curtains had dropped and guests were able to discover the Flagship

Boutique's interior.


    The architecture of IWC's third Flagship Boutique is just as exceptional as

its surroundings. The facade of the approximately 300 square-meter, bi-level

glass cube is an eye-catcher in its own right. A brainchild of in-house

designers and architects, the signature interior reflects the luxurious

ambience of IWC's collection. Fitted out with sumptuous dark woods and

exquisite materials, the Flagship Boutique creates an elegant atmosphere that

invites customers to explore the six fascinating watch families along with

boutique-exclusive editions, and the IWC Collection, only available in Flagship

Boutiques, and made up of innovative, hand-picked items and accessories as

exquisite and outstanding as the watches themselves.


    In addition to its one-of-a-kind environment, the IWC Flagship Boutique

Beijing - which is the second Flagship Boutique in Asia - features a world

premiere - and not only for aficionados of haute horlogerie: a room dedicated

to a star in IWC's history, the Portuguese Siderale Scafusia. The pinnacle of

mechanical and engineering skills in the art of astronomical timekeeping today

combines over 500 components, from the patented constant-force tourbillon

escapement to the wheel train, culminating in the display of solar and sidereal

time, twilight, sunrise, and sunset, and the constantly changing view of the

visible stars and constellations from the customer's own horizon. To mark the

special occasion, IWC created a Portuguese Siderale Scafusia with a celestial

chart on the case back showing the Forbidden City's horizon. The new Flagship

Boutique will be home to this masterpiece, which reflects IWC's founding

principles: creating innovative watches with technologies ahead of their time,

while always respecting sustainability and heritage. The combination of

tradition and innovation deeply rooted in IWC's multifaceted timepieces has now

found a worthy new home in one of the world's most ancient capitals.

    Illustrative material can be obtained free of charge at



    http://www.image.net (free online registration required)

    IWC Schaffhausen

    With a clear focus on technology and development, the Swiss watch

manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen has been producing watches of lasting value since

1868. The company has gained an international reputation based on a passion for

innovative solutions and technical ingenuity. One of the world's leading brands

in the luxury watch segment, IWC crafts masterpieces of haute horlogerie at its

finest, combining supreme precision with exclusive design.

    Internet: http://www.iwc.com

    SOURCE: IWC Schaffhausen




