◎順天ガーデンエキスポにこれまで174万人が来場 主催者が発表

The Committee of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013

◎順天ガーデンエキスポにこれまで174万人が来場 主催者が発表

AsiaNet 53327

共同JBN 0679 (2013.6.11)

【順天(韓国)2013年6月10日 PRN=共同JBN】4月16日に会期184日で始まった順天湾ガーデンエキスポはこれまで174万人の観客が訪れた、と主催者が7日に発表した。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/06/10/2013061014311071983.html





「ガーデン・オブ・ジ・アース(Garden of the Earth)」をテーマに開かれているエキスポはソウルの415キロ南に位置する順天で10月20日まで開催される。


会場には83種の庭園があり、異国情緒を満喫できる11カ所の展望台もある。さらにECOGEO 温室、順天文芸博物館、順天湾国際ウェットランドセンターが含まれる。


ソース: The Committee of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013  

Suncheon Expo Announces Visitors Tally, Greets 1.74 Million Visitors


SUNCHEON, South Korea, June 10, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The 184-day Suncheon Bay Garden exposition has attracted nearly 1.74 million

visitors since it opened on April 16, the event's organizer said on Friday.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/06/10/2013061014311071983.html )

"We are on schedule to reach our goal," an official from the organizer said,

curbing earlier concerns that the number of tourists may fall sharply due to

scorching heat.

The organizer said the daily number of visitors came to 42,722 through May 19,

far hovering above the original goal of 22,666.

With 136 more days to go, the number translates into 43.5 percent of the

envisioned goal of 4 million visitors, the organizers added. The number of

visitors hit the 1 million mark on May 16, 26 days after the opening ceremony.

"We are making efforts to tackle the heat by extending the water supply systems

and installing more parasols, as well as introducing nighttime performances,"

the official added.

The garden expo, which runs under the theme of "Garden of the Earth", will be

held in Suncheon, 415 kilometers south of Seoul, until Oct. 20.

The festival offers a wide range of exhibitions through four major districts --

Arboretum Zone, Wetland Center Zone, World Garden Zone, and Wetland Zone -- in

its venue of 1.11 million square meters.

The venue includes 83 types of gardens, including 11 sites boasting exotic

views, as well as the ECOGEO Greenhouse, the Suncheon Literary Museum and the

Suncheon Bay International Wetland Center.

Suncheon Bay, located near the exhibition site with its size reaching 2.6

million square meters, is also anticipated to be a major tourist destination

during the six-month event, the organizer added.

SOURCE The Committee of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea





