◎危機克服を目的に国際運動「Post Globalization」が発足

Post Globalization Initiative

◎危機克服を目的に国際運動「Post Globalization」が発足

AsiaNet 52990

共同JBN 0544 (2013.5.14)

【モスクワ2013年5月13日PRN=共同JBN】モスクワで開催された科学的な会議で新たな国際的な専門家のつながり「Post Globalization Initiative」が結成された。モスクワ大学で開かれた「ポストグローバリゼーション:新自由主義の終わりと社会国家のルネサンス」と題した会議にはブリックス諸国および米国から多くの専門家、政治家が出席した。

4月30日にモスクワで開催された科学会議はでは新自由主義と米国の覇権の危機が宣言された。この会議は新しい国際的イニシアチブ「Post Globalization」が行った最初の会議である。

同プロジェクトの提唱者は次のとおり。Institute of globalization and social movements(ロシア)、Transnational Institute (アムステルダム)、the Center of development of civil society(南アフリカ共和国)、Forum on the Global South、Krityka Polityczna (ポーランド-ウクライナ)他。


マニフェストには「われわれはこの共同プロジェクトをPost-globalization Initiativeと名付け、われわれが実現可能な代替案を探求する際に、それを非常に複雑にし、また非常に刺激的にもする多くの具体的な差異があることを忘れることなく、国際的なレベルで努力を結集する。われわれの国際的な議論の結果、多様な会議、討論会、Counter-Summit(反サミット)などのような公共イベントが組織され、本や記事が各国の言語で出版されることになろうが、それだけではなく、国際世論や専門家コミュニティーの中の支配的な潮流を変えることを目的にした長期的な協力が組織され、さらに多極化世界の中でより民主的、平等主義、人間中心主義の開発に向けた戦略的な見方がされるようになるだろう」としている。





Transnational Institute (TNI) Attac France(フランス)、Centre for Civil Society (南アフリカ)、Brazilian Network for Peoples Integration/REBRIP(ブラジル)、Navdanya/ Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology (インド)、Focus on the Global South(アジア:タイ、フィリピン、インド)、Global Exchange(アメリカ)、Institute for Global Research and Social Movements(ロシア)。

ソース:Post Globalization Initiative

The New International Initiative - Post Globalization Will to Design New Policies and Alternative Strategies to Overcome the Current Crisis


MOSCOW, 13 May, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -

     Post Globalization Initiative - A new political international expert chain

was established on a scientific conference in Moscow. Conference "Post

globalization: The end of neoliberalism and renaissance of social state"took

place in Moscow State University, gathering many experts and politicians from

BRICS countries and USA.

    Crisis of neoliberal model and hegemony of the USA were declared during

scientific conference on April, 30 in Moscow. It was the first conference

within the new international initiative - Post Globalization.

    Initiators of the project are: Institute of globalization and social

movements (Russia), Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), the Center of

development of civil society (Republic of South Africa), Forum on the Global

South, Krityka Polityczna (Poland - Ukraine) and others.

    The project idea is organization of the international research group for

conceptual development of the new world economic order principles, the

corresponding social policy, and also reasonable constructive criticism of

existing international institutes.

    "We term this joint project "Post-globalization Initiative" organizing our

efforts on international level without forgetting about all sorts of specific

differences that make our search for a viable alternative so complicated but

also so exciting. Our international debate will result not only in organizing

various meetings, discussions, public events, including the Counter-Summit,

publishing books and articles in different languages, but also in developing a

long term cooperation aimed at changing international public opinion and

dominant trends in expert community, opening a strategic perspective for more

democratic, egalitarian and people-centered development in a multi-polar world"

is written in the manifesto.

    During the first conference on April, 30 in Moscow, where a lot of

participants had hot and fruitful discussions, one of the main ideas was

announced: "The end of the hegemony of the USA and BRICS as locomotive of new

world economic order". This thought was declared by University of Manitoba

Professor Radhica Desai. Alan Freeman, Professor at London Metropolitan

University, was speaking about investing in civilization, brought an idea when

social justice could be the overcoming of economic crisis. Politician from

Lithuania Algirdas Palekis, illustrated the crush of neoliberal project on the

example of his country.

    In conclusion participants have decided to organize Counter-Summit for G-20

in St. Petersburg. They are sure that it gives an opportunity to form a

movement, which are brought together not only by the common need to criticize

the "Washington consensus" and current global economic order but also by the

common will to design new policies and alternative strategies to overcome the

current crisis.

    More information and upcoming agenda look for http://www.pglobal.org

    Initiative founding members:

    Transnational Institute (TNI) Attac France (France), Centre for Civil

Society (South Africa), Brazilian Network for Peoples Integration/REBRIP

(Brazil) Navdanya/ Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology

(India) Focus on the Global South (Asia: Thailand, Philippines, India), Global

Exchange (USA), Institute for Global Research and Social Movements (Russia).

Source: Post Globalization Initiative




