
Afimilk Ltd


AsiaNet 53468

共同JBN0737 (2013.6.24)

【アフィキム(イスラエル)2013年6月24日PRN=共同JBN】酪農検定・管理団体のCanWest DHIはこのほど、カナダのオンタリオ州地域にある2カ所の管理酪農場に最高評価認定を与えた。いずれもAfimilkの酪農管理システム(http://www.afimilk.com)を使用している。

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130624/622660-a

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130624/622660-b

家畜の全体的な成績のバロメーターとなる検定結果で、オンタリオ州Albadon Farms Ltdが1位になり、同州Summitholm Holsteinsが2位になった。成績の評価は乳の品質価値、乳房の健康度、初産の年齢、出産の間隔、寿命、家畜群の効率の6管理分野で検定された。

Albadon Farmsのジョッシュ・アイルランド氏は「われわれのAfimilkシステムは、高い出産率を達成する主要なツールであり、農場の収益率面で最も大切なもののひとつである」と語っている。


Summitholm Holsteins(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxyA7VgHTPc)のベン・ロウイズ氏は「当社にあるAfimilkシステムは、われわれが繁殖している牛の97%を探知している。残り3%は主として発情管理のCIDRデバイスなして飼育されているため、発熱がない」と語っている。




Afimilkは乳製品生産業者に向け、高品質ミルクの生産で利益を出すための技術、専門知識を提供している。Afimilkはミルク/乳牛センサーと管理ソフトウエアのリーダーであり、そのシステムは現在、5大陸の50カ国以上で稼働している。Afimilkの株主はKibbutz Afikim(アフィキム・キブツ)およびイスラエルの代表的な非公開投資会社であるFortissimo Capital(http://www.ffcapital.com)の2社である。



Ms. Noa Yonish

Marcom Manager



ソース:Afimilk Ltd

Afimilk Users Named Top Herd Managers for Ontario Canada


AFIKIM, Israel, June 24, 2013/ PRN=KYODO JBN / --

     The milk recording and herd management organization, CanWest DHI, has

pointed out the best two managed farms in the region of Ontario, Canada. Both

winners utilize Afimilk management systems [http://www.afimilk.com ].

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130624/622660-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130624/622660-b )

    Albadon Farms Ltd was rated first and Summitholm Holsteins second in a

monitoring process that serves as a barometer of overall herd performance. To

assess performance, six management areas are examined: milk value, udder

health, age at first calving, calving interval, longevity and herd efficiency.

    "Our Afimilk system is a major tool in achieving a high pregnancy rate, one

of the most important aspects of farm profitability," says Josh Ireland of

Albadon Farms, Ontario.

    Ireland points out that his Afimilk heat detection system has enabled a 55%

conception rate in contrast to 38% with all other methods. Labor savings has

been another benefit, as no time is spent on heat detection.

    Ben Loewith [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxyA7VgHTPc ] of Summitholm

Holsteins, Ontario, concurs. "Our Afimilk system detects 97 percent of the cows

we breed. The other three percent are mainly bred off a CIDR device, so there

are no signs of heat," he says.

    "Beyond the excellent heat detection, we use the system as a tremendous

tool for monitoring our parlor performance," continues Loewith. "As we make

changes to the parlor setup, either in the prep routine, milker settings or

hardware, we immediately see quantitative effects," he says. Further, according

to Loewith, the system enables comparison of milkers in the parlor to make sure

that everyone follows the same set of protocols.

    "Afimilk is essential in daily herd health monitoring," adds Josh Ireland.

"Sick cows and slow or sick fresh cows are flagged much sooner," continues

Ireland, "and just being able to look up each milking weight for each cow is

very important."

    "I am so happy with the use of Afimilk technology in managing our milking

herd," says top farmer Ireland.

    Afimilk provides dairy producers the technology and the knowledge to

profitably produce high quality milk. Afimilk is the leader in milk & cows

sensors and management software, with systems at work in more than 50 countries

on five continents. Kibbutz Afikim and Fortissimo Capital

[http://www.ffcapital.com ], Israel's leading private equity firm, are the two

shareholders in Afimilk.

    For more information, visit our website: http://www.afimilk.com

    CONTACT: Ms. Noa Yonish

             Marcom Manager



     SOURCE: Afimilk Ltd




