


AsiaNet 51586

共同JBN 1478 (2012.12.7)

【ウィンストンセーラム(米ノースカロライナ州)2012年12月6日=共同JBN】既存および新規の国際市場における成長のモメンタムを足場に発展しているクリスピー・クリーム・ドーナツ(Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation)は7日、メキシコのアグアスカリエンテスに国外500番目のフランチャイズ店舗を新規オープンする。11年前に最初の国外店舗を開いて以来、同社は戦略的に国際的ブランド展開を図り、中南米、アジア太平洋、中東、英国など20カ国に進出を果たした。最近、モスクワ、インド、シンガポールでの開発合意が発表されたように、クリスピー・クリームは世界中の重要市場における国際的プレゼンスを高めていく。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121206/CL24253

クリスピー・クリーム・ドーナツは2004年に最初のメキシコ店を開いた。今回開かれるアグアスカリエンテスはメキシコ国内で90番目のストアになる。メキシコのフランチャイズはTaco Holding, S.A. de C.V.が所有、経営している。ダイナミックで成功している企業グループで、先頃はクリスピー・クリームの2012年国際フランチャイズ・オブ・ザ・イヤーに指名された。ファンのための新規開店祝いとして、いくつかのプロモーション活動が計画されている。


クリスピー・クリーム・メキシコのエグゼクティブ・ディレクターで、Taco Holding社の最高執行責任者(COO)でもあるラモン・ソレ氏は「クリスピー・クリームの国外500番目のストアが開かれ、メキシコのアグアスカリエンテス市場に参入することはわれわれにとって名誉である。われわれとクリスピー・クリームとのパートナー関係はかつてないほど強い。今日、このような素晴らしい里程標に到達したことをともに祝福したい」と述べた。


クリスピー・クリーム・オリジナル・グレーズド(Krispy Kreme Original Glazed、登録商標)・ドーナツは21カ国、730カ所で手に入る。オーストラリア、バーレーン、カナダ、中国、ドミニカ共和国、インドネシア、日本、クウェート、レバノン、マレーシア、メキシコ、フィリピン、プエルトリコ、韓国、カタール、サウジアラビア、タイ、トルコ、アラブ首長国連邦、英国、米国である。

▽Taco Holding, S.A. de C.A.について

Taco Holding, S.A. de C.A.はメキシコにおけるクリスピー・クリーム・ドーナツ社のライセンス・フランチャイジーである。2011年3月に設立。Arrachera House、Sixties Burger、Sbarro、Neve Gelato、Cafe Dilettoなどである高級品質ブランドの権利も保有している。メキシコ国内で小売店300店舗を展開、従業員は2000人を超す。URLはwww.tacoholding.com

▽クリスピー・クリーム(Krispy Kreme)について

Krispy Kreme(NYSE:KKD)は、同社特製のオリジナル・グレーズド・ドーナッツなど高品質菓子類およびその関連食品のブランド商品専門の大手リテーラー・ホールセラーである。本社はノースカロライナ州ウィンストンセーラム。1937年の創業以来、最高級ドーナツと飛び抜けておいしいコーヒーを提供してきた。より詳しくはkrispykreme.com、Facebook、Foursquare、Twitter、YouTubeで閲覧を。

ソース:Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation


Brian K. Little,



Krispy Kreme Celebrates 500th International Location


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Dec. 6, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    As the company builds on its growth momentum in existing and new

international markets, Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation will celebrate its

500th international store in operation with the opening tomorrow of a new

franchise shop in Aguascalientes, Mexico.  Since opening its first

international location 11 years ago, the Company has strategically expanded its

brand footprint into 20 international markets across Latin America, Asia

Pacific,   the Middle East, and the United Kingdom.  With recently announced

development agreements for Moscow, India, and Singapore, Krispy Kreme continues

to grow its international presence in key markets around the world.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121206/CL24253 )

    Krispy Kreme Doughnuts first opened in Mexico in 2004, and the new

Aguascalientes store is the 90th Krispy Kreme store in Mexico.  The Mexico

franchise is owned and operated by Taco Holding, S.A. de C.V, a dynamic and

successful group that was recently named Krispy Kreme's 2012 International

Franchisee of the Year.  Several exciting promotional activities are planned

for fans as part of the new store opening.

    "Sharing the unique Krispy Kreme brand experience with more and more fans

around the globe is incredibly rewarding," said Jeff Welch, Krispy Kreme

President - International. "Aguascalientes is our 500th international store in

operation, and I believe we have only just begun to see what is possible for

our brand globally.  A free-standing fresh store, it exemplifies and

demonstrates the strength of our hub and spoke model approach.  As a result of

a strategic approach to international growth, today we have commitments for

nearly 400 additional international locations, so we are well on our way to

meeting our corporate goal of 900 international stores by the end of FY17."  

    "We are honored to be opening the 500th international Krispy Kreme store as

we now enter the Aguascalientes market in Mexico," said Ramon Soler, Executive

Director Krispy Kreme Mexico, and COO of Taco Holding.  "Our partnership with

Krispy Kreme has never been stronger, and today we salute and celebrate with

them on achieving such a significant milestone."

    Krispy Kreme President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Morgan, commented,

"Krispy Kreme is a unique and beloved brand around the world, and we could not

be more proud of our successful international operations team and our

international franchisees than we are on this significant occasion."  

    The Krispy Kreme Original Glazed(R) doughnut can be found in over 730

locations in 21 countries, including Australia, Bahrain, Canada, China,

Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, the

Philippines, Puerto Rico, the Republic of Korea, Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the

United States.  

    About Taco Holding, S.A. de C.V

    Taco Holding, S.A. de C.V is the licensed franchisee of Krispy Kreme

Doughnut Corporation in Mexico.  Founded in March 2011, Taco Holding also has

the rights to the premium-quality brands Arrachera House, Sixties Burger,

Sbarro, Neve Gelato and Cafe Diletto.  Taco Holding has more than 300 retail

locations in Mexico and more than 2,000 employees. www.tacoholding.com

    About Krispy Kreme

    Krispy Kreme (NYSE:  KKD) is a leading branded specialty retailer and

wholesaler of premium quality sweet treats and complementary products,

including its signature Original Glazed(R) doughnut.  Headquartered in

Winston-Salem, NC, the Company has offered the highest quality doughnuts and

great tasting coffee since it was founded in 1937.  Connect with Krispy Kreme

at krispykreme.com and on Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter and YouTube.

    Information contained in this press release, other than historical

information, should be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning

of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Forward-looking

statements are based on management's beliefs, assumptions and expectations of

our future economic performance, considering the information currently

available to management.  These statements are not statements of historical

fact.  Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may

cause our actual results, performance or financial condition to differ

materially from the expectations of future results, performance or financial

condition we express or imply in any forward-looking statements.  The words

"believe," "may," "could," "will," "should," "would," "anticipate," "estimate,"

"expect," "intend," "objective," "seek," "strive" or similar words, or the

negative of these words, identify forward-looking statements.  Factors that

could contribute to these differences include, but are not limited to:  the

quality of Company and franchise store operations; our ability, and our

dependence on the ability of our franchisees, to execute on our and their

business plans; our relationships with our franchisees; our ability to

implement our international growth strategy; our ability to implement our new

domestic small shop operating model; political, economic, currency and other

risks associated with our international operations; the price and availability

of raw materials needed to produce doughnut mixes and other ingredients, and

the price of motor fuel; our relationships with wholesale customers; our

ability to protect our trademarks and trade secrets; changes in customer

preferences and perceptions; risks associated with competition; risks related

to the food service industry, including food safety and protection of personal

information; compliance with government regulations relating to food products

and franchising; and increased costs or other effects of new government

regulations relating to healthcare benefits.  These and other risks and

uncertainties, which are described in more detail in the Company's most recent

Annual Report on Form 10-K and other reports and statements filed with the

United States Securities and Exchange Commission, are difficult to predict,

involve uncertainties that may materially affect actual results and may be

beyond the Company's control, and could cause actual results and developments

to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any of these

forward-looking statements.  New factors emerge from time to time, and it is

not possible for management to predict all such factors or to assess the impact

of each such factor on the Company.  Any forward-looking statement speaks only

as of the date on which such statement is made, and the Company does not

undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect

events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made.

    SOURCE: Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation

    CONTACT: Brian K. Little, +1-336-726-8825, blittle@KrispyKreme.com




