
EDF Energyロンドンアイ


AsiaNet 53987

共同JBN 0942 (2013.8.22)

【ロンドン2013年8月21日PRN=共同JBN】「EDF Energyロンドンアイ(大観覧車)」は21日、5000万人目の入場者を迎え、大きな節目に達した。






工学技術の偉業とも言えるロンドンアイでは常に革新が優先的に行われ、利用にも改良が重ねられてきた。近年は「4D」シネマが導入され、カプセルもエアコンの改良でグレードアップされ、全体の炭素排出量も削減された。さらにインタラクティブなタッチ・スクリーンによる多言語の案内が導入され、眼下の素晴らしい景色の説明が行われている。地上135メートルで楽しむ3コースの食事「Pimm’s Experience and Dining at 135」など楽しい新サービスが提供され、リピーター客を増やそうとしており、実際に観覧客の24%がリピーターになっている。

Merlin Entertainmentsの部門役員デービッド・シャープ氏は「2000年3月の開場以来ビジターが5000万人になったことはロンドンアイの人気を物語っている。ロンドンアイはロンドンのスカイラインを彩る建造物の中でも最も目立ち、愛されているものの一つになっている。現在では、ビッグベン、タワーブリッジ、国会議事堂と並んでロンドンの一部になっており、当社もこの節目に到達したことを非常に喜んでいる。ロンドンは世界最高の都市で、ロンドンアイはそれを見るための最高の場所だ。今後、次の5000万人の観客をここで迎えたいと思っている」と述べた。

▽EDF Energyロンドンアイに関する事実と数字






 *大観覧車のNo. 2カプセルだけが特別の名前を持っている。「コロネーション・カプセル(Coronation Capsule)」という名前は2013年6月にエリザベス女王戴冠式60周年を記念して改称されたもの。







ソース:EDF Energy London Eye

50 Million Milestone for the EDF Energy London Eye


LONDON, Aug. 21, /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -

     Today the EDF Energy London Eye reached an impressive milestone by

welcoming its 50 millionth visitor.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Just over 13 years ago in March 2000, the London Eye opened its doors to

the public for the first time and has since welcomed everyone from homeless

charities to Royalty and guests of all ages from countries all over the globe,

on the 135m high observation wheel.

    To commemorate the milestone, London Eye staff greeted the Anderson family

as they prepared to board and treated them to a special celebratory Champagne

Experience in their own private capsule.

    In the past 13 years, the London Eye has become the symbol of modern

London, hosting the New Years Eve fireworks each year since 2001, being the

centrepiece for the Olympics closing ceremony and turning red, white and blue

for the birthday of HRH Prince George, positioned proudly at the heart of

everything happening in the city. It has become as synonymous with London as

the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles, or the Opera

House in Sydney.

    Originally only due to open for five years, people the world over have

taken the London Eye into their hearts and the great wheel has now been granted

lifelong permission in its position on the South Bank of the River Thames.

    Being a feat of engineering, innovation has always been a priority at the

London Eye and the experience continues to be improved upon. Over the years a

4D cinema experience has been introduced, capsules have been upgraded to

improve air temperature control and reduce overall carbon emissions, as well as

the introduction of interactive touch screen guides in several languages,

giving guests more information on the breathtaking views. Exciting new products

such as a Pimm's Experience and Dining at 135, a three course dining

experience, are also now on offer giving guests plenty of reasons to return,

with an impressive 24% of guests currently doing just that.

    David Sharpe, Divisional Director at Merlin Entertainments, commented: "To

reach 50 million visitors since our opening in March 2000 is a testament to the

popularity of the London Eye, a structure that has become one of the most

recognisable and well-loved sights in the London skyline. It is now as integral

to the capital's silhouette as Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the Houses of

Parliament and we are very proud to reach this milestone. London is the best

city in the world and the London Eye is the best place to see it from; we are

looking forward to welcoming the next 50 million guests in the years to come."

    EDF Energy London Eye - Facts and Figures

    - In one year the London Eye will rotate 7668 times, or 2300 miles, as far

as from London to Cairo in Egypt, home to other wonders of the world. This

means that since opening, the London Eye has turned more than 30,000 miles; 1.2

times around the world and one eighth of the distance to the Moon.

    - The circumference of the wheel is 424m (1,392ft) - meaning that if it

were unravelled, it would be 100m taller than the Eiffel Tower.

    - The height of the London Eye is 135m (443ft - equivalent to 64 red

telephone boxes piled on top of each other), making it the sixth tallest

structure in London after the BT Tower, Tower 42, 30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin),

One Canada Square in Canary Wharf and the Shard.

    - Supermodel Kate Moss holds the record for the UK celebrity that's enjoyed

the most rotations, standing at 25, and Hollywood star Jessica Alba holds the

record for an overseas celebrity that's enjoyed the most rotations, standing at


    - The London Eye receives more visitors annually than ancient wonders of

the world like the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge and even the Great Pyramids of Giza

    - Only capsule number two has a special name: the Coronation Capsule, which

was re-named in June 2013 to honour the 60th anniversary of the Queen's


    - Since opening there have now been 5000 proposals (that we know of), 512

weddings, 22 civil partnerships, and over 1.5million glasses of Champagne

consumed on the London Eye - one of the most romantic locations in the world.

    - The London Eye featured in the opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympics as

Daniel Craig flew past in a helicopter with the Queen, and a representation of

the London Eye was central to the Olympics closing ceremony.

    - The London Eye donates an average of GBP800,000 to charity each year as

part of the section 106 agreement.

    - The London Eye has played a significant role in the regeneration of the

South Bank which is now a cultural hub and has the highest foot fall in London,

over 22 million people per year.

    Notes to Editors:

    Visit http://www.londoneye.com for more offers and details on how to make


Source: EDF Energy London Eye




