◎廬山観光がCITM2012に出展 「廬山の夜」の単独スポンサーに

Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

◎廬山観光がCITM2012に出展 「廬山の夜」の単独スポンサーに

AsiaNet 51533


【上海2012年11月30日PRN=共同JBN】アジアで最大、最重要な旅行業界イベントである中国国際旅游交易会(China International Travel Mart、CITM2012)は11月15日、上海新国際博覧中心(Shanghai New International Expo Centre)で開催された。廬山の観光スポット紹介には、廬山観光局のリュー・イジン局長、廬山観光開発会社(Lushan Tourism Co.,Ltd.)のクイ・シアオイ副宣伝部長らが出席した。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121129/CN19091



「CITS-廬山の夜」は、中国国際旅行総社(China International Travel Service Limited、CITS)が主催し、上海の華亭ホテル・アンド・タワー(Fua Ting Hotel & Tower)の大宴会場で11月15日夜に開催された。廬山観光は当夜の単独名称イベントだった。国家観光行政局幹部で中国観光協会のリュー・ジンピン副会長が開会のあいさつをした。他にダオ・シュミン上海市観光局長、CITSのユ・ニンニン会長、China UnionPay のカイ・ジアンボ副会長、CITSのトン・ウェイ副会長、中国共産党九江市委員会幹部兼廬山行政局党支部のヤン・ジアン書記がそれぞれあいさつした。夕食会では廬山行政局共産党支部のリ・ヤドン副書記が英語で廬山について短いプレゼンセーションを行い、満場から拍手を受けた。席上、廬山を紹介するプロモーション映画も上映され、特別の茶会も行われた。最後に廬山のロマンスをテーマにした歌と踊りのパフォーマンスがあった。


ソース: Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

Lushan Mountain Attends CITM 2012


SHANGHAI, Nov. 30, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Acting as sole named sponsor for "2012 CITS-Lushan Night"

    China International Travel Mart 2012 (CITM 2012), the largest and most

important gathering of travel industry executives in Asia, was held in Shanghai

New International Expo Centre on November 15. Attendees representing Lushan

Mountain scenic spot included Liu Yijun, Chairman at Lushan Tourism Bureau, and

Cui Xiaoyi, deputy director at Lushan's Propaganda Department and Lushan

Tourism Co., Ltd.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121129/CN19091)

    Lushan's booth attracted much attention from an endless stream of suppliers

and purchasing agents who came to ask questions or request published materials.

    The 57,500 square-meter facility housed 2,514 booths, and attracted

exhibitors from 104 countries and regions. The exhibition, which broke several

records in terms of attendance and other key metrics, was widely reported by

200 media outlets both in China and internationally.

    CITS-Lushan Night, hosted by China International Travel Service Limited,

Head Office (CITS), was held in the Grand Ballroom of Shanghai Hua Ting Hotel &

Towers on the evening of November 15. Lushan Mountain was the sole named

sponsor of the event. Liu Jinping, one of the top executives at the National

Tourism Administration and Vice Chairman of the China Tourism Association,

delivered some of the opening remarks. Other executives in attendance included

Dao Shuming, Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration, Yu

Ningning, President of CITS and Cai Jianbo, Vice president at China UnionPay

Deputy. Tong Wei, Vice President of CITS, and Yang Jian, Associate Counsel of

the Communist Party of China Jiujiang Municipal Committee and Secretary of

Party Committee of Lushan Administration, each addressed the event. At the

dinner, Li Yadong, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Lushan

Administration, gave a short presentation on Lushan Mountain in English and

received warm applause from all attendees. The dinner also featured a

promotional film on Lushan Mountain and a special tea ceremony, and closed with

a song-and-dance performance themed "Romance on Lushan Mountain".

    The CITS Night is a grand event of huge import to inbound tourism

professionals at the China International Travel Mart, and has become the Mart's

flagship event, highly awaited by both attendees and industry players alike.

The event effectively helped promote Lushan Mountain and enhanced its influence

within the tourism sector. In addition, it helped Lushan Mountain step more

firmly into the international arena.

    SOURCE: Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.  




