


AsiaNet 52345




・DHL Global Forwardingはバイヤーズコンソリデーションハブを設置し、欧州からアジアへ向かうオートリブの貨物の流れを改善


ドイツポストDHLの航空・海上貨物輸送部門であるDHL Global Forwardingは、世界最大の自動車安全システムサプライヤー、オートリブから2012年度ベストロジスティクスサービスプロバイダー賞を受賞しました。オートリブ・チャイナはDHLの革新的なサプライチェーン・ソリューション導入を高く評価しており、このソリューションによってロジスティクス全体の効率性が大きく改善し、在庫保有コスト削減されています。

(ロゴ:http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2010/09/02/20100902467742-l.jpg )

「オートリブ・チャイナとDHLとの事業は、複雑な状況を容易かつ正確に管理する能力があることを実証し、長年にわたって成長してきました。当社は、在庫保有コストを削減し、欧州のサプライヤーからオートリブ・チャイナの工場まで資材が安定して確保されるよう最適化したプロセスから恩恵をうけており、資材は常に適切な時期に、適切な数量が輸送されています。DHLは、常に当社のサプライチェーン・ロジスティクス改善の努力を続けてくれたことで、今年の賞の第一候補となったのです」と、オートリブ・チャイナの品質担当バイスプレジデント、フレデリック バーガスは述べています。



DHLとオートリブ・チャイナの生産システムを結ぶEDI(Electronic Data Interface)により、輸送状況を完全に可視化することが可能となりました。DHLはオートリブ・チャイナの工場に、購入注文書(PO)と欧州から中国の目的地まで輸送中の在庫状況の情報を毎日更新して提供しています。このような日々の輸送状況の情報によって、オートリブ・チャイナは工場に入荷される原料を把握することが可能となり、またサプライヤーも、より正確な需要を予測できるため、欧州からの不要な臨時の航空輸送を回避することができます。



「オートリブ・チャイナに認められたことはDHLにとって強力な支持であり、当社が自動車セクター、特に製造現場への輸送と生産現場でのロジスティクスで構築してきた専門知識の価値をはっきりと示すものです。オートリブ・チャイナ向けのソリューションは、ニーズと課題を理解した上で個別にカスタマイズし、オートリブ・チャイナの市場競争力を一層高めています」と、DHL Global Forwardingの自動車セクター、アジア太平洋地区ヘッドのエドウィン チョウは述べています。




本プレスリリースおよび詳細情報は、以下で入手可能です。 http://www.dp-dhl.com/pressreleases

DHL - 世界のロジスティクス会社




情報源 DHL

DHL Wins Autoliv China's Best Logistics Service Provider Award


SINGAPORE, Mar. 14, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- DHL Global Forwarding sets up Buyer Consolidation Hub to

   improve Autoliv's inbound flows from Europe to Asia

-- World's leading automotive safety supplier gains

   competitiveness via reduced supply chain costs

DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist within Deutsche

Post DHL, has been awarded the 2012 Best Logistics Service Provider Award from

Autoliv, the world's largest automotive safety supplier. Autoliv China honored

DHL for the innovative supply chain solution implemented which significantly

improved overall logistics efficiency and reduced inventory holding costs.

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2010/09/02/20100902467742-l.jpg )

"Autoliv China's business with DHL has grown over the years as they have

demonstrated the ability to manage complexity with ease and accuracy. We

benefit from the optimized processes in place by reducing our inventory holding

costs, and ensuring a stable flow of material from the suppliers in Europe to

Autoliv China's factories. These materials are continuously shipped at the

right time and in the right quantity. DHL's on-going effort in improving our

supply chain logistics has made them the first choice for this year's award,"

says Frederic Burguez, Vice President for Quality and Logistics at Autoliv


Managing Autoliv China's Suppliers across Europe

Among the innovative solutions DHL set up for Autoliv China was a "Buyer

Consolidation Hub". DHL manages the transport flows of materials sourced from

over 200 suppliers in 15 countries across Europe to Autoliv China's factories

across China, where the company manufactures its wide range of market-leading

safety products for the global automotive industry.

An integrated Electronic Data Interface (EDI) between DHL and Autoliv China's

production systems ensures complete visibility.  DHL provides Autoliv China

plants with daily updates on the status of their purchase order (PO) and

inventory during the trans-shipment process from Europe until their intended

destination in China. These daily shipments offer Autoliv China a view of the

incoming raw material flow to its plants, allowing better demand forecast with

suppliers and avoiding unnecessary ad-hoc air freight shipments from Europe.

To manage the multiple parts sourced from different suppliers across Europe,

DHL also utilizes a "Scan-Match" program at the Buyer Consolidation facility in

Europe. Detailed bar-code scanning of all pallets ensures that containers are

filled with the right pallets before being sealed and shipped. DHL offers

Autoliv China complete flexibility to change the contents of the shipment up to

24 hours prior to the loading of the container.

For maximum cost efficiency, the bulk of Autoliv China's materials are

transported by ocean freight in a well-planned manner, ensuring that materials

are being shipped to production sites at precisely the right time and in the

right quantity. For business-critical components, DHL provides a range of air

freight services to meet more urgent timelines.

"Autoliv China's recognition of DHL is a strong endorsement and further

showcases the value of our expertise we have built up for the automotive

sector; especially in inbound to manufacturing services and on-site production

logistics. Our solution for Autoliv China was specifically tailored after

understanding their needs and challenges, and further facilitates the company's

competitiveness in the market place," explains Edwin Chow, Automotive Sector

Head Asia Pacific, DHL Global Forwarding.

Since 2009, DHL has been the logistics services provider for the imports from

Europe to the Autoliv production sites in China. Two DHL Automotive Competence

Centers, one in Hamburg, Germany and one in China, centrally manage the flow of

inbound material from Europe to Asia. The range of services provided by DHL

also includes customs clearance, cross-docking, container loading and container


Autoliv is the leading company in its sector and develops, manufactures and

markets airbags, seatbelts, steering wheels, passive safety electronics and

active safety systems such as radar, night vision and camera vision systems.

The automotive supplier also produces anti-whiplash systems, pedestrian

protection systems and integrated child seats.

                                - End -

This press release as well as further information are available on


DHL - The Logistics company for the world

DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and "The Logistics

Company for the world". DHL commits its expertise in international express, air

and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and

international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more

than 220 countries and territories and about 285,000 employees worldwide offers

customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply

chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting

environmental protection, disaster management and education.

DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 55

billion Euros in 2012.





