
Global Pacific & Partners


AsiaNet 53629

共同JBN 0802(2013.7.8)


【シンガポール2013年7月8日PRN =共同JBN】シンガポールで開催される第19回アジア・オイル・ウィーク2013(Asia Oil Week 2013)では、新しいビジネス機会が明らかにされる。



第19回アジア上流会議2013(Asia Upstream Conference 2013)は10月3、4の両日、シンガポールのグッドウッド・パーク・ホテルで開かれ、アジアの新しい未探査地区と上流部門事業の潜在的可能性について意見を交わす。討論の主なテーマは上流部門の事業機会、天然ガス-液化天然ガス(LNG)の潜在資源、深海の将来性、各国政府の政策、新規の入札案件と鉱区物件、リスクと投資、シェール・ガス、シェール石油、コールベッドメタンおよび石炭層メタン(CBM/CSM)の新しい未探査地区における潜在的可能性、ならびにアジア上流部門市場におけるオーストラリア企業である。

同会議に先立つ10月2日に開催される第22回アジア石油戦略ブリーフィング(Asia Petroleum Strategy Briefing)では、会議を主催するGlobal Pacific & Partners会長のダンカン・クラーク博士がアジアにおける探査・開発事業における競争的な上流石油部門と天然ガス-液化天然ガス(LNG)事業戦略についての詳細な検証を示す。同ブリーフィングはアジアだけでなく全世界においても最も長期間にわたって継続している戦略的報告会となっている。





ソース:Global Pacific & Partners

Asia and Australasia Pivot in Global Oil and Gas Game



    - 19th Asia Oil Week 2013 in Singapore reveals new business opportunities

    With many countries opening new frontiers, wider business opportunities for

the growing number of independents and fast-expanding state oil companies Asia

and Australasia have proven themselves to be a central pivot in the global oil

and gas game, which is critical to the economic future of the region. The 19th

Asia Oil Week will reveal the new exploration, production and development

business opportunities in this buoyant market.

    The 19th Asia Oil Week in Singapore, being a landmark event for Asia's

exploration industry, brings together keynote speakers from all over the world

and around 200 senior executives from super-majors, independents, government

and national oil companies to interface, network and negotiate deals.

    The 19th Asia Upstream Conference, on 3 and 4 October 2013 at the Goodwood

Park Hotel in Singapore, discusses Asia's emerging frontiers and upstream

potential. The key focus lies on the upstream opportunities, Gas-LNG potential,

deepwater futures, government policies, new bid rounds and acreage

opportunities, risks and investments, new frontier potential in shale gas/oil

and CBM-CSM and Australian companies in Asia's upstream market.

    On October 2nd, prior to the conference, during the 22nd Asia Petroleum

Strategy Briefing, chairman Dr. Duncan Clarke of Conference host Global Pacific

& Partners provides an in-depth examination of the competitive upstream oil and

gas-LNG strategies in Asian exploration and development. This briefing is the

longest-running strategy briefing held in Asia and even worldwide.

    "Asia's oil and gas game is moving into new territories, with established

producer countries and corporate players eyeing revised strategies. Some with

global ventures in mind, others with re-discovered frontiers across this vast

region, from Pakistan to New Zealand," Clarke states. "Independents have opened

new plays and state oil companies have shaped global exploration strategies,

while state licensing agencies and Ministries are now seeking more exploration

dollars in a globally competitive market."

    Numerous governments and leading oil/energy companies have confirmed

30-plus presentations - including from state oil/energy entities in Indonesia,

India, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Timor Leste. Special foci lie on Myanmar,

Southeast Asia, Australia, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, China, PNG and


    More information: http://www.globalpacificpartners.com

    Source: Global Pacific & Partners




