◎金融界のデータ革命を追究  Quant Magazine誌

Quant Magazine

◎金融界のデータ革命を追究  Quant Magazine誌

AsiaNet 51464

共同JBN 1421 (2012.12.3)

【アムステルダム、ロンドン2012年12月3日PRN=共同JBN】金融業界は何を誤ったのか、データに着目する新世代の若者は、金融業界をいかに再建できるのか―。新しく発刊されるQuant Magazine誌は、この世界の文化と背景についての視点を提示し、データの活用と定量分析の重要性の高まりを明らかにする。「今日では統計的思考が読み書きと同じほど重要である」



クワイジタール氏は有名な作家H. G. ウェルズ(1866-1946)の「統計的思考はいつの日か、有能な市民にとって読み書き能力と同じほど必要になる」という言葉に触発された。

Quant Magazineは今がその時で、あらゆる分野でデータの重要性が高まっていることを示す。第1号の記事は「金融健忘症に対処する法」で、なぜ人はお金のこととなると同じ過ちを犯すのかを説明する。別の記事では1930年代の前回の大恐慌と現在の危機を比較する。同氏は「当時と今の成功した企業も比較する。これは新しい見識をもたらすだろう」と話した。


詳しい情報: http://www.quantmagazine.com


Anton Kwaijtaal of Quant Magazine,

mob: +31-651594219

e-mail: info@quantmagazine.com.

By mailing this address media can receive a free digital edition of the magazine.

ソース:Quant Magazine

New Quant Magazine Covers Data Revolution in Financial World


AMSTERDAM and LONDON, Dec. 3, 2012 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Worldwide magazine shows growing importance of statistical thinking

    What went wrong in the financial world and how can a young, new generation,

strongly focussed on data, rebuild the sector? Newly launched Quant Magazine

presents a view on the culture and background of this world and shows the

growing importance of using data and quantitative analysis. "Nowadays,

statistical thinking is just as important as reading and writing."

    The new magazine comes out every even month. The term quant means

quantitative analyst and is used in the world of finance. It refers to a group

of people who use their beta skills to dig up information with data analysis.

Not only in the financial sector, but also in other sectors more quants are

active nowadays. The new magazine covers their steps.

    "The magazine must be the personification of a new culture in finance. We

want to influence the group of young people who are going to build a new

financial sector," publisher and chief editor Anton Kwaijtaal states. He works

over ten years in the sector, which is held responsible for the current crisis.

"We want to modify that perception. People reading our magazine will think

differently," he says.

    Kwaijtaal was inspired by the famous author H.G. Wells (1866-1946) who

wrote: "Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient

citizenship as the ability to read and write!"

Quant Magazine shows that this time has come and the importance of data is

growing in every field. First editions article 'A guide to dealing with

financial amnesia' explains why people keep making the same mistakes when it

comes to money. Another one compares the last big crisis in the 30's with the

current one. Kwaijtaal: "We also compare companies that were successful now and

then. That gives new insights."

    Other stories are about the appliance of physics in finance or the impact

of big data. Kwaijtaal believes in anti trends, that is why he chooses to

publish on print. "There is always room for inspiring, creatively designed

magazines with high quality," he says.

    More information: http://www.quantmagazine.com

    For further information please contact publisher and chief editor

    Anton Kwaijtaal of Quant Magazine,

    mob: +31-651594219

    e-mail: info@quantmagazine.com.

    By mailing this address media can receive a free digital edition of the    


    SOURCE: Quant Magazine




