◎中国の著名エコノミストが基調講演 CoreNet Global上海サミット

CoreNet Global

◎中国の著名エコノミストが基調講演 CoreNet Global上海サミット

AsiaNet 52318

共同JBN 0242 (2013.3.7)

【上海2013年3月6日PRN=共同JBN】企業不動産(CRE)および企業職場の担当者や同サービスプロバイダー、経済開発担当者の世界的組織であるCoreNet Global(コアネット・グローバル)は、3月26-28日に中国の上海で開く「CoreNet Globalサミット」で樊綱(Fan Gang)博士が基調講演すると発表した。




米「フォーリン・ポリシー」誌と英「プロスペクト」誌の「世界の知識人100人」で、樊綱氏は常連である。同氏は「明日のグローバルリーダー」にも選ばれている。CoreNet Globalでの講演はジョーンズ ラング ラサール(Jones Lang LaSalle)がスポンサーとなる。

CoreNet Globalの副社長(ストラテジック・コミュニケーションズ担当)のリチャード・カディス氏は「CoreNet Globalが公表した新しい調査報告(http://cng.files.cms-plus.com/FileDownloads/Facilities%20Management%20in%20China.pdf)によると、中国では施設管理や企業不動産担当者への需要が高まっている。それは彼らが中国の国営企業成長の企画・計画で中心的な役割を果たすことになるからだ。樊博士の講演を通じて、中国におけるこの重要なビジネス運営の進化と企業不動産についてさらに深く知りたいと考えている」と述べた。


中国・上海で3月26-28日に開かれるCoreNet Global上海サミット2013は、CoreNet Globalが世界で毎年開いている4サミットのうちのひとつ。3日間の開催期間中に50人以上の発言者が参加し、CRE担当者が直面している重要課題に取り組むためのネットワークや双方向研修、継続教育、分科会セッションの機会を提供する。CoreNet Global上海サミットの会議の取材に関心がある中国のメディアはdavid@harrisoncommunications.netに連絡する必要がある。

▽CoreNet Globalについて

CoreNet Globalは、企業不動産(CRE)および企業職場の担当者や同サービスプロバイダー、経済開発担当者の世界的組織である。会員は米企業上位100社の70%と世界企業上位2000社のほぼ半分を含む7800人で、ネットワークを育んで知識を共有し、専門的知識を学んで専門職責を全うするため、国内外で直接会ったり、通信機器の利用で会合を重ねたりしている。



Richard Kadzis

CoreNet Global



ソース:CoreNet Global

Prominent Chinese Economist Will Address Business Executives During CoreNet Global's Asia Summit in Shanghai


SHANGHAI, Mar. 6, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

CoreNet Global, the world's leading association for corporate real estate (CRE)

and workplace professionals, service providers and economic developers, is

pleased to announce Dr. Fan Gang as a featured speaker for the CoreNet Global

Summit in Shanghai, China, from March 26-28.

Dr. Fan will give his talk, titled, "China's Economic Policy and Implications

for Global Business," during General Session 1 of the Summit. The presentation

will be translated into Mandarin.

An expert in the macroeconomics of long-term development, international trade

and currency and foreign relations, Dr. Fan is a world-renowned economist and

highly sought-after speaker and advisor to the Chinese government and several

international organizations.  

Based in Beijing, he is the Director of the National Economic Research

Institute (NERI); Economics Professor at Beijing University; and Chairman of

the China Reform Foundation, China's first economic think tank. Trained at the

Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS) and Harvard University, Dr. Fan has

published nearly 100 research papers in domestic and international academic

journals, authored eight books and won many prestigious awards.

Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines consistently include Dr. Fan on their

lists of the "World's Top 100 Public Intellectuals." He has also been elected

as one of the "Global Leaders of Tomorrow." His presentation to CoreNet Global

is sponsored by Jones Lang LaSalle.

"Facility management and corporate real estate professionals are in increasing

demand in China as they will play a central role in the design and planning of

the growth of the country's national corporations, according to new research

published by CoreNet Global(


)," commented Richard Kadzis, CoreNet Global Vice President of Strategic

Communications. "We look forward to gaining more insight through Dr. Fan in

this important evolution of business practices and corporate real estate in

mainland China."

About the Shanghai Summit 2013

Held in Shanghai, China, from March 26-28, the CoreNet Global Shanghai Summit

2013 is one of four global summits the organization holds each year.  The

three-day event will feature more than 50 speakers and offer opportunities for

networking, interactive learning, continuing education and breakout sessions to

address top challenges facing CRE professionals. Chinese news media interested

in covering the CoreNet Global Asia Summit proceedings in Shanghai should

contact david@harrisoncommunications.net.

About CoreNet Global

CoreNet Global is the world's leading professional association for corporate

real estate (CRE) and workplace executives, service providers and economic

developers. CoreNet Global's 7,800 members, who include 70% of the top 100 U.S.

companies and nearly half of the Global 2000, meet locally, globally and

virtually to develop networks, share knowledge, learn and thrive

professionally. For more information, please visit



Richard Kadzis

CoreNet Global



SOURCE: CoreNet Global




