◎2014年3月に韓国でCoTEsセミナー開催 Gastech 2014

Gastech Conference & Exhibition

◎2014年3月に韓国でCoTEsセミナー開催 Gastech 2014

AsiaNet 53009

共同JBN 0548(2013.5.16)

【ロンドン2013年5月15日PRN=共同JBN】ガス技術における革新と前進に対する認識を広めるため、Gastech Conference & Exhibitionは、Gastech 2014と共に2014年のCentres of Technical Excellence(ガス技術の革新を図る技術情報センター、CoTEs)セミナーを韓国で開催する。




CoTEsは2014年3月24-27日、韓国のKINTEX 1で次の9分野について開催される。オフショア/海中技術、発電、船舶用燃料としての液化天然ガス(LNG)、LNG・ガス運搬用船舶の造船、液化、健康/安全性/セキュリティーと環境、ガス・マネタイゼーションNGL/GTL、天然ガス式輸送機器(NGV)、パイプライン・インフラ。

Gastech CoTEsのコンテンツとプログラムを担当しているマネジャーのアマンダ・ベイシ氏は「比較的短期間にガス産業の急成長を促進するには技術が基本になる。CoTEsが何千人ものガス専門家を引きつけるGastechで最も期待される催しのひとつとして急速に定着するようになったのは、これがひとつの理由である。われわれは、業界大手がこれからの10年にわたって業界の前進を先導するような革新を展示するため参加するよう希望している」と語った。


詳細はhttp://www.gastechkorea.com/cotesを参照するか、 marketing@gastech.co.uk.へ連絡を。

▽Gastech Conference & Exhibitionについて

dmg :: eventsによって組織されKOGAS(韓国ガス公社)が主催するGastech 2014は、比類のないネットワーキング、新規ビジネス機会、アイデアの交換のため多数の商業、技術産業から専門家が一堂に会し、ガスのバリューチェーンすべてに及ぶ最新の革新、技術、開発を展示する。


Amanda BASI


ソース:Gastech Conference & Exhibition

Gastech 2014 Brings its Centres of Technical Excellence (CoTEs) to Korea  


LONDON, May 15. 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Driving awareness of innovation and advancement in gas technologies,

Gastech Conference & Exhibition brings its Centres of Technical Excellence

(CoTEs) to Korea in 2014.

    The rise in energy demand worldwide has put significant pressure upon the

energy industry to ensure security of supply. Natural gas has become the

preferred energy source for many countries looking to secure energy supply and

lower emission levels. While the industry is pushing the boundaries to increase

gas production, there is only so much that can be done with current


    Technological innovation is key to staying ahead of the game, and companies

supplying these technical solutions will play a significant role in developing

the world's resources. To highlight developments in gas technology, Gastech is

once again giving technical experts the stage to showcase their developments

for the gas industry at the CoTEs.

    The CoTEs are free-to-attend educational seminars located on the show

floor, and are led by high-level speakers from respected associations and

organisations. The CoTEs provide thought-provoking discussions dedicated to

delivering knowledge and awareness of technological innovations in the gas


    Taking place from 24-27 March at KINTEX 1, Korea the CoTEs feature nine

streams: Offshore & Subsea Technology; Power Generation; LNG as a Shipping

Fuel; LNG & Gas Carrier Shipbuilding; Liquefaction; Health, Safety, Security &

Environment; Gas Monetisation NGL/GTL;, Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs); and

Pipeline Infrastructure.

    "Technology has been fundamental in propelling exponential growth of the

gas industry over a relatively short amount of time. That is one of the reasons

why the CoTEs have been quickly established as one of the most anticipated

features of Gastech, attracting thousands of gas professionals. We look forward

to welcoming submissions from industry leaders to showcase innovation that will

play a role in driving the industry forward for decades to come." says Amanda

Basi, Content & Programme Manager for the Gastech CoTEs.

    Gastech is currently calling on all experts in gas technologies to speak at

the CoTEs. For more information please visit http://www.gastechkorea.com/cotes

or contact marketing@gastech.co.uk.

    About Gastech Conference & Exhibition

    Organised by dmg :: events, Gastech 2014 hosted by KOGAS, will bring

together thousands of commercial and technical industry professionals for

unrivalled networking, new business opportunities, the exchange of ideas and to

showcase the latest innovations, technologies and developments across the gas

value chain.


    Amanda BASI


    SOURCE: Gastech Conference & Exhibition




