◎台湾で唐奨教育基金会が発足 中央研究院が候補を選出

唐奨教育基金会(The Tang Prize Foundation)

◎台湾で唐奨教育基金会が発足 中央研究院が候補を選出

AsiaNet 51964


【台北2013年1月29日PRN=共同JBN】唐奨教育基金会(The Tang Prize Foundation 、http://www.tang-prize.org/)がこのほど台湾で公式に設立された。この財団は台湾最高峰の研究機関である中央研究院(Academia Sinica)と契約し、今後は中央研究院が「永続工程」「医療バイオテク」「文学作品以外の漢学」「法学」の4賞からなる「唐奨」の推薦、選出を行うことになった。「唐奨」はこれら4部門で独創的で影響力がある研究を表彰し、人類の発展に寄与する第1級の研究を促進しようとするものだ。









唐奨教育基金会は潤泰集団(Ruentex Group)会長のサミュエル・イン博士によって2012年に設立され、その理事会には幅広い専門家が招請されている。同基金は「唐奨」指導要綱の促進、持続可能な管理に責任を持っている。同基金は中央研究院に候補の推薦、選出プロセスに責任を持つ選出委員会を組織するよう委任している。同基金は委員会の専門的アドバイスに基づいて受賞者を選出する。同基金の詳しい情報はウェブサイト(www.tang-prize.org)を参照。



ソース:Tang Prize Foundation

Tang Prize Foundation Established in Taiwan: Academia Sinica to be Responsible for the Nomination and Selection of the International Awards in Taiwan


TAIPEI, Jan. 29, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The Tang Prize Foundation ( http://www.tang-prize.org/ )has been officially

established in Taiwan. The foundation has signed a contract with the country's

highest research institution, Academia Sinica, which will be responsible for

the nomination and selection for prizes in four categories: Sustainable

Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology (excluding literary works),

and Rule of Law. By recognizing the most original and influential work in these

four fields, it is hoped that the Tang Prize will help promote first-class

research to spur human development.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/01/28/20130128220229930636.html )

The Tang Prize Foundation was established by Dr. Samuel Yin with a donation of

NT$3 billion (around US$102,000,000). Dr. Yin said, "Setting up the Tang Prize

has been one of my biggest dreams. I hope that the prize will encourage more

research that is beneficial to the world and humankind, promote Chinese

culture, and make the world a better place."

The four awards categories are important fields for humankind's future social

development. The Tang Prize Foundation hopes to increase attention to these

award fields from both academic circles and the public, and further to

encourage experts to dedicate themselves to innovative research in these four

fields. The efforts channeled into the Tang Prize all focus on the ultimate

goal of improving human life. The Tang Prize will become one of the world's

most prestigious and visionary awards and will allow Taiwan to be able to

contribute even more to the international community.

The president of Academia Sinica, Chi-Huey Wong, said, "Historically, Academia

Sinica has always had a first-rate reputation. Both at home and abroad, our

academicians hold important positions in many fields, and thus have the

professional capability to select the best candidates for the Tang Prize."

"We shall carefully select experts from each field, both in Taiwan and abroad,

to compose the selection committee. With the most rigorous objectivity, this

committee will select individuals or institutions that have demonstrated the

most creative and influential research in the four fields. In this way, the

Tang Prize will gradually acquire international credibility," he said.

From 2014, the Tang Prize will be awarded once every two years, to individuals

or institutions that have made the most outstanding contributions in the four

areas. Each will receive an amount not less than NT$40 million (around

US$1,360,000) in prize money, and a further NT$10 million (around US$341,000)

will be allocated for the execution of a plan submitted by the prize

recipient(s) to promote and cultivate research and talent in the related area

within a period of five years.

Nominations for the first Tang Prize will be drawn up by the Tang Prize

selection committee, and invitations will be sent to eligible individuals

and/or institutions in May 2013. The closing date for candidates to accept

their nominations is September 30. The Tang Prize selection committee will

present detailed reports on the final candidate(s) to the Tang Prize Foundation

board at the end of April 2014. The Tang Prize Foundation board will announce

the laureates on June 18, 2014.

About the Tang Prize Foundation

The Tang Prize Foundation was created in 2012 by chairman of the Ruentex Group,

Dr. Samuel Yin, who invited a broad range of experts to serve on its board. The

foundation is responsible for promoting the guiding principles of the Tang

Prize and its sustainable management. It has commissioned Academia Sinica to

organize a selection committee responsible for the nomination and selection

process. The foundation will then select laureates based on the committee's

professional advice. The foundation's website is www.tang-prize.org.

About the Tang Prize

The Tang Prize is an international award that recognizes the most original and

influential researchers or institutes in the areas of Sustainable Development,

Biopharmaceuticals Science, Sinology (excluding literary works), and Rule of

Law. It is hoped that the prize will encourage scholars to dedicate themselves

to research and development in these four areas and work towards sustainability

and balanced development.

The Tang Prize is named after the Tang Dynasty, which is much admired by the

prize founder. The dynasty was a golden age of cosmopolitan culture and the

high point of China's prosperity. The Tang Dynasty has inspired generation

after generation with admiration for its vibrant characteristics of

self-confidence and cosmopolitan inclusiveness. Such are the qualities that the

Tang Prize seeks to promote.

SOURCE  Tang Prize Foundation




