


AsiaNet 53972

共同JBN 0937 (2013.8.19)


ボーイング(Boeing 、NYSE:BA)、International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC)、アエロメヒコ航空(Aeromexico、BMV:AEROMEX)は17日、メキシコシティーに本拠を置く同航空会社が使用する最初の787ドリームライナーの引き渡し式を行った。







Boeing Commercial Airplanesの中南米、アフリカ、カリブ海地域の販売担当副社長、バン・レックス・ガリアルド氏は「今日という日はメキシコ、アエロメヒコ航空、ボーイングにとって素晴らしい日である」として次のように述べた。「ドリームライナーはアエロメヒコ航空に対して比類のない操作上の長所、燃料効率の大きな改善、大きなコスト低減を提供することになる。さらに、この機体は環境性能を著しく向上させている。アエロメヒコ航空の旅客に対しては、ドリームライナーは今までにない快適さ、優雅さ、いわば新しい飛行経験を提供する」

アエロメヒコ航空はILFCのリースによる航空機の引き渡しを受ける2番目の顧客である。Boeing Commercial Airplanesの販売、リース、資産管理担当副社長ビル・コリンズ氏は「今回の引き渡しは当社からILFCの顧客に対して行う702番目の機体になる」として次のように述べた。「世界の航空会社に最高の航空機を提供するというボーイングとILFCとの間の協力関係の証しになるものだ」




Hector Aburto




Andres Pereda


+52-55-9132 4964





Boeing and ILFC Deliver First 787 Dreamliner to Aeromexico


SEATTLE, Aug. 17, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Aeromexico to use 787 Dreamliner on key routes to North America, Europe, Asia

    Boeing [NYSE: BA], International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC) and

Aeromexico [BMV: AEROMEX] celebrated the first delivery of a 787 Dreamliner for

use by the Mexico City-based carrier today.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130315/MX77534LOGO )

    The airplane, delivered from Boeing's Everett, Wash., delivery center

Thursday, took off for Mexico City today.

    "The arrival of Aeromexico's first Boeing 787 Dreamliner represents a

milestone for the Mexican aviation history." Andres Conesa, chief executive

officer of Aeromexico said, "Our customers will surely benefit of the

world-class service that distinguishes Aeromexico, but now on board of the most

modern aircraft ever built."

    The airplane is the first of nine 787-8 airplanes that Aeromexico will

operate, including five on lease from ILFC. The airline will operate a total of

19 Dreamliners, including 10 787-9 models ordered last year.

    "This 787 Dreamliner delivery to Aeromexico is another milestone in our

four decade-long, strategic relationship with the airline and ILFC", said ILFC

Chief Executive Officer Henri Courpron. "ILFC obviously shares Aeromexico's

views that the 787 will deliver significant operational benefits and customer


    Aeromexico's 787 Dreamliners will be configured with 32 Clase Premier

lie-flat seats and 211 seats in economy class.

    "This is a great day for Mexico, Aeromexico, and for Boeing," said Van Rex

Gallard, vice president Sales, Latin America, Africa and Caribbean for Boeing

Commercial Airplanes. "The Dreamliner will provide Aeromexico with unrivaled

operational advantages, large improvements in fuel efficiency, much lower

costs. In addition, it is an airplane that provides significantly better

environmental performance. For Aeromexico's passengers the Dreamliner delivers

a new standard in comfort and elegance -- a new flying experience."

   Aeromexico is the second customer to take delivery of an airplane leased

through ILFC. "This delivery is the 702nd airplane we have delivered to ILFC

for its customers," said Bill Collins, vice president, Sales, Leasing and Asset

Management, for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "It is a testimony to the

partnership between Boeing and ILFC in supplying the best airplanes to airlines

around the world."

    The 787 Dreamliner is composed of durable composites and features numerous

system, engine and aerodynamic advancements providing airlines with unmatched

fuel efficiency using 20 percent less fuel than today's similarly sized

airplanes. Passengers also enjoy improvements on the 787 such as an interior

environment that is more comfortable and offers numerous passenger-pleasing

elements including bigger windows.

    To date, the 787 has accrued 930 orders from 57 customers worldwide.

   CONTACT: Hector Aburto




            Andres Pereda


            +52-55-9132 4964


    More information: www.boeing.com and http://www.aeromexico.com/  

    Photo and caption are available here: http://boeing.mediaroom.com

    SOURCE:  Aeromexico




