
マラ財団 / 起業家精神教育ネットワーク


AsiaNet 52625

共同JBN 0372 (2013.4.4)

【ニューヨーク2013年4月3日】新進の起業家を教育する魅力的だが実際的な提携関係がマラ財団(Mara Foundation)と起業家精神教育ネットワーク(NFTE)で結成される。両組織はともに世界の学校、大学でのプログラムを通じて次世代の世界的な起業家の養成を支援することを誓っている。新進の企業家がビジネスリーダーから情報や助言を得るのを助けるオンラインのメンター・プログラムであるMara Mentorなどのツールと、賞を受けたNFTEの起業家精神カリキュラムを組み合わせて、若者が起業家的に思考するのを助け、自らの将来について責任を引き受けるためのツールを提供する。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130403/607118-a

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130403/607118-b



ドバイに本部を多くマラ財団は連続起業家のアシシュ・J・タッカール氏が16年前に創立したコングロマリットのマラ・グループ(Mara Group)の社会的事業である。マラ財団はアフリカに集中しており、マラ・グループを通じてアフリカの19カ国で活動している。その使命はアフリカの起業家に対するメンターシップ、資金提供、創業支援センター・ワークプレース、ビジネス訓練を含む包括的なサポート・サービスの提供である。これらのサポート・サービスによってマラは起業家の事業アイデアや利益を生み、反映する企業に変え、雇用を創出し、地域、国家の経済に貢献するように努力している。



Sabina Lindstedt, Mara Communications Director,

+971-4-434-2197 or media@mara.com

Alyssa Miller, NFTE Communications, +212-232-3333 or


ソース:Mara Foundation、NFTE

Mara Foundation and Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Team Up for Global Entrepreneurship Education



     An intriguing yet pragmatic partnership for educating emerging

entrepreneurs is being formed with Mara Foundation and the Network for Teaching

Entrepreneurship (NFTE). Together these organizations pledge to help develop

the next generation of global entrepreneurs through programs in schools and

universities worldwide. The coupling of tools such as Mara Mentor, an online

mentoring platform that assists budding entrepreneurs to garner information and

advice from business leaders, and NFTE's award-winning entrepreneurship

curriculum will provide youth with tools to help them think entrepreneurially

and to take responsibility for their futures.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130403/607118-a )

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130403/607118-b )

    "By partnering with the well respected non-profit organization NFTE, Mara

Foundation will deliver joint programs to young people across the globe and

address the educational gap that currently prevents entrepreneurs from

successfully starting, scaling and sustaining SMEs," says Ashish J. Thakkar,

Founder of Mara Foundation.

    Together the two organizations are developing and implementing programs

that will indelibly reach far more entrepreneurs with specific needs in terms

of mentoring and education, while allowing them to build their businesses

within a community of entrepreneurs. Amy Rosen, CEO of NFTE, supports the

partnership by stating that "youth unemployment is a chronic issue throughout

the world and we are constantly seeking vehicles to help young people maximize

their opportunities. Partnering with Mara Foundation will allow NFTE graduates

to access top-level business mentorship and incubation services so they can

start and operate their own businesses and become job creators."

    Headquartered in Dubai, Mara Foundation is the social enterprise of Mara

Group, a 16-year old conglomerate of businesses founded by serial entrepreneur

Ashish J. Thakkar. Mara Foundation focuses on Africa and has operations in 19

African countries through the Mara Group. Its mission is to provide

comprehensive support services including mentorship, funding, incubation centre

workspace and business training to African entrepreneurs. With these support

services, Mara strives to transform entrepreneurs' business ideas into

profitable and thriving companies that will create employment and contribute to

the local and national economies.

    For the past 25 years, the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship has

provided programs that inspire young people from low-income communities to stay

in school, recognize business opportunities and plan for successful futures.

Headquartered in New York City, NFTE has programs throughout the United States

and nine licensed global partners in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. NFTE has

reached more than 500,000 young people around the world since it was founded.

    For more information: Sabina Lindstedt, Mara Communications Director,

+971-4-434-2197 or media@mara.com

    Alyssa Miller, NFTE Communications, +212-232-3333 or alyssa.miller@nfte.com

SOURCE: Mara Foundation and NFTE




