


AsiaNet 52378

共同JBN 0269 (2013.3.13)

【ドバイ2013年3月12日PRN=共同JBN】世界経済フォーラムは3月12日、バーキーGEMS財団(Varkey GEMS Foundation)のビカス・ポタ(Vikas Pota)最高経営責任者を「ヤング・グローバル・リーダー(Young Global Leader)」に選んだ。この名誉は毎年世界中から推薦された40歳以下の最も卓越したリーダーたちをたたえて与えられる。

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130312/601017




過去のヤング・グローバル・リーダーズには米国Googleの共同創立者で最高経営責任者(CEO)のラリー・ページ氏、Facebookの創立者でCEOのマーク・ザッカーバーグ氏、Qatar Foundation(カタール財団)のアブドゥラ・ビン・アリ・アル・タニ副会長、Khan Academy(カーン・アカデミー)のサルマン・カーン創立者兼執行役員、Yahoo! Inc(ヤフー)のマリッサ・メイヤーCEO、メキシコのエンリケ・ペーニャ・ニエト大統領、英国のデービッド・キャメロン首相らが含まれている。



▽バーキーGEMS財団(Varkey GEMS Foundation)について



Rana Awad:rana.awad@gemseducation.com

+971-4-3477770 Ext 216

ソース:Varkey GEMS Foundation

Vikas Pota, CEO of the Varkey GEMS Foundation Selected as Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum


DUBAI, Mar. 12, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    On 12th March 2013, the World Economic Forum selected Vikas Pota, Chief

Executive of the Varkey GEMS Foundation as a 'Young Global Leader'. This honour

is bestowed each year to recognize the most distinguished leaders under the age

of 40, nominated from around the world.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130312/601017 )

    Young Global Leaders (YGLs) represent the future of leadership, coming from

all regions of the world and representing business, government, civil society,

arts & culture, academia and media, as well as social entrepreneurs. These

young leaders are proposed through a qualified nomination process and assessed

according to rigorous selection criteria

    Klaus Schwab, Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum

said: "The Forum of Young Global Leaders provides a unique effort to engage the

younger generation into the management of global affairs, working together and

being integrated into the larger Forum community. The Young Global Leaders have

an exceptional opportunity to improve the state of the world."

    Vikas Pota, Chief Executive of the Varkey GEMS Foundation, said: "I am

absolutely thrilled to have been nominated and selected to join the World

Economic Forum's 'Forum of Young Global Leaders'. Our world faces huge

challenges and the one I have committed to concerns supporting the capacity of

teachers to become more effective in the classroom. Knowing the magnitude of

this task, I hope to use this Forum to learn more about our world, and by doing

so hope to inform how we achieve our aim to improve education outcomes for the

most needy."

    Past YGLs include Larry Page, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer,

Google, USA; Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook; Abdulla Bin Ali Al

Thani, Vice President of the Qatar Foundation; Salman Khan, Founder & Executive

Director of Khan Academy; Marissa Mayer, Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo! Inc;

Enrique Pena Nieto, President of Mexico; and David Cameron, Prime Minister of

the UK.

    Sunny Varkey, Founder Trustee of the Varkey GEMS Foundation said: "I'm

delighted that Vikas has been selected to join the Forum of Young Global

Leaders. The Varkey GEMS Foundation, which he leads, is engaged in fundamental

work that improves the life-chances of underprivileged children by training

teachers and school leaders to become better educators. This opportunity allows

him to join hands with other driven and dynamic leaders who are equally

committed to making a difference."

    He added: "Vikas is an exceptional person who deserves this accolade.

Knowing him well, this platform will serve to motivate him further in his

pursuit of improving the state of our world."

    About the Varkey GEMS Foundation:

    The Varkey GEMS Foundation is the philanthropic arm of GEMS Education which

has a global network of award-winning schools providing high quality education

to 130,000 students globally. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation,

established to improve the standards of education for underprivileged children

around the world. Through its expertise, networks, resources and partners, the

Foundations projects deliver quality education where it is needed most. It

believes in the power of education as a force for positive change. The

Foundations goal is that for every child at a GEMS school, 100 underprivileged

children will be impacted. The aim is to support millions of children around

the world. The honorary Chair of the Foundation is former US President, Bill


    For more information please contact

    Rana Awad:rana.awad@gemseducation.com

    +971-4-3477770 Ext 216

    SOURCE: Varkey GEMS Foundation  




