
Pew Environment Group


AsiaNet 51470

共同JBN 1424(12.11.26)

【ブリュッセル2012年11月23日PRN=共同JBN】欧州議会は23日、欧州連合(EU)によるフカヒレ漁の規制強化を決議、ひれを切り取った後にサメ本体を海上に投棄する、いわゆるシャーク・フィンニング(shark finning)漁法を禁止した。議員566人が欧州委員会(EC)の提案に賛成した。提案はこれまでの規制の抜け穴を塞ぐもので、地球上のどの場所であれEUの漁船に引き上げられたか、あるいはEUの港湾に入港するすべての船に積まれたサメは自然のまま、ひれを付けた状態にしておかなければならない、としている。

 (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121122/DC17877

Pew Environment Groupのウタ・ベリオン氏は決議に応えて次のような声明を発表した。





Mike Walker



ソース:Pew Environment Group

Pew Applauds European Parliament Vote for Stronger Shark Finning Ban


BRUSSELS, Nov. 23, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The European Parliament voted today to strengthen the European Union's ban on

shark finning, the practice of slicing off a shark's fins and discarding the

body at sea. 566 members of the European Parliament voted in favor of the

European Commission's proposal to close a loophole by requiring that fins be

left naturally attached to all sharks landed by EU fishing vessels globally and

by all vessels landing sharks in the EU.  

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121122/DC17877)

Uta Bellion of the Pew Environment Group issued the following statement in


"The parliament's vote is a major milestone in ending the wasteful practice of

shark finning. We profoundly thank Commissioner Damanaki for her farsighted and

ambitious proposal, the hundreds of members of the European Parliament who have

supported it, and most of all, the thousands of citizens in the European Union

who encouraged them to do so.

"Fisheries ministers from throughout the European Union have already given a

clear indication that they support the commission's approach by a large

majority. We now look to them to accept the parliament's deliberations and

enact the regulation without delay."

Previously, the EU regulation that banned finning included an exception under

which fishermen with permits could remove shark fins on board and then land the

fins separately from the bodies. With compliance monitored through a

complicated process of measuring and comparing the weights of the fins with the

weight of the whole sharks, there was significant room for undetected finning.

Mike Walker



SOURCE Pew Environment Group




