◎「教育のダボス会議」が始動 ドバイで設立総会

GEMS Education

◎「教育のダボス会議」が始動 ドバイで設立総会

AsiaNet 52447

共同JBN 0295 (2013.3.18)


Global Education and Skills Forum(GESF)設立総会最終日の18日、GEMS Educationの創立者兼会長のサニー・バーキー氏は以下のように語った。ドバイで開かれた総会では、50カ国の代表500人が、世界の求めるよりよい教育について意見をたたかわせた。








国連教育科学文化機関(UNESCO=ユネスコ)、Commonwealth Business Council(CBC)、UAE政府、GEMS Educationが共催する会議は、グローバル、ローカル両レベルの教育制度に現実的で持続可能な拡張性のある改革をもたらす方法を検討。








Margaret Flanagan / Rebecca Sageman, ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller,

Tel: +971-4-4507-600,

Email: margaret.flanagan@bm.com / rebecca.sageman@bm.com

ソース:GEMS Education

Global Education and Skills Conference (GESF) to be Held Annually in the UAE Following the Inaugural Event and Will Become "The Davos of Education"


DUBAI, UAE, Mar. 18, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - Global leaders urged to attend 2014 Forum to address the great crisis of

the 21st Century.

    Speaking on the final day of the inaugural Global Education and Skills

Forum in Dubai where 500 delegates from 50 countries are discussing the global

demand for better education, Founder and Chairman of GEMS Education, Sunny

Varkey said:

    "Based on the feedback from those that attended and contributed to the

Forum we have decided that the Global Education and Skills Forum will become an

annual event to be held in the UAE and our plan is to ensure that the Forum is

regarded as the 'Davos of Education'. Education should be viewed as the most

important issue globally because of the role it can play in alleviating some of

the world's most pressing challenges. I would strongly urge Heads of State,

policy makers, business leaders and NGOs to participate in the Forum in 2014 in

order to focus on education for the sake of the world's children."

    Internationally renowned commentator on global affairs, CNN's Dr. Fareed

Zakaria, who delivered the keynote address, said of the conference: "I think

having a meeting like this, a Forum like this to begin this process of really

transforming education for the future so that it becomes something that is as

innovative and as forward looking and as dynamic as so many of the other

aspects of society going forward, is a tremendous advantage."

    Earlier at the conference which, this year, focussed on public - private

partnerships, former US President Bill Clinton said:

    "It is projected that by 2050 that 86 per cent of the world's children will

be living in what are now developing countries. There is no way that

Governments alone or international aid flows alone will be able to provide

those children with the quality of education they need to be full participants

in global society. This is especially relevant for women and girls."

    Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said; "The future of education lies in

partnerships. There is no reason to have strict demarcation between the public

and private sector in education. Where countries are implementing public

private partnerships they're succeeding." He was speaking at the inaugural

Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai discussing how public private

partnerships can solve the global demand for better education.

    H.E Maria Kiwanuka, Ugandan Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic

Development said:

    "The private sector can provide the link to the marketplace where you find

there is a revolving door. The link between Government, the private sector and

academia is important. We need to have this constant cross-fertilisation

between the three of us."

    The Forum, jointly organized by UNESCO, The Commonwealth Business Council,

The UAE Government and GEMS Education will examine ways to create real,

sustainable and scalable change to education systems at global and local levels.

    A particular focus was on developing an environment that supports effective

public and private partnerships, including a regulatory framework that ensures

access, quality, relevance and equity in education provision.

    Around 67 million children do not have access to primary school education

and another 72 million children miss out on secondary school education.

    The Forum covered topics across the education sectors; including sessions

on disruptive technologies, technical and vocational education and equity in


    Attendees included E. Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi, H.E. Maria

Kiwanuka, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda, H.E.

Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, H, H.E.

Cirino Ofuho, Minister of Youth, H.E. Chilundo Arlindo, Deputy Minister of

Education, Mozambique, South Sudan, H.E. Reem Al Hashimy, Minister of State,

UAE, Nick Fuller, Head of Education, Olympics 2012, UK, H.E. Shashi Tharoor,

Minister of Human Resource Development, India and Lord Andrew Adonis, former

Minister of State for Education, UK.



    For more information, please contact:

    Margaret Flanagan / Rebecca Sageman, ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller,

    Tel: +971-4-4507-600,

    Email: margaret.flanagan@bm.com / rebecca.sageman@bm.com

    SOURCE: GEMS Education




