◎映画業界は「より安全な」製作を志向 ボンベイ・サファイアが調査


◎映画業界は「より安全な」製作を志向 ボンベイ・サファイアが調査

AsiaNet 52630

共同JBN 0371 (2013.4.8)

【ロンドン2013年4月5日PRN=共同JBN】国際的な映画製作会社の83%が、独創的な映画を製作するよりも「興行的に安全な」選択をしていることが、ボンベイ・サファイア(BOMBAY SAPPHIRE、登録商標)が実施した映画製作に関する調査で分かった。






調査はScreen Internationalのデータベースを通じて実施。ユーザー738を3月15日から20日まで調査した。

(注1)ボンベイ・サファイア Imagination Series: Filmコンペは2012年4月に映画における想像の力を示す目的で世界的プログラムとして実施。アカデミー賞(登録商標)受賞者のジェフリー・フレッチャーの短編映画スクリプトを解釈するため、参加者は自身の短編映画を製作する機会を与えられる。BOMBAY SAPPHIRE Imagination Series: Film コンペは2013年4月に第2回が実施される。

(注2)データはInternational Wine and Spirit Research(IWSR)による。2011年12月末日までの12カ月分の数字。メジャーブランドとは生産量と売上で世界のトップ5に入っている製造所。



ボンベイ・サファイアは生産量と売上の面で世界でもっとも早く成長しているメジャーブランドのジン製造所である。ボンベイ・サファイア・ジンは1761年の秘密レシピに基づいており、世界中から人の手を使ってえりすぐった10種類の珍しい植物を独自の方法でバランスよく調合することによって作られている。植物の自然の香りがVapour Infusion製法と呼ばれるデリケートな蒸留プロセスを経て取り出され、ボンベイ・サファイアが持つ気持ちをかき立てる、滑らかで複雑な味を作り出している。


ボンベイ・サファイア(登録商標)Infused with Imagination(商標)





Tarita Mullings:



ソース:Bombay Sapphire

Research Commissioned by Bombay Sapphire(R) Gin Reveals Film Studios are Opting for 'Safe Films'


LONDON, Apr. 5, 2013 / PRN=KYODO JBN/--

   Eighty-three percent of the international film community believes film

studios are choosing to 'play it safe' when it comes to producing more

imaginative films. This and other findings were revealed in a survey by BOMBAY

SAPPHIRE(R) gin exploring film-making.

   The findings suggest an increased number of studios are opting to commission

'safe films' such as prequels, sequels and book adaptations, rather than

producing more imaginative and original screenplays.  These 'safe films' have

dominated the box office in recent years.

   According to industry experts surveyed, film-goers are looking elsewhere for

their film fix in the hunt for imagination, 70 percent believe audiences would

prefer to see more imaginative films. Over half of those surveyed (57%) claim

people are now opting for more independent projects and short films, with the

rise of on demand viewing making these projects more accessible and reaching

wider audiences.

   Bombay Sapphire Global Marketing Manager Magali Podesta: "The Bombay

Sapphire team commissioned this research to continue the discussion around

imagination within the film industry and highlight some of the challenges

budding film-makers are facing. We believe imagination is at the heart of all

great film-making and simply makes the world a more exciting, better place, so

we are committed to sparking people's imagination through our short film


   Bombay Sapphire, the world's fastest-growing major gin brand by volume and

value[2], surveyed more than 700 members of the international film community,

made up of industry voices and film enthusiasts on the current issues in modern



   Research carried out through Screen International databases. 738 users were

surveyed between the 15 and 20 March 2013.

   [1] The Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series: Film competition was launched in

April 2012 as a global programme that aims at demonstrating the power of

imagination in film. The competition, offers people the chance to make their

own short film to interpret Academy Award(R) winner, Geoffrey Fletcher's short

film script. The Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series: Film will be launched for

a second year in April 2013.

   [2] Data sourced from International Wine and Spirit Research (IWSR), for the

12 months to the end of December 2011. Major brands are those that feature in

the top 5 by volume and value globally.

   Full results available on request.

   About Bombay Sapphire(R)

   Bombay Sapphire is the world's fastest-growing major gin brand by volume and

value[2]. Based on a secret 1761 recipe, Bombay Sapphire gin is created by

perfectly balancing a unique combination of 10 hand-selected exotic botanicals

from around the world. The natural flavours of the botanicals are captured

through a delicate distillation process called Vapour Infusion which results in

the tantalising, smooth and complex taste that is Bombay Sapphire.

   Bombay Sapphire is a trademark.

   Bombay Sapphir(R)- Infused with imagination(TM)

   Bombay Sapphire aims to inspire people into expanding their minds, thinking

differently to reveal more about themselves and their Imaginations. The team at

Bombay Sapphire believes everyone has imagination and therefore aims to give

everyone the opportunity to be inspired, and to infuse their imagination with

Bombay Sapphire.



   For more information, please contact:

   Tarita Mullings: +44(0)207-413-3734 tarita.mullings@hkstrategies.com

   Source: Bombay Sapphire




